to lie on his left side at night, it seems to go away when in a steamy hot shower. its been getting worse. we cant go to the doc just yet but will soon, because of money and time, but we will go like on thursday, in the meantime what can i do to ease him discomfort?? it hurts him to breathe in deep, could it be asthma?? his pain is consistent and getting worse, thanks :)
12 answers
asked by
➔ General Health Care
➔ Pain & Pain Management
some of you are SO RUDE, we have insurance, and thank you for the help for those of u that care and are respectful in the ways you say things, i am taking him to the ER as soon as he gets here, he has our only truck and gets out of work soon, i am feeling so anxious and im pregnant (not a good combo) thank u guys for being so straightforward! god bless!
15:59:50 ·
update #1
what better place to ask this question than and time aren't going to help when he's dead,einstien.
i think you are the one that is rude everyone here took the time to answer and i didn't see any other answers than the ones that have a concern for your husband no matter how there worded or how blunt they are.and i think you comments are very unchristian and uncalled for.
PS.please tell us how he went.not in detail just if he's ok.
2007-01-19 15:41:22
answer #1
answered by BUSHIDO 7
I had an same hip discomfort on an same facet. It led to me no longer having the flexibility to really workout for more effective or less 5 and a 1/2 months. that is because our ligaments and joints are loose after giving delivery. some females heal right now and others, like me, take a lengthy time period. I had 17.5 hours of exertions (yet also had an epidural) and pushed for 3 hours to no avail. our bodies have in basic terms been by ability of a lot and that is regularly occurring to have some discomfort. you should genuinely tell your healthcare professional. We pay those adult men a mess of money! they could opt to do an MRI like they did with me, in basic terms to make confident each thing's ok. you may also want a prescription to boring the discomfort slightly more effective.
2016-10-15 11:42:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I hate to say it but he is showing classic signs of a heart attack, you should not wait until thursday to go to the doctor. I would go to the ER as soon as possible, forget the money issue this sounds serious. If you want look up heart attack signs on the internet, but I would rather you be safe than sorry.
2007-01-19 15:37:41
answer #3
answered by I do what I want.. 4
You need to just go to the ER or an Urgent Care Clinic in your area and get him checked out. Made my husband go in November (only 37) and they found out he had cardiomyopathy. They were glad that he got in when he did, he had hope to get it taken care of. The bill sucked big time, but my conscience told me that we had no choice. Nothing is more important than taking care of our loved ones. I'm sorry to hear he isn't feeling well.
2007-01-19 15:42:28
answer #4
answered by daff73 5
The shower could be a clue. It may be the humidity or the heat that gives relief. If his ribcage is tender, simple pain relievers and warm moist compresses may help. If he's coughing or having other respiratory symptoms, it could be the steam inhalation that helps, and other ways of doing the same would be things as simple as drinking hot tea. Please don't delay the exam any more than needed, and good luck to him.
2007-01-19 16:03:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
it sounds like he could be showing early signs of having a heart attack. I know that money is the problem but you need to get him to the dr. now. The longer that he waits the more severe this could be.
2007-01-19 15:41:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm sorry you dont have health insurance--but your husband might be having a heart attack. Honey, please dont let your husband die because you dont have the money. God will make way. Take him to the Emergency Room PLEASE. My Aunt's husband had chest pains for a few weeks, then he dropped dea dof a heart attack in their home October. She blames herself for his death, and has become an alcoholic.
Get in your car, put your husband in there, and drive him to the Emergency Room. Apply for finacial assistance if you can.
2007-01-19 15:45:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
chest pains always have to be checked, go to your er and have this checked. Life is too precious to wait.
2007-01-19 15:39:39
answer #8
answered by hairy silver 4
my hubby (who is 6foot tall and slender) was having the same simtoms had a complet collapse of his left lung. i think you should make him go to the dr asap!!1
2007-01-19 15:41:27
answer #9
answered by countryladyfromNC 3
dont have money or the time - you need to make time - he is displaying signs of a heart attack - get to the doctor - it also sounds like it could be pneumonia
2007-01-19 15:42:34
answer #10
answered by kd baby 5