.Fioricet is the best thing in the world for a migraine headache. I tried everything out there and nothing helped like Fioricet. has a lot more Great info on Fioricet. Fioricet Drug is a barbiturate sedative mixed with a non-aspirin pain medication and caffeine. Fioricet non-narcotic pain medication and relaxant is often prescribed for tension headaches caused by contractions of the muscles in the neck and shoulder area, and migraine. I hope this helps Dear!
2007-01-21 19:37:35
answer #1
answered by Alison A 2
I've had migraines for year's and I was finally sent to a specialist. And I was put on a migraine preventer called Topamax. I have to take it everyday but it is so worth it. I use to get migraines 3-5 times a week. But now I just get them 2-3 times a month! And now when I do get a migraine I take Relpax. I would recommend to speak to your Dr. again to talk to a Migraine specialist I think they are Neurologist's and they will talk to you about the best Migraine Preventor for you!
2007-01-19 14:59:36
answer #2
answered by jrealitytv 6
I use Relpax (prescription) and it works fairly well for me, I get about 2 a month.
Caffeine is usually something that will help as it will dialate the blood vessels and allow blood to flow smoother... a migraine is when the brain swells up.
I found that coffee was a trigger for me, so, as much as I hate it, I had to give up coffee. Red wine (well, the sulfites) are also a trigger of mine.. there can be many... these are two of mine.
Good luck
2007-01-19 07:44:02
answer #3
answered by bilko_ca 5
Go see a chiropracter. I had migraines for 20 years and decided one day to try this. I swear to God, she fixed the problem and I never got another migraine headache again. I will stake my life on a chiropracter. Try it. You might just like it.
2016-03-14 08:10:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I took every kind of perscription medication known but then I discovered excedrin and it works. You have to take it right away and keep taking it every 4 hours. Also I take baths and use the heating pad on my head if it is really bad. Good luck headaches suck and people just don't understand unless they have had a migrane. Hope that you feel better.
2007-01-19 15:38:51
answer #5
answered by mom of twins 6
Gatorade helps - I get migraines quit often. I have learned to control them by not drinking any kind of pop but I read once if you drink Gatorade it will help. I have tried it and it won't make the migraine go away but it helps the pain.
2007-01-19 07:27:01
answer #6
answered by sunny 1
Check this page out.. its about fevewfew and migraines..
2007-01-22 08:33:33
answer #7
answered by harry B 3
exedrine migraine, lay down and cover your face with a cold washcloth, try and relax
in the future, try to determine what triggered it, such as a change in diet or sleeping patterns, or stress......
2007-01-19 07:22:16
answer #8
answered by renee 5
Non-prescription: Excedrin, coffee, ice pack, and lying down in a dark, quiet room.
Prescription: Imitrex. It works miracles. But it is expensive.
2007-01-19 07:22:58
answer #9
answered by Emmy 6
A chiropractic adjustment can really help. Getting your neck adjusted works wonders with almost any headache
2007-01-19 07:25:56
answer #10
answered by NickiD99 2