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Injuries - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

I been thru the ops and would like to know from exp pple who had gone thru this before , what should I expect . how has your life been trandformed what sorts of things you can or can't do . thank you so much

2006-12-20 17:58:31 · 4 answers · asked by Flying 2

im thinking on getting plastic surgery done in my nose ..what are the possibilities that my nose will be in the shape that i want it to be?

2006-12-20 17:34:54 · 3 answers · asked by Vega 1

I was doing hills today, and at the very end of my workout, being as tired as I was, I tripped and fell going down a rocky slope and bounced down landing on my leg, and twisting my ankle. It hurt like hell for a few minutes and then subsided into a dull/sharp (somehow both) pain. It hurts to take a step on either of my ankles and I have to drag my left leg practically. Normally I wouldn't be so concerned, its just the track season is coming up and I have been training unbelievably hard -it would be my luck that I'd get a small fracture or something and find out by breaking my foot in the first race of the season. Anything I can do to help heal it, and what should I be looking for.

2006-12-20 17:01:15 · 5 answers · asked by fslcaptain737 4

Its grown a callus over it!! Help!

2006-12-20 16:50:15 · 9 answers · asked by RMS 1

I was really hung over and woke up earlier than I probably should have, to get some breakfast. Then all of a sudden I got really warm and everything around me started to fade to white around the edges. Next I was on the floor and my friend told me I was out with my eyes open for 30 seconds. What the hell happened to me, is that fainting, passing out, blood loss to the head?

2006-12-20 15:36:32 · 9 answers · asked by Lipiew 1

I will tell you how this happened so maybe you can tell me what is wrong.

I was riding my skateboard and I had to bail out quick, so i tried to run it off, but couldnt so I had to jump down this hill.
I jumped and made it far down the hill, but when I landed, i was sliding, and my left leg went out in front of me and then my knee locked and my leg was stiff. My heel hit a sprinkler and my knee went back and I fell head over heels. I knew something was wrong, but I can sort of limp walk so I figured it was fine, but when I got home it got way worse. After examining my leg I have found out that the muscle running up the outer side/back of my leg was stiff towards the top and is contracted and will not release, so my leg is very tight there and appears swollen. Some people have told me that they think I hyperextended it but I am not sure.

Please help me I am in track and need to be running soon!

2006-12-20 15:10:34 · 7 answers · asked by me! 2

Ok well I went to the doctor that lives across the street, he's an anestiologist (sp?) and we just went to his hosue so we wouldnt have to pay like 200 dollars to get a peice of kleenex removed. First he flushed it like 15 times with peroxide ane ethyl alcohol. Then he decided he would have to pull it out, so he used a hair pin (didnt have anything else) but before that he put a local anesthetic in my ear so i wouldnt feel it. Well as he was pulling it, I still felt the pin and kinda moved fast and I felt it hit somewhere in my ear, but it wasnt loud or didnt hurt, so it probably wasnt the ear drum.

Well he said he got it all out, theres just a VERY tiny peice left next to my ear drum and he said it will come out by itself. Its been 2 days now and I can hear but not as good as I did before. Plus, I have constant ringing (not loud) and my ear just feels "full" like it does when you're on an airplane. Whats going on? Will I regain my hearing fully?

2006-12-20 15:07:05 · 5 answers · asked by lucy s 1


I know this is bad but i dont know where else to turn...

I have depression and am a self-mutilator. I recently cut myself really deep, pastt he fatty tissue but not any veins, and i tried to close it up by using butterfly strips to hold the wound closed together while bandaged. However, after two days i removed the bandage to let it 'breath' and noticed that one side of the incision is tucked under the wound which means the cut is not healing the way it should..the fatty tissue is sticking out and i can't push it down/in and pull the cut together over the fatty tissue. What will happen to the fatty tissue or better yet to my wrist? I do not want to see a doctor for fear that they might report me as being suicidal although I wasnt trying to kill myself. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2006-12-20 15:05:22 · 4 answers · asked by Moneytree143 2

i heard from my mother that if ur toe nail falls off it wouldnt grow back again. so i am kind of worried if mine falls out it wouldnt grow back because i accidentally hit my toe nail on something and now its sort of bruised and sort of falling out but it didnt fall out completely yet so yea.can u please tell me if u know.. thanks

2006-12-20 14:46:47 · 20 answers · asked by joey c 2

2006-12-20 13:06:36 · 10 answers · asked by Nicole j 1

I have been getting them a lot in the past two days a lot.

2006-12-20 12:23:42 · 3 answers · asked by tennisluver90 2


I have hip pain when i play basketball...i have practice tonight. If it starts to hurt should i tell him and have him take a quick look at it? or just deal with it?

2006-12-20 10:03:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Walking doesn't hurt, but after a mile of running the pain is severe.
Any suggestions for treating it? I am taking ALLEVE, but it doesn't seem to help.

2006-12-20 09:46:02 · 3 answers · asked by buckykattrulez 2

I don't know if my rib is cracked, broken or bruised. I took a tumble about ten days ago snowboarding, I remember hearing a pop or two.
The affected rib sticks out a little further than the others and is very sensitive to any pressure, I dont have much trouble breathing but coughing or sneezing is pure agony.
I have heard that there isnt much that can be done with injured ribs, if this is the case I dont see the point of wasting four to five hours in a hospital unless my rib had to be put back into place or something.

2006-12-20 09:13:13 · 10 answers · asked by AirForceNut 1

And if so, how did you get them?
I'll start...
I've got a sovereign scar right cheek, teethmarks in my nose, and a screwdriver hole half inch from my left eye. (lucky not to be wearing a patch right now!) The things us boys get up to eh?
What permanent marks have you got that remind you of your life so far everytime you look in the mirror?

2006-12-20 09:05:25 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i need answer pronto, my friend called and she set her arm up like she was going to give blood or something...any ways her vein was sticking out and she cut it across her vein not down...how can i help her if she is all alone, i cant get to her and i'm the only one who she can reach? I'm trained as a life guard but...my skills are rusty she is applying pressure and has it elevetd but what elese can she do to help it?

2006-12-20 08:39:11 · 13 answers · asked by Angie L 1

it's not a serious break' it may just be sprained; it's still tender and feels stiff in the morning, though its hurts noticeably less than it did the first day or two. thing is, i don't have insurance and would like to avoid going to doctor/lab for diagnosis and x-rays---. which i guess leads to my biggest question; WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES IF MY ARM IS MILDLY BROKE AND I DON'T CAST IT OR POSSIBLY DO ANYTHING?

2006-12-20 08:37:54 · 14 answers · asked by nikcrit 1

I had a new cast put on yesterday (fibrecast) and this morning when I woke up it discovered it's loose around my ankle.
You see, I broke three of the metatarsal bones in the front of my left foot about a week and a half ago. I had a cast just over the back or my leg for a week, and yesterday when it was removed and xrayed, it had not changed much. The swelling was still there( and gross!) and the bones had not moved.
I had a new (full)cast put on . The doctor put extra padding around my toes gave me a "walking shoe" (a sort of shoe to fit over your cast, so you can walk) and told me not to walk on the cast for an hour.
WhenI woke up this morning, the cast is quite loose around my heel and anke, in fact it makes no contact with the cast when I raise my foot....I am dubius that the looseness is caused by the swelling going down as there was not much swelling in my heel area.
But I was favoring my (not busted) heel walking last night) I am worried Any advice? Reassurace?

2006-12-20 08:07:58 · 7 answers · asked by tui 5

left of me and I heard a crack and it looks turned in a bit so how do i get them back to normal?

2006-12-20 07:13:03 · 2 answers · asked by Hope 1

I was running home, and I suddenly heard a "click" and the back right of my head, right behind my right ear, exploded with pain. It's still there, unless I tilt my head: very sharp pain.

2006-12-20 06:29:51 · 5 answers · asked by netpetman 2

it's not a serious break, an d may just be sprained; it's still tender and tends to feel stiff in the morning, though it feels better than the day or two after i hurt it. thing is, i don't have insurance and would like to avoid going to doctor/a b for x-rays---. my biggest question; WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES IF MY ARM IS MILDLY BROKE AND I DON'T CAST OR DO ANYTHING ELSE?

2006-12-20 04:28:00 · 9 answers · asked by nikcrit 1

I am a competitive gymnast with chronic back pain.Story: Two years ago they thought i fractured my lower back, but it was only sprained. I helped it within a year by ice, heat, physical therapy, and taking time off from gymnastics. It stayed healthy for another year, until i went to an intensive training camp this summer where we practiced at least 8 hours a day for a whole week. After i came back, the pain was in a new area, my middle/ upper back and it was so intense i couldnt get out of bed, no position was comfortable. I thought it would get better if i took a semi break from practicing (i was anyway because of two stress fractured heels). Since then its been numerous months, and im in the middle of my competition season so i cant take anymore breaks. My back pain has not improved, it brings me to tears numourus times a day and the chiropracter cant see me for a few months. I dont know what to do till then, ive tried heat, ice....etc., nothing works, including pain killers, HELP!?

2006-12-20 02:47:43 · 7 answers · asked by tumblin365 3

Ive had an ear infection for about 6 weeks and its really bugging me is it normall for an ear infection to make u a bit deff in the ear the infection is in. I went to the doctors on monday tinking it was a wax build up he said there is no wax my ear drum was inflamed and he gave me antibiotics that last unitl monday next week. PLease tell me abput ure past experiences and how long they took to clear up :(

2006-12-20 02:31:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is the sisst (boil) just below the tail bone. the actual boil is gone right now but the problem is still there down in. i am having it cut out in a couple weeks. i am just looking for other peoples experiences

doc told to figure on a week out of work. this is the second year it swelled up on me, first time was miner and didn't go to the doctors thought it was nothing, this time it was real bad, so rather than waiting till it gets worse i want it gone. also this should reduce the cutting he has to do. he is hoping to seal it up to rather than having to pack it a couple times a day.

how bad was yours, how long out of work, pain level, .............?????????

2006-12-20 02:23:22 · 3 answers · asked by Acee 3

For the past few days i've had random twitching ( or rather, it feels like blood throbbing ) around my eyes and eyebrows, cheeks and basically anywhere on my left side of the face. When i blink, my left eye doesn't seem to close completely and its slightly hard to wink with my left eye. Sleeping is normal though.My lips also seem to be affected, its all normal but somehow i cannot completely control my upper left lip and it gets slightly hard to chew. My face looks completely normal, unlike the drooping signs of Bells Palsy. Anyone have any idea what i might have? I'm only 20 and perfectly healthy. Its only irritating because of the throbbing and the affecting of my eating habits/

2006-12-20 00:24:25 · 5 answers · asked by fiona t 1

I just noticed a bump on my right wrist right belown my thumb and has been giving off pain at work for a couple days. I just started working again (at the place I was before 4 months ago), but the bump has been there minimally for sometime with no pain.

I had trauma (19 stitches) put in my wrist after working on a window but they are no where near the bump.

Is it carpal tunnel or just a bump or cyst?

2006-12-20 00:22:10 · 4 answers · asked by thehutch86 2

I have a horrible pain in my right big toe joint when I bend it and also when its stationary. I also have pain on the top of my foot like a bruise but with no bruise colouring. The cold is making it more painful. Any ideas what this could be?

2006-12-19 22:15:19 · 8 answers · asked by lillian 1

I had injury at the backside of my head (just above the neck) more than one month back but I never felt much pain or anything until it started 20 days back. Though it is not very painfull. I feel slight pain and giddiness while chewing or eating. Please advice. What should I do?

2006-12-19 21:15:09 · 3 answers · asked by Mir H 1

during a 10k run i had knee pain and four days later still got severe pain in my right knee when i lift it and cant walk properly.

is this bad?

2006-12-19 20:44:52 · 4 answers · asked by beck 3

I had an accident. I fell and hit my head. I was taken to the ER where I was diagnosed head contusion and lumbar sprains, I still have pain in my lower back and headache they suspended my benefits and I am the doctor with my money, they said I was epilptic but my neurologist said nope how can I file an appeal? now that my chiropractor send me to work on ligh duty they neither found a job for me nor have paid my weekly check. I am desesperated they offered my lawyer $1500 but my lawyer is waiting for the medical records from the hospital. what can I do? Please I am getting short on money.
What would happen if I get a job in an office and I quit this job? I wouldnt be elegible for doctors care or what should I do?

2006-12-19 18:06:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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