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Injuries - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries


Fix a bruise on the thigh. Im gonna have it checked today.. but just curious, is there anyway to heal it on your own?

2007-06-09 03:25:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-08 23:29:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-08 23:03:20 · 2 answers · asked by mysti t 2

Please don't preach about the whole "Dont cut yourself you could bleed to death" as right now I'm gonna get help for it. I've been cutting myself with an x-acto knife below my left thumb, there's about 5 cuts horizontaly, which I cut 3 days ago. Right now it hurts when I touch it, and I can see a red background over it. Please keep in mind that I always use perfume on my cuts and over the x-acto knife to dissenfect it, and I put a bandage on it. Is it infected? How bad is it to be infected? It is severe?

2007-06-08 17:55:44 · 4 answers · asked by RoseyX 1

I'm applying for a job Monday an to asure my success of getting it do you have any suggesstions? I have no worked steady this past year due to me having surgery and my son having cancer, give to some ideas I really need to make money at this time.

2007-06-08 17:22:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two weeks ago, I fell down 14 stairs and sprained both my left knee and ankle. Last night, I fell out of bed and sprained the right knee and ankle. I can barely walk - the first doctor told me not to put any weight on the right leg, and now this doctor is telling me not to put any weight on the left leg. I'm on crutches - a wheelchair isn't an option with stairs and such. I keep falling and crashing into things, because my legs aren't strong enough to support me. I see a gen. med doctor on Tuesday, and the sports medicine specialist on the 18th. However, now both feet/knees are going numb/tinkly, and one ankle is significantly paler then the other. Is there anything I can do in the mean time to help with the pain, swelling, etc? I've been icing it. Also, any tips on how to get around the house easier?

2007-06-08 08:29:22 · 1 answers · asked by runawaytrain006 2

I have a broke leg, my question is if u dont have a cast on and ur foot and angle and leg r swollen will it still heal properly.

2007-06-08 06:11:44 · 10 answers · asked by prettypink_hair 2

Jumped out of my husbands dump truck (cause thats the only way to get down) 8 days ago but My pad on the bottom of my foot hurts not bruised but swollen and Im in pain #2 toe is killing me red swollen, My question is could this be gout because If I broke something in my foot wouldnt it be discolored?

2007-06-08 06:09:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had a cold on and off the past 9 weeks or so and now in my right side i have a strong pain like ive 'sprained' my lung. I went to the doctors today and she didnt really seem to do or say to much about it because i am 7 weeks pregnant, so she cant give me an imflmitorys or what ever they are (sorry about the spelling) any suggestions what it might be?

2007-06-08 05:07:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know if my left ankle is broken or just a really bad sprain or what. it happened a few days ago and it hurt a little in the begining but now it is hurting more. I have bandaged it up where cant move it and i have been using crutches sence yesterday do you think it is broken or just a really bad sprain?

2007-06-08 05:06:29 · 4 answers · asked by tree_mower 2

i have to take it easy with sports for a while because of a back injury. i still want to stay in shape though while i am strengthening my back. if anyone has any ideas of some good excercises i could do...let me know!!

2007-06-08 04:43:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was wondering because my knee swelled up like three times bigger when i hurt it.

2007-06-08 04:21:39 · 3 answers · asked by ▓▒░ ♫ Pump !t up ♫ ▓▒░ 6

4 kids and some very bad stetch marks

2007-06-08 02:11:30 · 6 answers · asked by ♥Lucky Charm♥ 4

i am waiting for my insurance company to authorize my consultation with an orthopedic surgeon...does any one know what i should expect from this injury? how long will i not be able to walk?? will i recover properly and be able to play baseball with the same amount of potential as before?? will i have to do physical therapy?? and how long does the surgery last in order to repair my meniscus and my torn ligaments??? if u have any more information, i would greatly appreciate it if u shared it with me....im just nervous about gettin surgery...i hate hospitals

2007-06-08 02:10:25 · 4 answers · asked by EL TORO 1

He fell over yesterday at work and broke his ankle. Itwasent his fault, he isa mecanic and was working and stepped back on to loads of stuff, like wire and stuff and it tangled around his leg. He twisted around and all his weight was on his ankel and it snapped. Had to share the gory details

Will he get any compensation, I hate people who fake things and claim but this was a real accident.

2007-06-08 01:43:27 · 16 answers · asked by dontlookatmeishy 2

2007-06-08 01:37:39 · 2 answers · asked by ♥Lucky Charm♥ 4

I broke my ankle a week ago and the cast in annoying Is there any way to make the ankle heel faster then 7 weeks?

2007-06-08 00:54:56 · 3 answers · asked by G-T Rider 3

Have I sprained something?
I started swim team on monday and ever sience my ankle muscles on my right ankle have been a bit sore. yesterday though I got off of the school bus and when I stepped on the ground a sharp shooting pain went radiated through my ankle and I couldnt walk for a minute than after about a minute I could gradually limp back along to my house. I used crutches that I had at my house for about 15 minutes and than I sta down. at swim team yesterday Every time I went to kick My ankle hurt and than I got a cramp in my foot which has never happened before. Today my ankle still hurts when I move it up and down, when I move my toes up and down, and when I push on the ankle on the soft part. as soon as I felt the pain My ankle swelled up and the entire ankle turned bright red within like 30 seconds. What is puzzling is I dont remember twisting my ankle. It also hurts when I run,or walk but I can sort of walk with pain and run barely with alot of pain.

2007-06-08 00:26:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was in a quad accident and blacked out when i fell so i dont know how i hit the floor but when i woke up i had a big bruise on my hip a few days later i noticed a bump,,and the color had gone a way,,its been two weeks and the color of the area is completely bac to normal but there is still bump...a very noticable one if you touch it...its actually a little higher than my hip and more towards my groin...could this be anything serious? or is it just the swelling STILL?

it doesnt really hurt when i move around..maybe not a hernia?

2007-06-07 17:01:27 · 7 answers · asked by Moises A 1

for me its my hamstrein

2007-06-07 16:50:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my ankle must be a really sensitive area, cause one time it got so sunburned it turned PURPLE.

2007-06-07 16:00:55 · 6 answers · asked by voodewchile 2

I have a pinched nerve because of a ruptured L5 disc. It causes pain in my butt and left leg and I have numbness in my foot and part of my leg (about a week and a half). It been going on since May 20th. The actual incident that caused my low back problem started in March when I slipped. The surgery would be out patient non-evasive. But recover time is 8 to 10 weeks putting me out of work for 2 months!

2007-06-07 15:08:13 · 5 answers · asked by starfire 4

2007-06-07 10:16:13 · 2 answers · asked by Ricky J 1

Why do people look at you differently if you park in a handicap spot and get out and walk into an establishment? You don't have to be in a wheelchair to be handicapped. My mom looks normal but has severe neck trauma for the rest of her life. The pain is excruciating so walking the shorter distance helps. She is pretty much in pain all the time and even with having a pain pump she still has trouble dealing with it. You don't have to be in a wheelchair to be handicapped.

2007-06-07 09:03:44 · 4 answers · asked by Veritas et Aequitas () 7

2007-06-07 08:47:21 · 15 answers · asked by fonzarelli_1999 5

I am 24 going on 25 years old and have had knee problems since I was nine. Because of these problems I have had 2 surgeries on my right knee. Now my left knee is giving me problems. It started out as a tight feeling on the back and outside of my knee. Then it would swell and a knot would form on the outside. I had a MRI done about 8 months ago and the doctor says there was a small cyst in there and that it was nothing to worry about. Since then my knee has been getting worse.Now it is popping and hurting all of the time. It also feels like it getting caught and sometimes when I am walking up or down stairs the middle of my knee cap hurts and makes my knee give out. I have done a lot of research and have come up with nothing. I have no insurance but am tired of the pain. Any advice would be greatfully appreciated. Thanks!

2007-06-07 07:06:10 · 3 answers · asked by Jaycee G 1

I pulled a tendon in my knee about a week ago and it hasn't felt any better. It keeps swelling and hurts when I bend it. I've tried going jogging but thata hurts and I really want to start running again because I have to stay in shape for cross country and I want to be able to workout. So if anyone has any ideas please tell me because its really starting to bother me. Thanks to everyone who answered.

2007-06-07 05:56:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been having this aching feeling in my arms(from the elbow down)straight into my fingers. this pain comes and goes, i also have been having pain in my upper back.i do type on the computer alot. i DO NOT have heart problems and i am 20 years old why could it be and what can i take for it

2007-06-07 04:55:28 · 9 answers · asked by HOTTMEW 2

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