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Injuries - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

I've been lifting box's and crawlin as my job now. Been cleaning 32 cages upper and lower at a pets kennel and worse of all my back and chest is hurting and I have no clue why. You have any idea?

2007-05-04 06:14:07 · 12 answers · asked by Natalie 1

Had as collasped lung and is having trouble breathing. Thank you so very much!

2007-05-04 05:18:51 · 21 answers · asked by ? 3

I saw that on yahoo answers that someone might have scury??!

2007-05-04 04:11:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im not sure if it is bruised or torn...cant afford MRI but I would think if I torn it there would be no way to use my arm at all without big pain ... am I wrong?
could a steroid help heal this muscle or is that not what a steroid does?
hot and Cold packs?
Any suggestion is welcome.

2007-05-04 03:44:17 · 3 answers · asked by thumper17tripps 1

i hurt my knee and went to the doctor got an mri and it can back saying i had a torn meniscus. i have yet to see an orthopedic but i would like to find out the treatments there are.

2007-05-03 21:29:19 · 8 answers · asked by apisfl07 2

How does it take hematoma to form after surgery? I had breast reduction surgery April 13th and the next day, I was complaining about burning under my armpit. I was wrapped up like a mummy with bandages, so there was no way for me to check that area. On the following Monday, I was getting dressed and noticed a small bruise in my arm pit. On Tuesday, the pain was so bad, I ripped off all the bandages, saw that the bruise was actually huge and fluid filled. Was the burning in my armpit on the 14th a sign that a hematoma was forming?

2007-05-03 19:50:39 · 2 answers · asked by just a quiet person 2

I was in a severe auto accident & it ****** up my back/neck & left leg. I've been & still am being treated for my injuries. I'm only able to work part time now, unable to ride my motorcycle now, hard to walk/stand very long, can't run, have chronic pain, have had to give up my position as Asst. Chief of a search & rescue team & stop doing all calls with them. I'm still a member, however can only do executive work only now. Ive been told I will have permament damage from my back & will have sciatica for the rest of my life, as a few vertabraes including the one causing the sciatica can't be fixed do to a previous spinal fusion/implant surgery. My question is, I am having a really hard time coping with the loss of function & not being able to be active like I was. I'm only 23 & don't want to live this way. What can I do for that I can feel better about being partially disabled for rest of my life, when I've always been active? My problems are from the car accident, not my back surgery.

2007-05-03 19:02:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-03 15:57:56 · 3 answers · asked by Jeremy 2

I was running on the treadmill (like I always do), and about 20 minutes into my run my right knee started hurting all of a sudden and reeaalllly badly! I had to stop my exercizing, it was so painful. I was just running on the treadmill, facing forward and going at a normal pace (5mph), and I hadn't made any sudden movements or anything like that; I don't understand why it happened! It happened yesterday morning, and it still hurts, but mostly only when I walk or sit with my knee bent. I've tried ibuprofen, aleve, icy hot, putting ice packs on it, etc., but it still hurts. I took the day off exercizing today, thinking that it would be better by tomorrow and I could start again, but it still hurts and I know I won't be able to exercize tomorrow. What do you think is wrong with my knee???? What can I do to make it better?? Will it heal on its own or do I have to call my doctor? Please help me!!!

2007-05-03 15:38:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was running to the side while playing tennis and i guess i put a lot of pressure on my heel and it was a shock of REAALLLY bad pain. a little bit later, the pain extended to the back of my leg. the pain went away for a little bit, but it's coming back sporadically. what should i do?

2007-05-03 13:12:20 · 3 answers · asked by Mike-Q 5

2007-05-03 12:57:33 · 3 answers · asked by GCTA 4

I just recently had a hip avulsion fracture and am unable to put weight on it for an extended ammount of time. I am on cruches and have been putting most of my weight on my left leg. But now during my whole day, my left leg has been twitching right above my thigh muscle. IT DOSENT STOP and is really annoying. What the heck is up with this and how do i stop it???

2007-05-03 12:53:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

by accident on the table about an hour ago and my hand has an indent and i can see more vains than usual whats wrong?

2007-05-03 12:48:44 · 1 answers · asked by !Some Chick! 3

2007-05-03 12:31:02 · 3 answers · asked by Stephanie 1

I have a pain in to the left of my shin in my right foot. Is that a shin splint? If so how do I make the pain better?

2007-05-03 12:24:04 · 1 answers · asked by some guy 1

hello , thanks for taking the time to read this , erm ....... i have a weak left wrist , and i want to go boxing so i need to strenghen it up , someone gave me a wrist strenghener , which is like a machine that u put your hand through and then push down repetedly so to strenghen them , is it good ? does it do its job ? does amyone have any info about weak wrists in any way ? i would be greatful for any help , thanks .

2007-05-03 09:06:49 · 2 answers · asked by yo ! 1

2007-05-03 07:02:36 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

anyone help?

2007-05-02 23:44:35 · 9 answers · asked by Blake S 1

I was stabbed in the right shoulder about 6-7 months ago. I have gotten an EMG nerve test. This type of test is where they stick needles into your arm and test if there is a nerve response from electrical shock wave testing. It was confirmed that I have a badly damaged nerve that controls my whole bicept muscle. I do not have any function in my bicept, but can move my hand and most of the rest of my arm normally. I have been to 3 doctors and all of them have told me different things. One doctor told me my nerves will heal over time. Another doctor told me physical therapy might help the healing of the nerve. And the last doctor I have gone to told me that the nerve will probably not heal itself and I should just work out all my other muscles in my arm to compensate for the nonfunctional bicep muscle. I was wondering what I should do, if anyone has had a problem similar to mine. And if there are ways I can help create new nerve passage ways in my arm.

2007-05-02 19:37:26 · 2 answers · asked by young_im87 2

this is my first year doing track and a couple days ago i realized that i got a shin splint but i don't feel pain in my shin. it only hurts in my left leg, on the outside of the thigh and a little around my knee.
it's gotten worse since i've continued attending practice and i also have a meet tomorrow.
also today i felt a really sharp "pop" when i was practicing hurdles
is there anything i can do to help my leg feel better a.s.a.p.?

2007-05-02 19:02:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ankle was broken seriously when I run down the
mountain. I fell down coming over a riser bump in the snow. Now, I am in an aircast and walking on crutches for 6 weeks minimum. I feel so sad and depressed like I am useless person now when I could not do anything for good by myself. How do I overcome this situation sooner?

2007-05-02 15:58:57 · 1 answers · asked by McKenzie 1

I just applied in march for SS. I know if accepted the payments will start from the day I applied. I JUST had my doctor sign the papers that I am disabled for a minimum of 6-12 months. I haven't been able to work since Sept. 11 and he wrote on the papers that it was the first time he started treating me for my injury. Social security says you must have been unable to work at least a year or will not be able to for a year. I am wondering if since the doc stated that he started seeing me at the onset of my injury, if they will count the past 8 months AND the minimum of the next 6-12 months disabled in just determining if I qualify. I know I qualify in being disabled for the next 6-12 months. I know if accepted I will get PAID from the date I applied. But will the 8 months prior count just in determining the "must have been or will be disabled for 12 months"? The last 8 months with the following 6 months will give me 14 months so I will qualify.

2007-05-02 11:57:39 · 1 answers · asked by pofdog 2

I have been having severe neck & shoulder pain for the last 2 weeks and someone suggested a chiropractor but i've never been so i was just wondering about how much they cost.

2007-05-02 06:59:15 · 7 answers · asked by SadBrownEyes 2

I have recently seen a doctor and they said to stop all sports.
However, my professional fitness coach has said to play until pain and then stop.
Who do I go with?

2007-05-02 06:34:01 · 7 answers · asked by catnavyblue 1

I just applied in march for SS. I know if accepted the payments will start from the day I applied. I JUST had my doctor sign the papers that I am disabled for a minimum of 6-12 months. I haven't been able to work since Sept. 11 and he wrote on the papers that it was the first time he started treating me for my injury. Social security says you must have been unable to work at least a year or will not be able to for a year. I am wondering if since the doc stated that he started seeing me at the onset of my injury, if they will count the past 8 months AND the minimum of the next 6-12 months disabled in just determining if I qualify. I know I qualify in being disabled for the next 6-12 months. I know if accepted I will get PAID from the date I applied. But will the 8 months prior count just in determining the "must have been or will be disabled for 12 months"? The last 8 months with the following 6 months will give me 14 months so I will qualify.

2007-05-02 05:52:02 · 1 answers · asked by pofdog 2

rear ended this week.
I don't want to miss work because it would create a problem for my employer.

2007-05-02 05:01:41 · 8 answers · asked by homiecook 1

Last night, I was standing up to get a folder of mine and, as I was standing up, I leaned over to go to a website and when I went down to my mouse, I felt something happen in my lower back and I haven't been able to move since. It hurts even to move and even walk and move my legs. I am in excruciating pain and it took me over 30 minutes of screaming to get out of bed. Since I've been up, I haven't stopped standing, as it hurts way too much to even attempt to sit. The problem is that I have class today and an exam and I can't miss. Is there any way I can do something to make this better or at least tolerable? I can barely move to go anywhere, much less a chiropractor. Thanks.

2007-05-02 04:27:29 · 9 answers · asked by Reginald VelJohnson 2

I was at a Mom's club meeting where a mom was standing there with her legs at the basic normal stance and some kids came running through and one of the kids actually threw out this little punch which landed right between the legs of one of the mom's. Her reaction was that she dropped to her knees instantly but was back up a few moments later. Just wondering if this is a normal reaction with you ladies. Ever been hit there or have a story?

2007-05-02 02:53:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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