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General Health Care - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care

First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

I have those big candles to decorate the room in which I live and I burn them almost every day.
I really like them but the substances having been used to make them are unknown to me and so I worry whether I inhale anything harmful or not!

2007-01-19 16:31:43 · 3 answers · asked by Annietska 3 in Other - General Health Care

I am considering going to a hypnotist to stop smoking. 1st of all, does anyone here have idea how much it would cost? And more importantly... after doing some research, I realized there are actually 3 things I would like to be hypnotized for, on 3 seperate occasions (not all in one sitting). Those are: quitting smoking, my phobia of bugs, and weight loss.

My question is this: Are there any negative effects from being hypnotized for 3 seperate issues, or do you think the hypnotist would turn me away by thinking I need to just deal with some of my big issues?

Serious answers only please, thank you.

2007-01-19 16:30:06 · 3 answers · asked by mattysmommy2004 4 in Other - General Health Care

for the past week i wanna say...it could be more...i keep having muscle cramps in my legs...both legs, the front thigh muscle. its very annoying and i wanna know why its happening

some answers will probably be "go to the doctor" but i dont see the need to...i've had leg cramps before and theyre no big deal, nothing for the doctor. i'm just looking for a reason why ive been having them for a week straight! has this happened to anyone else?

2007-01-19 16:28:04 · 18 answers · asked by *princess* 4 in Other - General Health Care

After a long day at work, my back hurts and I need to find ways to stop the pain, any ideas?

2007-01-19 16:26:57 · 12 answers · asked by ☆Princess NonO☆ 4 in Pain & Pain Management

I bruise really easily. If I kneel, my knees get fat bruises. Are there any ways to get rid of bruises? It's possible it could be a blood problem, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions?

2007-01-19 16:21:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

Cause I'm thinking it could be from medication too

2007-01-19 16:06:09 · 6 answers · asked by Summer C 1 in Pain & Pain Management

My husband isn't feeling right and he took tums before telling me he was bloated, I don't want him to take tums and gas-x if it could cause any issues.

2007-01-19 15:44:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

Okay, so I was wondering about tongue piercing because I've heard that some people can't get it done? Like their tongue isn't right for it..

2007-01-19 15:40:36 · 4 answers · asked by Kozzzy 3 in Pain & Pain Management

We called the hospital, and they said if it reaches 106.0 to bring her in. I think this is kind of high for an emergency room visit. Wouldn't this start boiling her brain, or doing damage to it? I am cooling her down with washclothes, but I just can't get over the 106.0 bit. Please let me know if I am just a worrying mother, or if this is an excessive temp for a child that age. Thank You.

2007-01-19 15:39:34 · 19 answers · asked by crushedlover 2 in Other - General Health Care

I went to the ER they told me I have that but I still have other sysptoms like some kumbness in my left arm & leg but not all the time & a bit of a headache. and should I have these sysptoms for Pluritis.

2007-01-19 15:38:28 · 9 answers · asked by troopet2890 1 in Pain & Pain Management

I want to train to run a 5k, but have a 6 year old knee injury, a partially torn Anterior Cruiciate Ligament. I can walk, dance, workout and climb stairs with no pain. I know what the doctor says but they are so over cautious!

2007-01-19 15:37:25 · 5 answers · asked by Recruiter 1 in Injuries

There are a number of companies listed on the internet. How do I know which is best?

2007-01-19 15:36:24 · 2 answers · asked by mandy 2 in Other - General Health Care

Last night I had a dream that i was with 3 ppl ive never even met We were in a swimming pool and all these possessed people/zombies started attacking up and we had to fight them off and we kept knockin them into the water but they would get back up and we had to fight them again intell they died then when we were done me and a guy that was helpin me fight were left. I was standin in the pool and i saw blood and it was commin from me,in a personal area. then we went outside and we had this white powder on out hands and it was glowin it washed off my hands but not his and we approched an old man that was sittin in a back yard and he looked at his hands and was like THAT DOES not wash off OFF! thats the 8powder and then he disappeard then we were walkin and he became possessed and saw Arrow guiding up to a house he went in but i couldnt then a women was screamin and i went to see what was wrong and she guided me off the street and we ended up in newyork and all I smelled was burnin flesh

2007-01-19 15:33:09 · 11 answers · asked by Diamond 1 in Other - General Health Care

to lie on his left side at night, it seems to go away when in a steamy hot shower. its been getting worse. we cant go to the doc just yet but will soon, because of money and time, but we will go like on thursday, in the meantime what can i do to ease him discomfort?? it hurts him to breathe in deep, could it be asthma?? his pain is consistent and getting worse, thanks :)

2007-01-19 15:32:04 · 12 answers · asked by *~*~*SuGaR_mIcHa*~*~* 1 in Pain & Pain Management

i usually go to bed around 1 or 2 am, and i end up sleeping until about 3pm, i just need to know what could possibly cause that. Then when i do wake up still feel tired and i have those black circles under my eyes. Any info would really be appreciated. I do not have a job at this time,

2007-01-19 15:31:50 · 13 answers · asked by poarchrod 1 in Other - General Health Care

I'm very active- but inflexible. I have a bad back as a result of lifting a heavy mat (colorguard) a year ago. (not sure if that says anything at all). Thanks!

2007-01-19 15:28:01 · 3 answers · asked by live.hate.guard 1 in Pain & Pain Management

I am 13 yrs old and expiriencing muscle twitches in my hamstring often. Is there something wrong with me?

2007-01-19 15:27:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

My mom says she is AB+ and my dad was O+ So what could my blood type be??

2007-01-19 15:20:15 · 12 answers · asked by dixiehall3 2 in Other - General Health Care


Okay, so I am very seriously thinking about having this done. I already have a doctor picked out and everything. But, I am pretty nervous, considering the fact that they have to break your nose to do it. Has anyone here ever had rhinoplasty or know anyone who has had it done? I want to hear stories, good or bad! thanks.

2007-01-19 15:18:55 · 6 answers · asked by faerycatcher 3 in Injuries

can your anus get broken enough to stretch enough to fit a fist
I am not being rude or anything I just saw an internet video in where some people had it like that it disturbed me alot but it left me with a question can it get stretched so much you can fit a fist in there and in no ways i would like to do that

2007-01-19 15:12:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

Its been a week since i've put 390cc saline and i was really scared because i tought it would be too big but now that i seen it i think i could of even put more.
I didn't put more because i have a friend that put 350ml silicone and it was huge.
So can someone explain to me what the difference is from ml silicone and cc saline?

2007-01-19 15:09:17 · 3 answers · asked by spitzdaniel 1 in Other - General Health Care

am trying to put up a home health care and i need a tag line. any suggestions?

2007-01-19 15:06:24 · 1 answers · asked by rikcka 2 in Other - General Health Care

It is driving me crazy!! I don't wear makeup...or contacts...no known allergies, except to a few medications:which I am not on.

2007-01-19 15:01:55 · 3 answers · asked by running2adream 6 in Other - General Health Care

is a heating pad best or ice packs?

2007-01-19 14:58:30 · 7 answers · asked by Souuie 2 in Pain & Pain Management

I have a pain in my left side like a cramp sorta .. itsz near my bladder buton da left

2007-01-19 14:18:07 · 10 answers · asked by Ashley B 1 in Pain & Pain Management

My husband deals with heartburn at least once a day if not more, and I do know that he needs to go see a doctor to get a prescription, I am wondering what can he do to get rid of some of it.... Any ideas??? Has anyone dealt with this and found something that will work.... My husband refuses to take time off of work, and if he gets snowed out, he'll call that morning, but the doctors office don't ever have any openings.... and I am sick of him taking so many tums... they do help the heartburn when it happens, but we honestly go through at least 5-6 big containers of the tums smooth dissolve every month...... and that is way too much.... Also one of his big issues is night heartburn..... He will wake in the middle of the night with severe heartburn, and he takes tums... then it goes away, and he eventually falls back asleep..

2007-01-19 14:17:29 · 9 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 5 in Other - General Health Care

I'm allergic to them! Not severly, but enough to the point that i will have trouble breathing. i also heard calcium will work... but i dont have any! lol i suppose i could drink milk... but im wondering if there is another fruit high in potassium that i could eat or a supplement i could take. i get them about 2 or 3 nights a month and they last about 1-2 minutes... OWW! well respond if you know of anything!!

2007-01-19 14:01:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

i just had an accident in gym and i got 14 stitches. this mornin i woke up and my entire face was puffy. and my eye looks like i got socked. if i was ur friend or the girl u liked would ur opinion of me change because of how i look? plz be honest!!!!!!!

2007-01-19 13:45:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

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