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Injuries - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

nd i dont know what it is
About 3 weeks ago i had a party-yet i wasnt drunk-i woke up nad had sumthing in the side of my right foot and i though it was a bee sting as its round like one-has a dot in the middle-and its red around it-a bit sore only when you touch it
i have no idea how to treat this as when i run my finger along the top i cant feel anything sticking out and i cant afford to go to the doctors at the mo.please any suggetions to sumhow get this thing out of my foot?

2006-12-02 13:20:16 · 11 answers · asked by tattoosxc 1

I'm 16, i have reaccuring headaches the hurt like hell. especially when i look down or when i turn my head from side to side and my eye's kinda get heavy. I don't have them everyday, i use too, but now i don't. I know u prolly gonna say "go see a doctor", but can someone tell (guess) what it could be until my doctor appointment comes up?

2006-12-02 13:09:20 · 7 answers · asked by socialgurl19 1

My friend saw this stupid video online about what ice and salt do...so he came up with a very retarted idea and put both on his arm and now he has a huge rash that hasent gone away for 5 days, what should he do??

2006-12-02 12:53:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been brusing really easily. I have no idea how I get the bruises they just show up. Sometimes I might bump against something but it bruises easily. Any idea what's causing this?

I'm not on any meds that can cause this. I used to take Naproxen but don't take it any more. I thought that was what was doing it.


2006-12-02 12:43:28 · 6 answers · asked by lisha1979 2

I hurt my left knee and my right ankle about three weeks ago. While my knee seems to be doing ok most of the time my ankle has not. I have been to my doctor and she has referred me to an orthopedest but I don't go in until Wed. My ankle feels okay when I first get up but after walking on it for a little bit throughout the day I start getting sharp shooting pains on the inside of my ankle. When I sit down is when I feel the warmth sensation over my entire foot. My foot is a bit swollen and I have continually done RICE as well as an anti inflamatory my doctor perscribed. What do you think could be wrong? I couldn't have a broken bone and be able to still walk on it right?

2006-12-02 12:24:39 · 3 answers · asked by ephi 1

I was working in the bathroom taking down tiles when some bits fell on the hand holding the lump hammer. One pointy bit stabbed me and punctured the vein...actually think it's the artery...black blood and was bleeding a lot and pulsating out. Anyway, stopped the bleeding and carried on working...this was last Tuesday. The cut closed but I found yellow bruising all around the area where yesterday there was none. Is the vein bleeding under the skin? Do veins heal on their own or require surgery? Should I wait for Monday to see a doctor or go to ER now or tomorrow?

2006-12-02 11:58:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


My wife fainted & hit the floor left side it seems when that happened she lost all feelings & movement from the waist down. Here it is 3 day's later she can move little at a time. What got me the DR who has these MD's said they can not find anything what went wrong or find anything just a Bulge Disc they got lost because she got feelings in her TOES but no where else from the waist down. They said they can not further help my wife. Also they never said anything about if my wife can walk again & get her feelings back. Now question will the Disc Bulge heal? What is best to do here? Will my wife walk again? Get feelings back?

2006-12-02 11:57:41 · 5 answers · asked by luckster 1

My doctor has suggested I have it done, but I've heard that its really painfull and does it really work

2006-12-02 11:44:33 · 18 answers · asked by ash 1

I played tennis today (about 4 hours ago) , and when i served, i felt a quick jerk on my head and my neck became stiff from that time. I can move my head backward, leftward without hurting but when i move forward, and rightward, my head stiffens up, and hurts. Is this a serious injury? Should I go to the doctors for examination? thank you.

2006-12-02 11:43:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-02 11:19:23 · 13 answers · asked by pa2ita 1

My husband smashed his thumbnail at work a while ago with a hammer. His nail turned black and it still is. Now when he moves the cuticle he can see a little bit underneath it and it looks kinda weird. He's worried that his nail will fall off. Just part of the nail is black though. The upper right area of the nail is normal.
Does someone know what will happen with it? I'm so sorry for him cuz he's so worried. And if it comes off, will it grow back? I really doesn't look nice cuz he hit it real bad.
Thanx for help! :o)

2006-12-02 10:52:14 · 7 answers · asked by pearl_682 3


In this stunt a girl jump on a guys stomach from a chair.

I am 110 pound girl and my friend is 200 pound guy, should we try this stunt or is it too dangerous?

2006-12-02 07:58:28 · 9 answers · asked by gogogo 1

I don't know if I pulled a tendon or what, all along the bicep area and into the attachment of the elbow when doing plank push ups (high to low chaturangas) during yoga. It's been about 4 months and I still can't do this move/pose without experiencing intense pain in that area when I try to put my weight on my injured arm and get down to that right angle position - so I just don't do that pose at all- there is no strength and my arm just gives out. Hopefully that makes sense?

Shouldn't it be healed by now? I heard it takes about 6 months to heal a pulled tendon, is that true? And what can I do to help the healing process?

2006-12-02 05:07:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a little ( okay more like big) cold sore on my lip.. what do you use to get rid of it?? i need it gone, asap!

2006-12-02 04:03:02 · 9 answers · asked by xelisha_08x 1

My Mom had a day surgery three days ago and her voice is still scratchy, how long or what can we do to help this, her docter is out today any suggestions?

2006-12-02 03:22:12 · 14 answers · asked by edgarrrw 4

I managed to drop something on my big toe two weeks ago, in the process a small piece of the toenail broke of and imbedded itself in the fleshy area next to the nail, (yeah it hurt), I managed to get the piece of nail out with tweezers a week later (yeah that hurt too). It was healing fine till three days ago when I kicked something (yeah I am a klutz). I am afraid that the area is getting infected, How do I keep the area from becoming infected. Doctor is only a last resort, the cost is very prohibitive.

2006-12-02 03:09:34 · 4 answers · asked by dutchboy know it all 2

Hey, I fell down the stairs 2 days ago and injured my wrist and ankle. Initially I could not really walk, and was unable to move my thumb, but yesterday my ankle was slightly better (have made it to the shops and back), and I had regained some of the movement in my thumb and wrist. I'm no better than that today though, so I'm going to casualty in a bit, as I'm finding it hard to do anything. I'm curious though, if the doctor thinks I shouldnt be walking on my ankle, and I only have one good wrist (the one opposite to my bad ankle) am I gonna be stuck in bed for ages?

2006-12-02 01:34:04 · 5 answers · asked by toasted_lemmings 1

2006-12-01 19:15:39 · 3 answers · asked by sillygee5 1

anyone been thru this? doing phys. therapy 2x week, i guess it kind of helps. i also have a history of osgood schlatters and they say that might hinder my healing? any thoughts or advice?

2006-12-01 18:30:08 · 4 answers · asked by chinacat 3

had perfect alignment all my life, is it possible to go bck to normal or would I need a treatment? would surgery mess them up? well its not like I see double or anything its just when I compare the pics I feel like they turned in a few.help!!!!its devistating me!!!what should I do??!!!oh an ill give you alot of points for a good answer cuz I need help!

2006-12-01 18:02:57 · 4 answers · asked by classychik 1

3 weeks ago i broke my ankle, fibula, and tibia, it was all set in place and no pins or metal or anything, surgery was great, just stuck it back in and put a good, and heavy, plaster cast on it, first few days, it felt almost too tight (from swelling and stuff),but now, it feels like it might be a little loose. i could fit a finger in it easy, my leg can move around barely, its mostly loose at the top edge but it seems tighter at the bottom (at where i think is the useless spot for it to be, near the toes, the breaks HIGHER) now sometimes it hurts a little if i put it in a certain spot, i wouldnt want to have to get a new cast and everything, but if its not really a problem if its slightly loose. also, i felt a wierd (pinch?) sensation a few times, it felt like liquid was in the spot for a second but goes away. not really painful but kinda sharp, really hard to describe without giving people the wrong idea (like the bone is sticking out of my skin or something, which it isnt)

2006-12-01 16:53:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so i went ice skating and i fell over 2 guys and they said sorry and helped me up and i fell back down and then a skate guard he helped me and after that i started skating again and now it really hurts every time i walk, like i can barely walk at all without limping! Can you tell me what's wrong with my leg???

2006-12-01 16:28:58 · 11 answers · asked by diamonds_are_love 2

Ok so i am 13 and i am TERRIFIED of doctors......I have an ingrown toenail and today i went to go see my doctor. He put me on meds and put gauze under my toe and said if it sint better by this tuesday he will have to REMOVE it!! Any suggestions on how to make it heal????????

2006-12-01 16:25:17 · 3 answers · asked by Chiclacrosse 3

I had some Christmas lights hanging and some of the lights were missing the outside plastic piece. I was removing them and making them more evened out. When I was trying to put one on it shattered and flew everywhere. A piece shot down my throat. My throat is hurting, I'm not worried about my throat, I'm just wondering is it gonna hurt anything else going down? Please respond asap.

2006-12-01 15:40:32 · 7 answers · asked by kayla_9801 1

A little over 6 months ago I sprained my ankle. During this time it has continuted to hurt and swell when I use it a lot. I had an MRI done and found out that there are still some ligaments that are torn. Is surgery the only way to repair them?

2006-12-01 14:55:44 · 8 answers · asked by jediaaylas 2

My sons plays soccer, they had a game yesterday. He plays midfield. When he was dribbling around a defender and the defender slide tackled my son by accident, and when he slide tackled my son, he hit my sons ankle. he wore shin guards but his shin guards didnt cover his whole ankle. But they made it to the finals. And i am worried because he has been limping, and his ankle is really bruised. My husband thinks it looks like its broken, but i know my sons hasnt told us about it because he wants to play in the finals. i know im going to bring him to the doctors. But when he is aroud us he seems to walk on it fine. But when i see him walking down the hall he limps. I dont know how stupid he thinks we are to not notice his injury. But should he have told us first. because he has been on is foot for about 4 days. i bet he injured it more!

2006-12-01 14:35:36 · 9 answers · asked by Hayvynne Lachenski 1

I have bunionectomy scheduled 8 weeks post reconstructive ACL surgery. Need to start stationary biking about this time.

2006-12-01 14:09:30 · 2 answers · asked by dawnnmelanie 1

I have Patellar Tendinitis in my left knee. I can bend my knee but when I straighten it, I can hear lots of cracking. This especially happens when I kneel and stand, and even when I lay down and move my knee. I can't sit in one position more then 10 minutes because I begin to loose feeling in my left leg. Ive seen an orthopedic doctor several times but nothing has helped, not even knee braces or physical therapy. Anyone have any suggestions on getting rid of the cracking? It hurts and makes me feel like an old lady when I'm only 17.

2006-12-01 13:56:53 · 3 answers · asked by Sasha 3

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