I have a two year old garter snake that is refusing to eat. I had him on pinkies and he did well with them, would eat them with no problems. He will no longer eat them. I have tried feeder guppies and comets, he refuses them also. I am now trying nightcrawlers. He has not eaten in almost over two weeks. The temperature in his terrarium is between 75 and 80. The humidity is at about 50%. I know his refusal to eat is not due to his shedding of his skin, that occurred last month. I have tried looking on several websites about garter snakes, and also some forums. I have called several reptile and pet stores only to come up empty handed with very much needed input. My next step, of course, is to take him to the vet. Hopefully, it won't come to that. I appreciate any advice or suggestions that anyone may have.
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