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Injuries - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

Like can a doctor give you a new heart?Or when you get old and your bones hurt will they be able to replace the bad bones and give you new bones?

2007-06-26 09:00:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son is nine years old and one day recently the school phoned us to say my son had had a little bump on his head do we want them to get an ambulance or pick him up. i rushed to school and when i got there my son had a paper towel to his forehead and when he removed it he had a large gash which was really deep and required 5 stiches.
my son told me he had been doing PE playing benchball and he had tripped over the bench which had been put to close to the stage and cracked his head on the sharp edge of the stage.
I phoned the local health and safety office to get a copy of the schools accident report which they sent to me and the report was wrong they didnt mention the bench or the stage and it read as if he had tripped over his own feet.
i immediately phoned the headmaster and he agreed with me that my son did trip over the bench and the report was wrong and said he would amend it but he hasnt done so as yet. why are the school trying to cover up the cause of the accident HELP!!!!

2007-06-26 08:55:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Possible nerve damage. Loss of work because of severe pain. Reason I fell was because they were cleaning the cement stairs and entrances with Tide detergent and a hose and didn't rinse completely so it was extremely slick.

2007-06-26 08:52:15 · 2 answers · asked by lisa s 1

I pulled a lot of muscles in cheering yesterday. They hurt really bad and I have cheering tomorrow morning. What can I do to either make them heal faster or relieve them for a long time?

2007-06-26 06:52:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

About three weeks ago I was at cheerleading pratice and we were doing splits and I guess I did not strech long enough or I went down to far and ever body heard a pop noise but I just felt a sharp pain. I was told to go walking every day so could strech the muscle. How long do you think it will take to heal? Will I have o get physical therpy? The isn't as much pain as there was but Ican't do toe touches squats or handstands or really anything that requirs moving the leg a-lot. OHH.. And I have tried using the Icy Hot things.Will this problem be gone in the next 11 months.

2007-06-26 05:25:55 · 11 answers · asked by gorgeousgirl195632145 2

i have a herniated disc on my L5 and im only 25 this really sucks

2007-06-26 02:41:38 · 7 answers · asked by victor d 2

i had an excision of fracture fragment, left talus and tarsal tunnel decompression, left foot and i was curious about potential side affects

2007-06-26 01:28:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-25 22:53:20 · 16 answers · asked by juicy 2

I can dislocate very easily and in the last 2 months i have dislocated both my knees and my thumb, also in the last year i have fractured my hand,wrist,foot and ankle.A few times i have fractured and dislocated at the same time and when doing this all i feel is pain and i would like to know what is causing most of the pain, the dislocation or the fracture. If you know because you are either a doctor or have had similare experiences could you please tell me as i would really like to know!

2007-06-25 22:52:23 · 4 answers · asked by Tessa J 1

2007-06-25 20:20:27 · 1 answers · asked by addu 1

Well, i went to the Orthopedic Surgeon on Friday and he had like 100 patients waiting, so he went really quick, and I couldn't ask too many questions. He said my hips are actually SHAPED wrong, and it's a genetic thing. It has been so painful lately, I can barely do anything. If it's genetic, why is it so bad now [ps im 15 years old]?

2007-06-25 16:43:21 · 5 answers · asked by Nevada 2

my feet all of a sudden are very painful on the outside of both feet,it hurts when I walk,pain medication does take it away,However all my life I have had these to small bumps in the middle on the outside of each foot and this is where it hurts the most even when touching it.I bought new shoes a while back and the right foot started hurting ,thinking it was my shoes I bought another pair of shoes and within one day the other foot was hurting too.They are two different kinds of shoes.Both were brand new,I stand all day,however have never hadthis before .Anyone know what this might be?Do arch problems effect the outer part of the foot too?Sometimes it hurts on the bottom of my feet too.I am a normal weight female in her middle fourties

2007-06-25 13:22:10 · 1 answers · asked by salgal 2

Broke it in april and i'm walking now with no boot or crutches, but still experience pain after standing on it for long periods of time, and tiredness..how long does this last (estimated)

2007-06-25 13:16:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

On Friday I was shot in the head with a rock from a sling shot..i was told yesterday that I have a cerebral concussion..im feeling dizzy and off balance with headaches and what not...its been 3 days since the incident..im a little nervous that the concussion is lasting too long! someone help!

2007-06-25 11:45:24 · 3 answers · asked by rollingstones03112 1

Sprained my ankle 1 month ago. It was a bad sprain with bruising and a lot of swelling. The pain has subsided for the most part. However, the pain initially was on the outer side of my ankle and now the pain is radiating up the inner side of the ankle. I had an xray done by an orthopedist and it showed nothing. Should I ask for an MRI? There is still some light swelling. It is so frustrating waiting for this to heal and now I'm getting nervous something is wrong with it or it didn't heal properly.

2007-06-25 11:11:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my sister somehow sprained her foot. how do i treat it for now temporaraly til we go to urgent care? please help. my sister is just in second grade. please help me

2007-06-25 11:07:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK it happened a min ago i dropped a wooden tray on my big toe nail. Is there anything i can do to stop the nail from dying and falling off....its turning blue as i type!

Help please!

2007-06-25 06:25:50 · 11 answers · asked by Southern Belle 3

To elaborate:

The tree isn't too tall, only about as tall as a one-story house. The person (it's a six-year-old boy, good health) was on one of the higher branches, lost his footing, and had a fairly clean fall (did not encounter any other limbs on the way down). So, what kind of break could be expected?

Also, how long would it take to heal?

Thanks in adance.

2007-06-25 05:17:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend hurt his back while he was at work, he was pulling really hard on a wire for about 5 min. and he can't hardly move. this has been going on for about 4 days and i was just wondering should he go see an orthopedic surgeon first or a chiropractor? I feel that an orthopedic surgeon will just try and push surgeory on him. also if anyone has any experience with inversion tables. we have access to one but he is afraid he will hurt his back more on that and i said no. any help would be appreciated.

2007-06-25 04:01:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey, just before you start to think i'm a murderer asking this, i need to know this as i am writing a novel and i want to know if it is possible or too far-fetched lol.

So, if a fifteen-year-old caucasian boy, who was in top physical shape, played heaps of sport and worked out so was therefore muscular, and buff in the shoulders, weighed about 120lbs, was shot in the chest/shoulder/collar area by i guess, your average sized handgun, from about 5m away, would it kill him? If his health was weak as in he was asthmatic and had had many operations in his life. And if when he was shot, he fainted but did not stop breathing and was not reached by ambulance assistance for about 15minutes? However, was able to have pressure applied to the wound by non-medic people present to help prevent blood loss?
Would he die? And if so of what exactly? Blood loss? Shock? And how quickly?

Please help me!
I will appreciate everyones answers!


2007-06-24 23:58:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 24 year old friend wants to have his right leg amputated?
he is perfectly healthy so is his leg, but he feels physically
wrong` and wants to become a amputee. The only place
that performs such surgery is in the far East` they are asking
$10,ooo to remove his leg above the knee, should i try to
talk him out of it?

2007-06-24 18:46:46 · 13 answers · asked by GlobeHunter 2

is any better local ansesthetic in form of power or cream(oiniment) are there which can easyly aviailable on medical shop..
ansesthetic must have long lasting effect

2007-06-24 18:42:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was 10 i fell on my wrist i think i sprained it but i never went to a doctor after that there was always a lump on my wrist so i thought i broke a bone so i went to the doctor and she said it was a cyst but i still thought it was a bone eventually it went down well know im 17 andjust recently it came back up like just a not but know its gotten bigger to the size of a golf ball it doesnt hurt that bad and i dont know what i should do about it i really dont want to have surgery on it because im terrified of needles so im wondering if theres anything else i can do to help it go back down??

2007-06-24 15:50:21 · 3 answers · asked by kochamwas22 1

my arm really hurts when i lift it (possibly due to the nerves)
what kind of doc should i see?

2007-06-24 15:38:27 · 1 answers · asked by why? 2

i was out in my barn, and my barn is in the middle of a field. It was at about 2:30pm. Could the bug possibly have been a velvet ant? my arm has been swelling for a 2 days now. I need to know if I have to take any medicines for it. The bug was about 1 inch long. It was about as big as a hornet but it's sting was much more powerful I think.

2007-06-24 15:27:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are two gigantic raccoons in my backyard... the first one is at least 30 pounds... I would guess like 30 inches and fat, the second one is skinny and all I have is my hands and a couple of really long sticks (I could use a knife) and nothing else to get at it. I mean, its been harrassing my dog and I want a way to bring that this down... I want to teach it a lesson so it gets out of my property... how would you recommend I do it?

2007-06-24 15:19:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My almost 8 year old son banged his head on the headboard just before bedtime. He hit it pretty hard. How long should I keep him awake afterwards, to make sure he is OK? We checked him out there appears to be no lump. We applied ice to it. It's now been almost an hour since it happened and he says the spot where he hit it is sore. It seems sensitive to the touch. There still appers to be no lump or bruise, but it's hard to tell for sure because of his hair. There has been no bleeding. We checked his "memory" by asking him simple and sometimes trick questions, which he always answered right. We checked his pupils, and they react to light as they should. If we go in to check on him every 2-3 hours, is it ok to let him go to sleep within an hour of it happening? Or should we keep him awake longer?

2007-06-24 14:21:13 · 5 answers · asked by adclutter 1

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