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Injuries - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

My 9 year old broke her humerus just below her shoulder. It was a clean break, apparently where a cyst was growing in the bone.

The doctor (presumably an expert based on the fact that she was cared for at a children's only hospital) put her in a sling for four weeks, with a follow-up visit at that time with additional x-rays.

Is this semi-common? I always assumed a cast was in order for broken bones. I do know bones will heal themselves, but will it set itself like that?

Interesting. I hope they don't have to "re-break" it if she goes back in a month and it hasn't fused correctly.

2007-05-29 14:13:31 · 15 answers · asked by powhound 7

Anyone ever had their finger go numb for days after carrying heavy plastic grocery bags? I live on the top floor of a place with no elevator...which means trying to carry as many grocery bags as possible with each trip...However, that was Saturday, and the end of my middle finger is STILL oddly & mildly numb... Anyone ever experienced this? Doctors know anything about it?

2007-05-29 12:37:10 · 4 answers · asked by Holly 3

My daughter cut her head yesterday and they used that special skin glue to close it up instead of stitches. But the doctor we went to had a terrible personality - and didnt answer any questions. Does anyone know if the glue is waterproof?? can i wash my daughters wound? Reason i want to is she still has blood in her hair.... thanks!

2007-05-29 12:35:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hurt my ankle really bad about 1 year ago @ Kings Island. But most of the time, still when i step on it, there's like a searing pain. But the problem is, sometimes it doesn't even hurt at all! So sometimes it hurts really bad and sometimes its like it doesn't hurt at all. What should i do?????????????? HELP!

2007-05-29 11:44:37 · 6 answers · asked by katiejonesswimmer 3

also is there a lot of pain and swelling?

2007-05-29 06:54:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I should probablt take it a little easier but I have to keep my vegetables healthy. Disabitiy does not compensate well and food is pretty important. No garden=not much food for me. I need this to heal fast!

2007-05-29 05:38:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Basically it got bent back
to imagine this make your leg straight and then some pressure gets put on ure knee
i put some ice on it, then it didn't hurt that much and i could walk around normally, today however i woke up and it feels a little sore and a little uncomfortable, esp at the back of the knee, and to the left of the kneecap

can someone offer suggestions as to what this injury may be, and how to treat it?

2007-05-29 03:03:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I play rugby and recently pulled a calf muscle. A week after pulling it, my calf looks ok, but my foot is all bloody, why is that?

2007-05-29 03:03:54 · 4 answers · asked by Timothy S 1

Where can I find a deep tissue back & general body message at? What would the average cost of getting one be? In the Southwestern, IL or St. Louis, MO area?

2007-05-29 01:54:50 · 1 answers · asked by bikerlbf406 2

You know how sometimes you sleep in the wrong position and then you wake up with a kink in your neck, and the whole day you are tortured with severe pain for turning your head past a certain point. Yeah, I got that this morning, and I was hoping that someone knew of a really good way to get rid of it quick and have a normal, happy, pain-free day. I learned quick that minimizing the amount of pain is a very good thing, but I was hoping that there was something that would make it all go away. What is the most effective way to resolve this problem?

2007-05-28 17:18:43 · 3 answers · asked by Andy 4

took 4 advil then 2 hrs later 800 mg of motrin it was not on purpose should i go to the hospital what should i do?

2007-05-28 15:39:30 · 18 answers · asked by jamie k 2

Recently I hurt my knee. I went to one doctor that has a rehab facility, and she recommended rehab: ultrasound, etc. She thought it was a mild meniscus problem.

When it failed to get better, I went to a prestigious hospital here. The doctor's diagnosis was a small lesion on the MCL, and he recommended nothing much in particular, except to stop playing sports for three weeks and walking less.

After it got worse, I went to the same hospital, saw a different doctor who recommended I use one of those ankle to thigh braces for three weeks, and advised me not to even walk outside my apartment, while keeping the brace on 24 hours a day. He thought it was the ACL.

After a week I realized this was not working, so I got an appointment with the previous doctor. I waited three full hours to see him. He was ambivalent, and didn't even bother to look at my knee this time. These doctors act like it is an imposition to answer simple questions.

What's your opinion of doctors?

2007-05-28 12:38:08 · 9 answers · asked by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7

Is there a test, or anything, that can DETECT muscle trauma?
Say you were punched in the arm and your arm really hurts. Is there a test that can say, "Yes, this muscle had trauma"?

2007-05-28 10:24:30 · 2 answers · asked by diuadkha h 1

I messed up my knee over a year ago and it is still bothering me, I went to the doctor after it happened he said i tore or pinched the cartilage in my knee and at the point I wasn't able to walk on it, so he told me if it wasn't better in a week to go back, it was better a week later so i could walk on it, but now it bothers me almost everyday. Please help and I don't have the money to go to the doctor because i dont have insurance!

2007-05-28 10:11:59 · 5 answers · asked by Cami M 1

it still hurts when i touch it. I hit my head on the car door when I was in a hurry. When I first hit my head it swelled up to peanut size but it never really bruised.

2007-05-28 09:57:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Occasionally when I get up off the floor or walk my hip will feel like it's out of place and in a few minutes feel better. Anyway, yesterday I walked on my treadmill and after I got off of it, my hip felt weird. I was stretching and I felt it pop (it's never done that before). The rest of the day my hip was sore and felt out of place and I couldn't walk without limping. I tried doing the stretch I did before to get it to pop and it did 2 more times that day. I got up this morning and my hip is SORE and I cannot walk without limping. Does anyone have a similair problem to this? Do you think it's out of place? I've had it x-rayed before and the X-ray was normal. I plan to go to the chiropractor if it still hurts tomorrow.

2007-05-28 06:49:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-28 06:42:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this sounds wierd but my sister heard it from her profeser and I would like to think this is true. Don't try this but if you have some knowledge about this, tell me about it.

2007-05-28 05:27:01 · 16 answers · asked by jwildman95 2

2007-05-28 01:51:13 · 8 answers · asked by jeremiah r 1

ok on saturday i was out riding my bike and i fell of but as i fell off i put out my right hand instictivly and fell on it.

i got taken to hospital where after some x-rays i was told i have broken some of the carpel,metacarpel bones and my thumb,1st and 2nd fingers.

i was put in a tempary cast and yesterday an orthopedic doctor put my wrist in a cast and gave me a sling.

i was told it should heal in 8 months.

about 5 minutes ago i tripped over and landed on my broken hand and now i dont know what to do.

my parents are out,our home phone is broken,my mobile battery is dead and my hand really hurts what should i do?

2007-05-28 00:20:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

After jogging a couple miles, (i do this daily) I came home and took off shoes to see my left sock to be all wet and gooey. I imediatly took off my sock. There was a small cut in the middle of my foot and from it came yellow-greenish puss. The wierd thing was was that i had not fealt anything during my jog. No wet feeling, no aches, nothing. The Puss smells really bad. Does this happen to all runners? Should i got to the hospital?

2007-05-27 18:46:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-27 15:28:40 · 13 answers · asked by answergrl239 2

My 11 1/2 month old son's eye is bloodshot?
His left eye looks like it has broken blood vessels, the right eye has some redness, but not as much as the left. I am taking him to the doctors tomorrow, but Im wondering if it occured from him rubbing his eye's too hard? He has had these symptoms for about 2 days.

Additional Details

I really dont think its pink eye. Ive seen pink eye before and his eyes dont look like they are infected with pink eye at all. His eyes have little red veins all over, especially in his left eye...like when your eyes are tired and they become blood shot

2007-05-27 15:17:02 · 5 answers · asked by Lisa D 2

Somehow I jammed my thumb. I can not get it to pop or anything. What is the best way to make it stop hurting and come unjammed?

2007-05-27 11:58:40 · 3 answers · asked by Dave & Sunny 2

like i know your supposed to bleed but what if you didn't?

2007-05-27 08:47:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

On June 25th,I'm having a Brostrom Procedure done (lateral ankle stabilization) due to multiple ankle sprains,a torn ATFL,and scar tissue build up,and I will probably get to choose the type of anesthesia,either general or spinal.Which one do you think would be the better choice?(not better,but more comfortable or whatever).I have never had surgery before if that makes any difference.

2007-05-27 08:22:29 · 15 answers · asked by singdancerunlife 3

He was injured at the age of 15, and he is now 28. He leans on that cane a lot and thus has problems with his right shoulder, elbow, and wrist. We believe that if he was in the right physical therapy program, he could benefit. If there is anyone out there who has had a similar experience or knows something about this, please answer and give me some information. Thanks!!!!!

2007-05-27 05:18:51 · 4 answers · asked by mountaindew25 3

Feeding your child anything it likes and nothing it doesn't, Even if it means your child is skinny, weak and frail or overweight. Meaning your child doesnt eat many vegetables, or fruits, even a sandwich. Even to the point where the child doesnt like toothpaste so it doesnt have to brush its teeth only with water.

2007-05-26 23:19:12 · 7 answers · asked by rickane5 2

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