Dogs usually grow up either very timid or very aggressive when they are deprived of a lot of socialization as pups. When a pup doesn't get the chance to experience a lot of different places, people, and other animals it grows up not knowing how to cope with new things (and reverts to instinct: fight or flee).
Your Chi's timidity can be helped by taking him to socialization classes; by making sure your own actions are predictable and not frightening to him; and by not reinforcing the timid behavior (e.g., don't mollycoddle him when he's fearful; by holding or cuddling him when he's scared, you're actually telling him that it's OK to be timid).
You can also give him floral essence drops in his food/water that are aimed at helping to naturally chemically curb the fearful behavior (such as "Rescue Remedy"). We use that at the shelter.
We also use DAP devices. These are units that plug into an outlet (like those scented air room freshners), but instead of giving off a floral scent, they give off the pheromone scent of a lactating mama dog. The scent helps to calm the shelter dogs because the place smells like "mom" to them. These are available on-line at places like
2006-12-25 12:27:08
answer #1
answered by Fetch 11 Humane Society 5
Try looking at the world from his point of view.
Everything is huge and scary. Chis can be very timid dogs.
They are either very timid and scared of everything or aggressive little monsters. Be glad you have the timid type.
Socialize him in low key settings with family and no loud or fast moving type things. If you can take him out to the pet store and walk around while holding him. You could also try some puppy classes.
Some dogs are going to be very shy by nature and some never get overly confidant in social settings.
With some time he should get somewhat better. Just do not try to force to much on him at once.
2006-12-25 19:26:33
answer #2
answered by tlctreecare 7
It's probably nothing you did wrong, chi's can be that way, very common.
Take him to puppy kindergarten or a toy play group. Puppy play groups usually go to abou 14 months old.
Take her with you to the petstore or any other places dogs are allowed. He will be shy at first With consistent exposure to new environments he can adapt to new situations and not be as scared.
You can also take him to some conformation classes. Even if you don't want to show, both of you can gain some excellent handling advice and experience.
Good luck!
2006-12-25 19:16:34
answer #3
answered by dog's best friend 4
How long have you had him??? Did he have a previous owner before you??? If he did, maybe the owner abused him which taught him to be scared. Maybe he's just like that because he's still young. Try getting him used to being around people and have them give him a lot of attention to show him that we are nice people. : ) Also, if you don't have him socialized, he could turn out to be aggressive. The best thing to do is spend as much time as possible with him.
2006-12-25 19:04:11
answer #4
answered by Cassaundra R 2
Socialize him with other people and animals. Mine is known as The Demon Seed because he is so mean to people. But I chose to not socialize him with too many people.
2006-12-25 19:00:54
answer #5
answered by digorbat11 2
did u rape it, jk man chiwawas r just scared leik that here check out this site, , k
2006-12-25 19:08:30
answer #6
answered by sexy back 1 1
that dog will always be that way
2006-12-25 18:59:50
answer #7
answered by kat_luvr2003 6