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Injuries - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

I have a bump on my head, a little below my ear (where my hair is) - it has been there for a least a few years. Should this be something to be concerned about?

Also, I hit my head on concrete a few years ago - I don't know if this is the same exact spot, but this hit caused me to black out. This might NOT have anything to do with my current bump, though...just a thought.

What could this be? I am 15. Thank you.

2007-06-09 16:32:02 · 3 answers · asked by Lakisha 2

after a scoliosis surgery and your out of the hospital.. and like after a year will you be able to go back to the sports you did before?? like dancing will you still be able to bend your back? will you be about to move like you use to move before?

2007-06-09 15:54:53 · 2 answers · asked by c.m.t 4

I have bent toes, and was wondering if there was any cure to make it straight? I think the bent toes are due to the shoes I have been wearing and maybe the way I walk and the pressure I am giving to my feet/toes. All the toes in my left feet are bent towards the left and all the toes in my right feet are bent towards the right! Any way to make them straight? I hate showing off my feet in flipflops because they look deformed!!!!

Also, one time I think I wore these really tight shoes for a very long time and after I took off my shoes, my big toe had a bit of a purple bruise! It didn't hurt and NOBODY stepped on my foot and I don't know why it's not going away! WHAT TO DO? I have to use nail polish to cover up that purple bruise on my big toe!!! It's ugly to be shown!


2007-06-09 15:32:59 · 3 answers · asked by asdamuffins26 1

I have had a root canal done a few years ago. Like say about 10 yrs ago. Recently the root canal has been brakeing off sence April of this year. I don't think its broken off anymore though. The Silver thing is showing whatever it is.Its sorta sore When I chew on it but it don't hurt. IT feels weird. Also I was brushing my teeth & I noticed theres a little blood there while I was brushing. I don't know if it was there before or after. Can Anyone tell me what I should do?

2007-06-09 15:23:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-09 15:23:14 · 4 answers · asked by Lily 2

2007-06-09 15:10:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I accidently slammed my foot into my excersize machine the pain was & still is awfull 24 hrs later. I caught my little toe which is now quite swollen & slightly bruised.Walking was almost impossible yesterday a bit easier today. Nurofens not helping much. Surely if it was broken i wouldnt be able to walk at all ???

2007-06-09 14:36:05 · 15 answers · asked by snoopy 2

not able to straighten the swelling went down last night while I'm typing this it hurts to punch a key with it. by the way its my ring finger on my left hand. other than pain killers and ice what should I do. should I go get it looked at?

2007-06-09 14:23:28 · 10 answers · asked by swimmergirl247 4

Serious Question

2007-06-09 14:05:25 · 7 answers · asked by Arizona 2

Whenever I move my wrist in circular motions in either direction there are numerous cracking noises. If any one could provide help on this I would be most gratefull. I have seen a doctor and been told it isnt arthritis. What could this be?

2007-06-09 13:28:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

got up to put a tape in the vcr i triped because i cant lift my right foot, which i cant use! that muscle that lifts my right foot is not asleep but i cant use it so if its a stroke that only affects that part of my leg, ordid i get nerve damage from sleeping with my legs crossed?

2007-06-09 12:57:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


Yesterday as I was cooking, I cut my finger a little deep. I could see white stuff in the finger. it was bleeding for about 3 hours and today I got some buterfly stitches at the pharmacy. The knife i got the cut wasn't very rusty but it was a little bit. How do I know if I should get a tetanus shot? what are the symptoms? Thanks for help

2007-06-09 12:46:27 · 11 answers · asked by dianndeltol 2

i have this cut on the inside of my lip near the gums of my bottom teeth. It is white and circular. It hurts to wat talk and brush my teeth. I have dipped a Q-Tip in hydrogen peroxide and swabbed it a few times and that hasn't worked. What should i do?

2007-06-09 12:09:28 · 8 answers · asked by jellybeanqueen 3

about a month ago i was helpin my bf move and hurt my rotator cuff. than two weeks later i was reachin for somethin with the arm of the shoulder and heard a pop in my shoulder and some bones move, my shoulder felt better after that. a few days after that my shoulder flared up real bad it hurt so much i almost cried. i went to doc got shoulder immobilizer and cortizone but not into muscle. than today i moved my shoulder and again some bones moved in it and i feel way better. will it flare up again, why does this happen?

2007-06-09 11:31:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-09 10:30:07 · 1 answers · asked by gabriel g 1

Im trying to make it in music, I can rap well and flow with the beat well and always been good with music.. singing i do good, but i wanna do better with vocals.. like when i try to make a light type of voice (Im a guy) It like makes a wierd sound, lol. How can i fix this other than practacing singing cause i already do that.

2007-06-09 10:16:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

if the cut was about 2 1/2 inches long and pretty deep?
my brother cut his hand and i was wondering how long it would take for them to get taken out.?

2007-06-09 10:15:33 · 5 answers · asked by MaryAnn 2

I sprained my ankle a week ago. I went in and had xrays 6 days ago and got the all clear. My ankle is still extremely swollen as is my foot. I was grabbing my foot earlier and let go and there was a huge indention where my fingers were, its gross. I can't find any shoes that will fit that foot.
I keep it elevated as much as possible, I'm alone with a 2 year old.
Ok now for the strange part. There is a very minimal amount of pain. I can walk just fine as long as I don't go crazy flexing my foot. I do get some pain if I put my weight on it and turn, and I do get a dull pain that radiates from the swollen knob on my ankle lol, it also sort of burns, kind of like in a circle around ankle/calf if that makes sense. The top of my foot is hurting but I think its from the swelling, I had this swelling in my foot when I was pregnant and had the same kind of pain there then as i do now..

I hurt it by jogging outside and hitting a root in the ground.. I did/do ice and heat and ibup

2007-06-09 10:11:38 · 5 answers · asked by mjmjam2002 2

My doctor told me to take aderol (Don't know if i spelled that right) Which is a type of speed. It's because i can't concentrate in class.. currently in highschool. Anyways is it bad for me? Or will it effect me later in life? If so please let me know! It does help yes, but i can help myself to it will just be alot harder, and i'd rather help myself the hard way if this is going to effect me later in my life.

2007-06-09 09:08:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a veinogram procedure on my left leg .It is swollen in two parts of my left leg.My lower calf and upper calf.My right leg is normal and no swelling has occurred.I was in an accident when I was younger but my left leg was not that effected from the accident.But from the veinogram, now it just is very noticable, and I feel uncomfortable wearings shorts and dresses sometimes.I went to a doctor at the NYC Hospital and I am very unhappy with his services.I just would like to know I should try to get plastic surgery on my leg or if you know of another procedure?
I am very young and healthy woman.I am only 18 years old.

2007-06-09 08:37:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a recurring knee problem tht occurs frm time to time..I used to be an athlete and soccer player...the problem started when I was 20...Now I'm 27 and still it happens when I try to play some casual soccer..Although I suspect it to be Grade 1, I would like to know a rehab program, so I could strengthen my muscles and leg..Thank you.

2007-06-09 08:21:14 · 3 answers · asked by sathya 1

is it true you can not speed up... only walk at the pace you do every day
I asked my 77 yr old mother to please try to walk a little faster.
she says she can not..does the mind turn off. meaning you can not tell you legs to move faster..

2007-06-09 07:44:59 · 2 answers · asked by blueeyestx53 2

He fell of a curb awkwardly and can't walk on his leg. Just above the knee there is a medium sized bump and it's causing him alot of pain? Anyone know what is wrong?

2007-06-09 07:36:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I broke my ankle yesterday and i am having trouble getting around my house, and up and down stairs because my room is upstairs. I also am having trouble getting in and out of the car and i am being rubbed raw by the crutches what do i do?

2007-06-09 06:49:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this REALLY smaill blister but it hurts.. what should I do. I know NOT to put Ice or butter on it, because it makes it hurt worse... but.. what can I do..?I don't think this is very serious, but I could be wrong. Its probable as big as two rice grains put together if you want the truth, but it still hurts.Should I be more concerned about it? I know thats kinda stupid, but still. Thanks for all your help!! (BTW: If you want to know what heppened,I was getting a cake out of the oven, and my hand slipp just a lil bit, and it got on there... once again, its REALLY tiny..)

2007-06-09 06:44:46 · 9 answers · asked by cookiedough 3

A few years ago, I lost myself. Everyday I just feel like I'm in a dream or something, I'm numb all over and whenever I clinch my fists, I can't feel anything. I feel like a ghost or something, and it keeps me from doing stuff i want to do. and i get these real bad attacks where i lose sense and wonder where am i and whats going on. what diasese is this?

2007-06-09 03:55:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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