For about 4 years I've been having a problem mostly with my hands and feet. In the winter my hands turn a deep reddish purple. I dont have to be outside for it to happen, it occurs when im inside too. My feet do the same thing. When I was in about 7th grade, I was watching tv one day and noticed that my foot felt funny. I rubbed it, but that didnt help. It was a numbing sensation and when I took my sock off my toes were pale white. Its happened a few other times but only when the weather is cold. I thought I might have raynaud's syndrome because all of my symptoms are exactly the same ( cold limbs, purple limbs, sesitive.. etc.) but my fingers didn't turn white so that cant be it. I also notice that not only do they turn pruple in the cold, but bright red in the heat. In the shower i have bright red feet and hands and my knees as well. Also, on my legs appear bright red lines. They look like maybe they are veins. When i am cold it is the same but purple lines. Please help
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Other - General Health Care