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Injuries - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

i fell off my trampoline and cut my leg wide open on a brick, and i poked my bone with my finger and i havent went to the doctor yet and its extrememly infected but i dont have health insurance, what should i do?

2007-06-21 06:24:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

do i need to go get another shot. the doctor told me i would be fine but they didnt look up my record. they finaly did and it said the in november of this year it would be 10 years ago. i steped on it on sunday and it is now thursday. will it matter if i dont go get anouther one?

2007-06-21 06:19:00 · 15 answers · asked by jodij2493 1

My husband (50 years old) is undergoing "acu pressure" treatments, after he got up 1 morning with a stiff/swollen right arm. He found it helpful and his arm is nearly back to normal, but since then he's been advised to take salt with his coffee!!

2007-06-21 05:02:45 · 6 answers · asked by Lorraine T 1

I know that in babies, a lot of cartilage turns to bone as they grow, but how common or likely is it that cartilage will turn to bone in a teenager or adult? Say a broken or fractured bone heals not bone on bone, but with cartilage...will that stay cartilage forever or will it eventually harden and turn into bone?

2007-06-21 04:25:59 · 2 answers · asked by yea 3

He got a mosquito bite yesterday morning on his eyebrow. This morning he woke up and his whole eyelid was swollen. What can she do to make the swelling go away?

2007-06-21 03:54:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had surgery on my foot almost a year ago to remove a couple bone fragments. And now it has healed but the scar area is tingly and numb and the area around it looks indented. Why?

2007-06-20 19:20:40 · 6 answers · asked by skibum_us 1

im getting it done tomorrow and i was wondering how long should i wait until i can go into a pool or does it matter?

2007-06-20 16:26:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

thanks x

2007-06-20 11:21:56 · 9 answers · asked by Rachel 6

i steped on my belt buckle (the part that goes in to the hole) and it went in to the ball of my foot like like in midddle maybe 1 in and 1/2 below the 2nd and 3rd toe its not to deep that it will need stichs but i have to go to batonge rouge, la on friday for 9 days to fix a house and it hurts walk on it an suggations i should do make it more commterble to walk on it and a good way to clean it also i used proxide and nesporan and bandaides keep fallin off my foot well thx in advance

2007-06-20 09:28:15 · 3 answers · asked by Jane M 3

I just accidently slammed my pointer finger aganist my door nob. I just put ice on it. As soon as I take the Ice off My hurt finger heats up fast.I can move it, but it feels like there is a wieght on it andit hurts at the bottom of it.I hurts between the pointer/middle join. There is a bump there.

Please help

2007-06-20 09:08:27 · 4 answers · asked by Chibicho 1

If so, How? And Will it hurt? Can you put it back? What can you do?

2007-06-20 08:51:10 · 6 answers · asked by ♥Innocence♥ 1

I was at the beach with my friend and the weather was really cloudy, so being genius's we layed out just with or clothes thinking we would be fine.
Little did we know you can still get burnt.

I know have the worst burn i have ever had on the back of my legs and shoulders.
I can barely walk because it hurts so bad...
Any suggestions for pain or swelling or how to help it heal faster? Thanks

2007-06-20 08:14:13 · 18 answers · asked by felicia 3 2

what if you can't get to a doctor because you don't have enough money to check your shoulder out. i have had my shoulder problem since early october and it is still hurting. any helping hints to help get ride of the pain without going to the doctor.

2007-06-20 02:54:30 · 3 answers · asked by Mel/Mary Ellen E 1

I had a multiple hairline fracture of my 5th metatarsal on my left foot over 2 and a half years ago. A podiatrist said that the damage wasn't bad and they didn't need to rebreak it. But I have had trouble with my foot ever since. My foot throbs continuously and just the other day I was climbing up on a bank and my foot really started to hurt. The throbbing became painful and my foot began cracking and popping. I can't flex my foot and can walk on it, but can't put much pressure on it. My foot almost feels like it needs to be put back in place- almost like when you crack your back or a joint to make it feel better? Once the foot "cracks back in place" it relieves the pain a little bit.

I am really at a loss here. I always felt that my foot never healed properly. The pain and throbbing is on the side of my foot close to my ankle. The throbbing can actually be felt like a pulse and with rest it isn't getting better.
What could possibly be the problem? Did I reinjure my foot?

2007-06-20 00:07:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had a broken leg from running into a fat girl colliding with her at the corner(I was only little and she was big) broken arm from falling out of a tree when I was little broken chin from being pushed around on a bike(when I was in kindergarden) without brakes by an older kid and it ran into a rock. Ive also chipped my tooth going over the handle bars of a bike, busted my knuckle on the t.v. set. Multiple scars on my face from cutting myself up with a razor blade. I've also got scizophrenia and yer I guess you could say I feel a little beat up huh?

2007-06-19 22:03:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i sprained my ankle about 3 weeks ago playing bball. it was pretty bad swelling, but went away after about a week. also took me about 2 weeks to walk around normally (i was able to hobble after about 10 min), but there is still a little swelling in the ankle. also, i have pain on the top of my ankle when i try running (sharp pain) (it feels like a tendon or something) and a duller pain if i press the side of my ankle bone. if i ice it the pain goes away for a bit. any clue on the best treatment for my ankle?? thanks.... oh and i didn't RICE cuz i've never had an ankle sprain before and didn't realize it was this bad. now i rice though.

2007-06-19 16:58:30 · 7 answers · asked by Branshaw 4

I am wanting to get a reduction. I have been having lots of shoulder pain, back pain and its hard for me to exersize. I have complained about it to a few doctors and they documented it for me. I have had MRIs done on my back and I've had a few shots in my back for the pain but those made me break out. Anyway my Doctor told me he thinks it would be a good idea and gave me a name of a plastic surgen to call. Which I will do tomrrow. I have GHP and my doctor says if we documant it really well the insurance will help pay for one. Has anyone ever had one done if so was it resently. Did your health insurance help pay for it? If so did You have GHP or does anyone know on average what persentage the insurance will pay for?

2007-06-19 16:56:27 · 5 answers · asked by anglzndskyz2 2

alright i like stubbed it the other week, but it was the most serious stub ever, its hurt this whole week and it swelled up alot more than my other toe, and i just restubbed it, so much pain just when i stub it, not really when i walk

and i can crack it back and worth, kind of weird...but my parents said not much they can do about a broken pinky toe if its not too serious...should i just buddy tape it, ice it, or get it checked out?

2007-06-19 16:28:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is a pulled ligament in the knee

2007-06-19 16:21:43 · 4 answers · asked by angel351303 1

My shoulder has been messed up since about 2 weeks prior to spring break. I don't know what I did to it but I can't put a whole lot of weight on it anymore and I tried to bench 140lbs and I couldnt even get 85lbs anymore. It also pops and grinds like crazy when i rotate it. If anyone knows what may be wrong please help me.

2007-06-19 15:52:16 · 4 answers · asked by Lanadogg 1

Can the girls in the stunt be injured?

Can the guy be injured and how?

Thanks for the details.

2007-06-19 15:52:11 · 3 answers · asked by gogoal 1

I separated my AC joint in my shoulder! I know terrible right!? Well I need to know how long it will be until I can play baseball again and is there any way I can injure it more? Thank you

2007-06-19 15:34:42 · 2 answers · asked by Frankie G 1

I had surgery on May 26th to have a plate and 10 screws inserted because of a broken humerus. I had staples to close the incision and they were removed on June 8th. I then got steri-stripes to cover the incision until it was fully healed. The ends of the stripes are starting to peel off and it's fully scabbed over.

The lady i babysit for is an e.r nurse and she looked at my arm and said if I wanted to take them off, I probably could. I just wanted more opinions. So is it ok to take them off? Also, how do i take them off without ripping the scab off?

2007-06-19 14:43:31 · 9 answers · asked by twoxoneminusone 2

My left side hurts all across my ribs, it feels like someone keeps bunching me and it hurts really bad. No i wasnt in a fight but its been like this for three or four days...please help me cause i really dont want to have go to the hospital!!!!Please and thank you

2007-06-19 14:19:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had an accident on October last year, and the first dr sent me back to work lite duty then I was still on pain. I changed doctors then the other dr ordered an MRI and It showed that I had an herniated disc and the mri report explained the pain but once the insurance contacted the dr the dr changed his mind and changed his report he said I am doing very well but I am still under pain and they want to settel my case for 10 thousand. My lawyer said its a good option since the dr said I am doing very well ebven though the mri report and the independent dr report. I sense he might be on insurance side what Can I do ? I am in georgia.

2007-06-19 13:22:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

And I'm sure there is something not right with it. My appointment to see the consultant has now been pushed back three times and I'm not going to be seeing him for another month. I tried to explain that I thought there was a problem but they said to go to my GP if I was worried. My GP is not a knee specialist, he doesn't know the ins and outs of the specific procedure I have had and has told me this, what should I do now?

2007-06-19 13:03:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last summer on July 7th I went to church camp and I got hit in the head with a rock. The rock was huge so I started to bleed really bad... They called my parents and they came to get me and I went to the hospital to get 8 staples in my head. The doctor did not numb me so I could feel everything. It is still hurting really bad.... It hasn't heeled at all!!!!! I have been to the doctor over and over and he said he can't do anything about it....

Has this happened to anyone and how did you stop the pain?

2007-06-19 11:46:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can move a tendon or ligament. Its what is on top of bone. On my right hand I can't feel the ligament or tendon.

Its been this way since Monday.

Don't tell me to see a dr I can't cause I don't have the money.

2007-06-19 10:54:45 · 6 answers · asked by Koter Boters misses Rufus! 6

i've broken my thumb when i slambed it in the door(of course of accident),my leg when jumping out of a way high tree,my wrist when i attempted a 32 stair rail and fell off and stupidly put my arm out to break my fall(wich instead broke my wrist),i broke my ankle in my first attempt at the crooks dark slide,and i broke my hand in softball when the other team had a terrible pitcher (i did it two days ago so im typing with only my left hand and it took about 4 mins for me to type this out)

2007-06-19 10:17:53 · 15 answers · asked by enties-rider 2

About 4 years ago I was at a party with some people I worked with at the time and I was talking with some people outside when this guy that I had a few problems with at work came out of no where and picked me up (my waist was up to his shoulders, that's how high he picked me up) and then just threw me on the ground, basically body-slammed me. I really have no idea why he did it. I black-out for a split second and when I came to..I heard people saying "you could've killed her, is she dead?" Yeah, it was that bad. Anyways, I was crying so hard because of the pain and someone finally drove me home. I tried to sleep it off but by the morning it hurt so bad that I told my mom (since I was living with her at the time) and she took me to the ER. They ran x-rays and found out I had air pockets in my chest, bursed lung, and a small hint of blood in my urine. Well my question is can I go back and sue the people that lived there? He was a waiter and has no money!

2007-06-19 08:25:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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