My family and I might move in to the neighborhood right across the street and we might build a house on some land in the country. There are a couple of metal buildings right down a hill from the house site. ( Not a big hill or anything.) I was thinking about if we buy the land we could make one of the metal buildings liveable and turn it into a little apartment and I could live in it when I'm 16 or 17. (Right now I'm 13.) Do you think that would be a good idea? I do get scared easily at night. ( I'll grow out of that, and that rarely happens, only when I start thinking about scary movies.) What do you think would be the right age to move into the apartment and what should I put in it. The apartment would have a bedroom, a living room, possibly a kitchenette (all three of those would be like one big room kinda.) It would also have a bathroom. Thank you to anyone who answers in advance! One last thing, are there any do's and don'ts someone could offer up.
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