We have a four month old alsation/ dalmation (?) cross puppy that we rescued off the streets at roughly 6weeks old. he was from a litter of 10 and first to venture out with his mum. He is very lively but he bites for attention, bites with aggression, bites when we say no or try to control him, bites when playing etc.... I hope this is normal and and not a character fault that will never change. we have tried all the techiniques: spraying with water, acting like scary monsters, restraining his movements about the house etc. plus firm commands of ´no` - even tried dog whispering techniques with baring of teeth and no noise, nothing seems to deflate his sense of dominant dog! Expecpt when he goes out on the lead and then he is afraid of all other dogs and is as good as gold! His biting is waring us down... Is he too young? Could his Pedrigree Chum be making him more aggressive? he seems worse after eating. Though he only obeys us when he is about to get his food.
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