She is not sick, I let her outside four to five times a day, she gets plenty of i don't know if she does it out of boredem or what. She was hous broken when we got her, I just have no idea why she does what she is just absolutely insane! She urines in the house everywhere, I have tried sprays, nuetralizers, training pads, newspaper, everything, she just seems to ignore every thing and urinates somewhere in the house.....I just wonder if there are any other suggestions that might work....she is just a regular manchester sort of terrier mixed with something else...but I just really need suggestions...I have tried lots of different things to help her, but she just keeps going and doing her buisness everywhere, one moment shes wagging her tail happy the next she zips in a room and pees everywhere in the room, and she acts as if she has never done it until you see it. any help would do fine, thank you :)
8 answers
asked by
Daughter of a Coma Guy