Siamese Cat lives in Neighborhood, HE is a stray. HE, is a very visible Male unneutered Cat. He appeared to be thin about two months ago, (It is very hot here). He has been coming to eat the food We leave on the front porch. I was gone for almost two weeks, but Family still put food, and fresh water out everyday. When I came home His stomach was distended, (swollen). I caught Him with a net, and brought Him inside. My Cat book said possible Roundworms. So I treated Him for that, but no worms. He eats, drinks, eliminates, and has a temperature of 102.7. Normal is 101.5 to 102.5. He is under My bed. Any suggestions about the swelling? He seems fine. The problem with the vet is that I can not get Him to go inside Our pet carrier. I had to fight like everything to do what I have done. Please any helpful answers. And HE IS NOT A SHE, AND IS NOT PREGNANT, That is the one thing I am very certain about. He is getting old, and has lost some teeth. I call Him Blue.
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