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Injuries - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

How do they do it? Does it hurt??

2007-05-31 18:22:37 · 6 answers · asked by imadegrassigurl 2

I took a two week break from tennis, and just started up again with a new grip. It a tough lether grip and is really rough on my hands, and after playing a few hours with it my hand were blistering in a few places. I know the best way is to just keep using it in moderation, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other tips or tricks to toughen up the skin quicker.

2007-05-31 18:13:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A bottle was broken while he was weedeating and a small shard of the glass flew up and lodged in his calf. He says that he can feel it shifting when he's on his feet for long periods of times. He cleaned it out well but couldn't get to the glass to retrieve it. It doesn't seem to be infected but I have heard that it is possible for objects that have been lodged in the body and not removed to actually travel throughout the body causing worse damage later on. Should he go to the doctor and have it removed?

2007-05-31 16:41:38 · 10 answers · asked by Georgia Peach 1

i've been using the same needle called lancets and i'm afraid that i can die from this? is this true? i've been doing this for a couple of months but i change then every few months...i stopped a months ago but i'm still worried, please help...there's like these tiny tiny spots on my fingertip where i poke myself..please help me...am i going to die?

2007-05-31 16:02:51 · 5 answers · asked by Amy 1

i have a serious problem, and i already know that I need help. I've never cut myself before, and last night was the first AND LAST time I will...
I was REALLY stupid, I saw Pirates of the Carribean last night and noted that Jack Sparrow had a P engraved on his hand. I thought it looked REALLY cool so I tried it, I cut it into my skin. I only cut the skin part, and there was no shed of blood. I completely regret it now, I wish I would have NEVER done it. It is not infected because I put neosporin and alcohol and gauze on it and it is healing. This morning though, I was in the car with my mom and she noticed I had a bandage and asked to see the wound. I told her no and I had to explain what happened. Now that she knows I am no longer allowed to have my cell phone at night, I am no longer allowed to go to summer camp, and I am no longer allowed to go to Vermont with my best friend. I hope this blows over soon, and tomorrow is her birthday. I am really depressed and I don't know what to do

2007-05-31 13:04:48 · 22 answers · asked by oreo_cream_76 2

I'm about to go running.. I dunno how to tape my shin splint? It's bruised on its own.. At the lower inner base of the top of my ankle.. It hurts like hell when I run but I LOVE running so much I won't stop 'cause of the pain.. I used to tape it tight so I didn't feel the pain after my lower shin went numb.. *I know it's bad!* Anyway, can I tape it to help the support? How do I do it "safe?"

2007-05-31 12:21:33 · 6 answers · asked by ☆Bombastic☆ 5

i'm scared that he's gonna tell me to come back in another 2 weeks and i cannot handle cruches anymore or the fact that its chewbacca-esque under my cast.. i'm 16 years old by the way

2007-05-31 11:40:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi im 21 weeks pregnant. For the past few days iv had what feels like a pulled muscle in my upper back, like right under my right shoulder blade.. it hurts to even sit, stand or lie down.. anyone ever had this while preg? anything i can do to get rid of it? im miserable! will this go away on its own? how long will it take? its been 6 days!

2007-05-31 06:34:16 · 5 answers · asked by MandiGurl M 2

I have a fracture at the base of my fifth metatarsal (the long bone in my foot which connects to the little toe) and my doctor is telling me at least a two month recovery time, cos there's ligaments attached to the bone which makes it harder to heal (the ligaments are pulling at the bone)). It's overwhelming to think about being a cripple for that long! Has anyone had any experience in fast-tracking their fracture recovery time without surgery?

2007-05-31 04:41:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 26 years old and just broke my leg in a car/motorcycle accident. I was on the motorcycle. This is the first bone I've broken and now I'll have a cast for 6-8 weeks. What a way to ruin the summer. What did you break and how did you break it? How long did it take to heal?

2007-05-31 02:35:11 · 21 answers · asked by Jen G 3

I was in a moderate speed crash on tuesday night. I went to the hopital and everything checked out, they just said i was bruised and sore. I was in the passenger seat and got hit on front passenger side.

anyways, i keep getting lower(and somtimes upper and lower)leg cramps, so often that i can't sleep for more than 15 minuets at a time?what is going on?How can I keep them under control?

2007-05-31 01:47:30 · 2 answers · asked by liongirrl13 3

i am 14 and im starting to worry about the way things are going with my feet...my ankle is going down and i need to wear the supports and walk on the sides to fix it...i started a long time back but i have quit wearing the supports as i have made a mistake in tightening them up.I was supposetd to tighten them every 2 weeks and i did it every week...tht was ok but i was supposed 2 do that for 2 months and i did it for six...it was to tight so i had 2 quit.Now please tell me what is the fastest way to fix this Flat foot syndrome...?

2007-05-30 21:08:04 · 2 answers · asked by -N!k0¬ 2

It's just by the side of my tummy, about 2 inches across and at least 1 inch thick (2 inches is approx 5cm).

When I had my bath last night it was not there. Since my bath I have been out to dinner (I don't drink so no I did not bump into anything without remembering), then on the internet, then to bed... this morning I have been on the sofa straightening my hair and have just run a beth... as I was getting ready for the bath, I noticed the bruise.

I touched it and it did hurt, unlike the ones I sometimes get on my leg which appear and never hurt.

How did I get this?? Or I guess more to the point..: WHY... I couldn't expect anyone to know HOW I got something based on the list of harmless activities above.....


--A baffled and bruised LoopyArco. :-)

2007-05-30 20:57:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok this is something really weird but I exercise regularly, im not a work out freak but I do it for mainly health reasons, im relatively young in my mid 30's, about 3 years ago i was at the gym working out Im very concsious about my breathing when I lift weights and overall im pretty careful but no more than anyone else i would think, so anyway im breathing out while im pushing weight up using my legs, and then all of a sudden I get this weird sensation, its hard to describe but it felt like something exploded in the back of my head followed by a warm feeling inside my skull and then that was followed by dizziness and disorientation, naturally anxiety ensued I was taken to the hospital where they did and mri and everything came back ok, I have continued to exercise and I have never experienced anything like that (thank God) again, but I am so curious nobody not even the dr. or paramedics that day were able to give me a straight answer so anyway has anyone ever had something similar ?

2007-05-30 20:27:54 · 1 answers · asked by vlombar1 1

My skin was dry... really dry before i did it ! well the skin is ripped out it 2 places .... I need to know if its going to scar I don't think i went tooo deep or anything .....but its been like a red wound for 2 days now... when i say wound its not crusty or anything like that just sorta red you know ... Should i be leaving it alone totally or should I be applying vaseline to it my mom said thats good for that kind of stuff ... plz help

2007-05-30 19:11:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend was hit in the eye over 2 weeks ago and her black eye has not went away under her eye. some one told her to put witch hazel, and for some reason it still has not healed. Does anyone know what else to do? or what it is she needs to do?

2007-05-30 19:09:41 · 1 answers · asked by Robyn D 2

Alright, it may sound crazy or whatever, but since the nose and the brain share the same blood supply, what can occur if you fail to take care of your nose properly post-piercing?

2007-05-30 14:27:30 · 6 answers · asked by theLaughing_xCorpse 1

just wondering, more specific the more of a chance you will 10 points.

2007-05-30 13:44:58 · 8 answers · asked by I hate pink 3

I hit my head on the bottom of my pool yesterday. At first it didn't hurt, but about 30 seconds later it felt like my head was about to explode. Then about 1 minute later my neck started to hurt really bad. Today my head doesn't hurt but my neck is killing me! It hurts when move it to the right, it also hurts when I look up and down. But there is no pain when I look left. What is wrong with my neck?

2007-05-30 11:30:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay so when I was doing track todays ago I was in Running events and Shot out. NOw today my shoulder/shoulder blade/ upper back is giving me pain. What could I be.... I never noticed the pain until today...I dont really want to see a doctor...But if you say i should I will...I am Only 14 and do not want to have problems later in life...Answer Apperiated

2007-05-30 11:29:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

tod on wikihow search for revenge second one

2007-05-30 10:05:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I pooped a blood vessel in my hand. I pinched it on something nows its lil swollen and blue. Shall i be concerned or will it just go away eventually ?

2007-05-30 09:08:14 · 3 answers · asked by kkc 2

I'm a runner and I'm anxouis to get back to it. What's the best why to deal with this and how long will it take?


2007-05-30 07:48:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

He had an xray and his cheek bone was not broke but I would have thought by now it would have healed. It's still black and his eyeball is still red. Should he see a doctor again?

2007-05-30 06:55:16 · 2 answers · asked by Stacey J 2

Three months ago my wife had a fall and had a concussion, she works in Health Care and has been told she cannot return to her work while she has vertigo.
Does anybody know how long these vertigo spells will last and do they improve?

2007-05-30 06:40:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Track season is over, but i have to get ready for cross country. What do you suggest i do?

Any info/suggestions will help. Thank you.

2007-05-29 19:15:11 · 6 answers · asked by burningsky21 1

i do a very rigorous sport where i tend to overtrain and im having trouble deciding whether or not to see a doctor. i have been having many difficulties with wrist pains, finger swelling, numbness, and overall weakness of my wrists, fingers, and sometimes my elbows. its off and on but now that the season has started i have been working extra hard. just the other day one of my hands went numb while i was holding a handstand on handle bars and later that night, i couldnt even open a bottle of water. also, if it is important, i type a whole bunch every single night. i dont really like doctors because they have never really helped me in the past; they never can find out what the hell is even wrong with me and it pissed me off so much because my family pays him/her $200 for what? to tell me that they dont know? i think that is a waste of money...and im a heavy shopper. so, is it worth it?

2007-05-29 18:47:36 · 5 answers · asked by Cenicienta 2

me and my friend have a problem at school so we want to sprain our ankles!

2007-05-29 15:49:18 · 12 answers · asked by LUTD 2

I play soccer, and about 2-3 mounths ago i was kiked in my right foot. I couldn't walk on it for about three days. BUt now its all better but there is this lump on the side of my foot where i was kiked its the inner side of my right foot.

2007-05-29 15:05:33 · 2 answers · asked by ME 2

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