Any dogs that are crossed with a Poodle will be low shed. I have Schnoodle, and highly recommend them, although they do need quite a bit of attention. Schnauzers are also low shed, and same with Bichon Frises. It depends on what sort of dog you are after, do you want a small fluff monster, or a slightly bigger dog that requires more exercise and attention.
2006-12-25 10:51:18
answer #1
answered by Doozer B 2
You said you wanted a dog that could be inside AND outside. None of the dogs mentioned here can be left outside. NO DOG SHOULD BE LEFT OUTSIDE. But if you leave one of these dogs out, they will be dead in the morning.
SO, I would suggest you do not get a dog until you can have one inside all the time. My grandson and I are both allergic. You get a dog that doesn't shed and is hypoallergenic. I have two Maltese and I have no problems. Search the Internet for them and you will see a list that people like your father can be around and not be affected by them. Dander has a lot to do with it too, not just the shedding.
There are many dog breeds to choose from.
2006-12-25 11:00:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have a smaller dog (20 lbs.) that can jump an 8 ft. fence. Its usually the larger breeds that have difficulty with such a jump. And all dogs shed...please don't believe the hype that the poodle mixes don't shed and are "hypoallergenic." It isn't true.
How about a Basset Hound? They are pretty low to the ground and are pretty heavy. They'd have difficulty jumping that fence. And they won't shed as much as the fluffier breeds will (but they will still shed).
2006-12-25 11:18:34
answer #3
answered by Pink Denial 6
I had a dog like that too! She routinely tore through crates, walls, doors, windows, etc. She could jump anything, dig under anything, etc. She actually jumped out our 2nd story bathroom window when we accidently shut her in the room for a couple hours. She caused thousands and thousands of dollars worth of damage, but we loved her nontheless.
As for a small dog - look in shelters for poodle mixes. There will be some large ones, but smaller 30ish pounds ones are also common.They're being dumped at shelters now that the "doodle" fad has been around for a few years.
2006-12-25 10:55:43
answer #4
answered by maguire1202 4
Jack Russle Terriers are short haired and don't shed much, though they are very hyperactive. Try to pick one with a mellow demeanor.
2006-12-25 10:55:15
answer #5
answered by norcalmystic 1
LOL - sounds like you have had a Jack Russell experience!
Here are some low-allergy low-shedding breeds:
Read each breed's profile & see which one fits your lifestyle best - good luck!
2006-12-25 11:08:36
answer #6
answered by mustanglynnie 5
Yorkies are wonderful dogs and good companions and they don't shed (Yorkshire terrier)
2006-12-25 10:50:05
answer #7
answered by harley w 4
Boston terriers are good dogs
2006-12-25 10:51:57
answer #8
answered by kat_luvr2003 6
whippet ckeck them out they are good dogs have one thats lab and whippet
2006-12-25 10:49:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
chinese crested-they r naked and ugly but hey
toy poodle
go to
for a little help
hope i helped MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
2006-12-25 10:49:42
answer #10
answered by **Lizz** ♥ 2