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Health - 7 June 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

The last time I slept with my sex partner was 3 month ago. He had multiple sex partners... and hookers too ( i didn't know until later)


I'm really afraid he might have HIV... and I might have it too.
Am I thinking too much or I REALLY need to get tested?

2007-06-07 21:33:52 · 22 answers · asked by Jin 2 in STDs


Can someone tell me how to clean the warts?

2007-06-07 21:28:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

They were diagnosed with depression about 5years ago. Have been through lots (rape, abuse, loss of close ones etc). Have tried everything- medication, therapy, moving away from the problem center etc.

But nothing improves. What is next? Is there anymore that can be done?

(no religious answers please)

2007-06-07 21:19:43 · 4 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7 in Mental Health

What is the normal milligram amount / doseage of Acyclovir to take for a herpes breakout, right now?
my last time breakout at 1998....

2007-06-07 21:17:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

ALT = 248 U/l (normal is 35 max)
AST = 409 U/l (normal is 30 max)
Alk Phosphate = 300 U/l (normal is 120 max)
GGT = 181 U/l (normal is 40 max)

I just got my results yesterday and had a brief discussion with my doctor, he is sending me to a specialist. But he didn't say what I should do, and i forgot to ask.

Do I stay in bed? Can I go to work? Should I avoid any foods or medicines like paracetamol? How can I help my liver?

2007-06-07 20:54:54 · 3 answers · asked by ags3y7 2 in Other - Diseases

I want to know if this is a common thing or just my bad luck. I gained 40 lbs. in 6 months after starting Avandia. I have been on Lyrica for almost a year. I found some reference to this side effect in the company literature for one or the other med. Figured this one out the same day the big heart attack scare hit the news. I dropped Avandia w/ Dr's agreement.

2007-06-07 20:45:50 · 5 answers · asked by bluzsky 3 in Diabetes

I'm a front end supervisor at my work and there's this new lady who works there. I think she may be bipolar. When she asks anyone a question and they answer, she'll keep asking the same thing over and over. For example, she asked me if it was ok if she takes her break at a certain time from now on. I told her it was okay and she asked me the same thing again. I told her yes, and she kept saying "Yes, it's okay?" again and again than she said "Yes I can?, I can, C-A-N, Can?" Then she started to have a break down and said she's having difficulty concentrating and asked again "I can?, Yes?, C-A-N?" she even wrote "can" on her hand with a pen. Then she went upstairs than come running back downstairs pulling at her hair obviously frustrated and said "Yes I can? Say yes. I can, yes?" Well she finally actually went on her break. Then said that she just took her meds cause she forgot to earlier, she finally calmed down for the rest of the night and was quiet. Is this bipolar disorder?

2007-06-07 20:44:47 · 7 answers · asked by reff 3 in Mental Health

to be more in depth, i sleep late (around 3A) normally, i wake up late (around 1P) normally and i eat like 3-4 hours past normal eating times. anyone know what's wrong with me and/or how i can fix it? i function normally, not groggy or anything until i have to wake up early for my classes... which is effecting my performance. any suggestions?

2007-06-07 20:33:55 · 2 answers · asked by jocularpinay 1 in Mental Health

With so many delicious meatless options today, do you feel you could eat seven meatless meals each week?

2007-06-07 20:27:17 · 21 answers · asked by srfritz1969 1 in Diet & Fitness

I have been running a low grade fever for about 6 weeks now. I always heard that you don't have to worry about low grade fevers but I don't think it should last that long. My temp used to always be 97 point something. Now it is ranging between 99 and 100. I feel tired and I am sweating alot at night. Any comments? Thanks

2007-06-07 20:24:42 · 10 answers · asked by Jo 1 in Infectious Diseases

how much would you lose if you did this for a week? I don't need anyone preaching on here "don't do it, it's not healthy...blah blah blah" Just answer the question asked please. People go on fasting, master cleanse, and detox diets...that's eating NOTHING, I'm gradually trying to make my stomach smaller and lose weight in the process. Sooooooooooo......500 calories a day for a week, how much will a person lose?

2007-06-07 20:21:55 · 9 answers · asked by EJ 5 in Diet & Fitness

What are the best cardio workouts. Basically I have some body fat left that I am trying to burn off and I am wondering what some of the best cardio workouts would be for that and how long ideally you would want to do them for to get results but not overdue it. If it helps any I am Male and 20.

2007-06-07 20:21:42 · 4 answers · asked by Cheese 5 in Diet & Fitness

My skin is of oily and it secretes more sweat.

How to control the secretions of oil and sweat?

2007-06-07 20:18:35 · 4 answers · asked by vinay 1 in Skin Conditions

Since I was a very small child I noticed when the TV came on I would hear a high pitch ringing in my ears. I could be in another room and hear when the TV was turned on and turned back off again and sometimes I would hear it from outside the house if I were close enough. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this or am I just weird?

2007-06-07 20:13:22 · 12 answers · asked by TN_GIRL 2 in Other - Health

2007-06-07 20:05:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

It only happens when i'm on top. And it'll only last a few seconds. Is this normal?

2007-06-07 19:58:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

Ok, I have a nice stash of weed set aside but will be unable to smoke it due to school, my questions are...

1) Will the THC disintegrate from my stash or get bad or less effective after a while, like less potent?

2) If yes to 1, how long will it take?

3) How can I make my weed preserve as long as possible?

Right now I'm storing it in a medicine bottle protecting it from UV lights. Thanks.

2007-06-07 19:55:25 · 16 answers · asked by John S 2 in Alternative Medicine

two surgeries in the last year.. one for cervical cancer, the other for endometreosis. could the few years of antidepressants be a cause? i've finally tapered off of them, but wondering if any of these could be a cause?

2007-06-07 19:51:23 · 5 answers · asked by kim.m 1 in Cancer

Just for the record I have had it confirmed I have memories back to the age of 8 months old. I m 35. But when my grandmother was alive I would say do you remember this and she would say yes but how do you. Im serious. Apparently most cant and I want to know why I can.

2007-06-07 19:49:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

2007-06-07 19:40:15 · 14 answers · asked by tot 2 in Cancer

I did it once and felt out of place.

2007-06-07 19:37:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

My tongue just started to get the feeling like I was getting poked with a toothpick in the back of my tongue (Bottom). I researched and found out that all my symptoms match up with Pericoronitis.

I tried brushing it with a toothbrush but its in a real hard spot to get in to. I was thinking of using something to numb it like ora-gel. Would that be ok or should I look for some other treatment until I go to the dentist?

Also whats a good way to get rid of the taste?. Mouthwash isn't working for a long ammount of time.

2007-06-07 19:36:56 · 2 answers · asked by Chance 4 in Dental

I can't seem to sleep. I have a terrible headache and I feel nauseous. I've been on my period for the past 5 months straight [and yes I've been seeing a doctor about it] and I started bleeding heavy these past few days but lately I just feel sick. I'm not on any medications. What could this be?

2007-06-07 19:31:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I have heard recently about how Bounce dryer sheets have a ton of alternative uses including repelling ants, mosquitos, mice, and the like. I am very allergic to insects so this would be great to use, but I am also semi-allergic to the scented version of the Bounce.

So, I am wondering if the Unscented Bounce dryer sheets work like the original ones. And if they do work in repelling insects, are they as effective as the regular version of Bounce or do you notice that they don't work as well? If there is another scent that you have used that works like the original and it's not the unscented, I'd be interested in knowing that too.

All responses are appreciated.

2007-06-07 19:29:02 · 4 answers · asked by JP 3 in Allergies

sex,man,women,sleep,night,disease,phobia,consequenses,psycological effect,mental disorder,way to cure,consultant.

2007-06-07 19:19:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

And what inhaler should you use?Please help!At this very moment my mom is having a hard time breathing!She might Die!!!!Please Help!

2007-06-07 19:09:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I drink 15+ daily. I know I have a problem, now what can I do to stop?

2007-06-07 19:06:05 · 14 answers · asked by sjusv1911 1 in Other - Health

I want to smile, grin, and laugh badly, but my cheeks hurt a lot for some reason when I smile.

2007-06-07 19:02:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I know that they usually give you a valium and you are awake during the surgery. And i know they put numbing drops in your eyes, but can you see during the surgery? Can you move your eyes? Do they put things on your eyes to keep them open like in clockwork orange? Is there anyway to make yourself blind during the surgery, like by blinking or flinching on accident? Sorry, I'm just really paranoid about my eyes and it really grosses me out. One more question, is it true that the surgery hurts more for people who've worn contacts? If so, should i stop wearing my contacts for a period before the surgery? Thanks!

2007-06-07 19:02:48 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

I need some help deciding on medicine. I am looking for something to help my anxiety and something to relax me. I use to drink alcohol and most cigs and I was good with that, until I got mono and now I am very weakish lately and paranoid and I know if I start anxiety med then I can't drink. I am also 18 years old. I also do not care to try to get over stuff naturally by breathing in and all that calm down stuff, so I was wondering if I asked my doctor for a small dose of Xanax, or valium, would he probably think I am crazy?

2007-06-07 18:54:00 · 9 answers · asked by newport9756 1 in Alternative Medicine

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