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Health - 8 April 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

How do women shave? What do they use, a manual shaver or the electric one? How do women wax? What wax product is the best and can be done on your own?

2007-04-08 22:06:34 · 3 answers · asked by cheng 1 in Women's Health

So far II was diagnosed with spinal stenosis of L4-L5. I am not sure if they are related or not. After seeing numerous surgeons and MRI's for last 24 years I am still confused if I should go for Laminectimy which means cuting off 2 vertabrae to give breathing room for compressed spinal cord at L4 and L5. Last surgeon that I saw he says I have clearly two different problems. First prob is back pain due to stenosis if pain gets intolerable he would perform Laminectomy, but for 2nd prob he has to do some tests etc to determine why my right leg was atrophied gradually over last 24 years. In fact since I cant walk too much or may be due to spinal stenosis my left leg has also just started getting atrophied. I have good insurance from Medicare but cant find a great surgeon who would take medicare and perform minimally invasive surgery rather then laminectomy. I shall be highly obliged if some one give me advise how to correct this disabeling disease.

2007-04-08 22:06:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

She is a thyroid patient and regularly takes 1 tab. Electroxin every day morning. The Gynic prescribed some tablets and said she will have menses in 5 days time. But no result. He further suggested to check the Thyroid after menses which is a costly process and in spite of financial problems I have to get her tested once again for the thyroid. Earlier for the last more than 1 year she was always complaining that some thing is going on in her head, pain in the whole body and head, etc., for which the Doctor has prescribed 1 Tab. Valance 500 OD every night which she is continuing. I am not financially sound to get her examined thoroughly. Could any Physicist and Ghynic specialist help me out which their kind recommendation. I can only be grateful and thankful for their kind advise..

2007-04-08 21:50:13 · 4 answers · asked by scr p 2 in Women's Health

For the past couple days, my stomach has felt bloated and I haven't had much of an appetite and I have a small dark rash on my left arm, that hurts just a tiny bit when putting pressure on it. This week, at the job I just lost, I was working at a sheetmetal manufacturer and I ran some steel parts through a sanding machine that some kind of chemical that got on my left arm. Does this mean Hepatitis B?

2007-04-08 21:45:49 · 6 answers · asked by Derek S 1 in Infectious Diseases

Just to have hair grow back on my scalp ...

2007-04-08 21:38:49 · 5 answers · asked by workstation 1 in Women's Health

Does it hurt? Did you apply it to the skin or apply it after you scratched the affected area? What does it do for the area and how long does it take?

2007-04-08 21:32:02 · 3 answers · asked by breadbox 1 in Skin Conditions

I read this somewhere just want to know if it's true, because i always thought it was ice-cold water.

2007-04-08 21:23:08 · 15 answers · asked by Claz C 2 in Diet & Fitness

I am on the hormone implant, Implanon, and have not a had a period for over 2 years. Last month I was admitted to hospital with endometriosis and this month, I have really heavy, exceptionally painful, bleeding. I have also been throwing up a lot. Do I need to get this checked out or shall I just ride it out and see what happens? Have been bleeding for 5 days now and it is not getting any better! Also, not sure if this is linked or not but my bowel movements are erratic and there is a lot more volume than normal. Cheers!

2007-04-08 21:19:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

While attending a long call on my mobile at the office, I have suddenly developed this irritating and burning sensation under my left ear....it hurts....what shall I do? Take Ibuprofen for it?
How should I avoid such pain in future?

2007-04-08 21:17:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

my cousin is really in pain because the side of her jaw is bothering her. It is swollen and she says she can feel something in there moving. Every time we touch it or put ice on it starts to move around. It hurts hr so much that she started crying. (she is only 11 years old)

Does anyne know what this is? Is it very serious or can it be cured?

Hopefully she gets better because ny uncle might take her to the hospital tomorrow.

2007-04-08 21:17:27 · 10 answers · asked by ashley_tisdale2006 2 in Other - Diseases

my brain reacts slower than it shud nowadays..
i dunno whats the coz of it.. maybe its the side effect of fever or a knock on the head.. maybe its genetic ( my mom is blur too ) or maybe i slept too late at night that causes this problem to myself.. during practice people said i dream a lot.. but i wasnt dreaming, but i always forget my moves and everything.. i was always slower.. WHY? and its all happening lately.. and it linked to a social problem too.. becoming slow-headed made me think slower i dunno why.. and when talking to people, i tend to reply slower or talk without thinking.. i hate this new brain of mine.. i wish to turn it back to normal..
any advise on how to handle this problem? any psychiatrists around to advise me? pls and thank you.. i like yahoo! answers..

2007-04-08 21:15:58 · 3 answers · asked by WM 2 in Mental Health

not the coming of the pre-ejaculate fluid since i already know that they dont feel it coming. i just want to know if they feel that the pre-ejaculate fluid has come out from them.

2007-04-08 21:15:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I used to run but have knee problems now. How else do I burn fat effectively?

2007-04-08 21:13:08 · 6 answers · asked by Jim Ratz 1 in Diet & Fitness


2007-04-08 21:05:15 · 9 answers · asked by JUSTIN M 2 in Diet & Fitness

but i recently got into a serious relationship n we ended up breaking up. i had a little slip n kinda cut but my boyfriend hates that and people that do it and honestly i do 2. i hate doing it its just a habit 4 whenevr i get REALLY hurt it gets the emotional pain off my mind. but anyways im gonna see him tommorrow hes gonna want to see my arm. if he sees cuts on me hes gnna break up with me. is there any way that i can hide them or make them smaller

2007-04-08 20:59:30 · 12 answers · asked by kassie 2 in Mental Health

I'm in the office at the moment and I've run out of sweets to relieve my headache. I'm not really sure what the headache is caused by. My head is spinning and I feel like I'm about to throw up. Still got 1hr 45min left to go till the office day ends. Any suggestions?

2007-04-08 20:50:13 · 18 answers · asked by gotadvice? 1 in Other - Health

40 year old. No other health problems. Never visited any hospital. This problem is for the last 1 year and it is retractable/reduceable.

2007-04-08 20:38:47 · 3 answers · asked by Madhava K 1 in Alternative Medicine

i have a little blur forming next to my pupils and it always makes my eyes red and irritating. what should i do?

2007-04-08 20:29:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

about 6 months before it happened, this is a conversation we had

MOM "I have to talk to you about something really serious."
ME "are you going to die??"
MOM "not any time soon. we just are running out of money"

this was so creepy!! it was like this feeling deep down in my soul that she was going to die!!

2007-04-08 20:29:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

since last 2 months unable to erect, I am 32 year old phycially fit

2007-04-08 20:24:42 · 5 answers · asked by nitin s 1 in Men's Health

My father has adrenal gland cancer, he has severe pain. He can’t use injection any more, and he can’t use morphine because he haven’t one lung. Please help!!!!!

2007-04-08 20:19:46 · 8 answers · asked by Stefan V 1 in Cancer

hi, i recently had a curette and hysderscopy and waiting to see my gyno, but ive had this problem previously also I have an IUD- is my bowel hitting on something?

2007-04-08 20:14:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

2007-04-08 20:13:31 · 1 answers · asked by yousuf 1 in Diabetes

i have never really been one to really lose it, i dont ever remember sobbing, other then tonight. like, never. my mom died august 28,2005, and i cried, but i never really lost it, you get what i mean. all of a sudden i was watching an eminem music video (like toy soldiers) and i was sobbing so bad that i fell off of my chair, what is going on?

2007-04-08 20:12:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

Sure, if you're killing yourself because your cat died or your girlfriend left you, hell if you're just doing it because you're a stupid teenager who's hormones haven't learned to agree with your body yet or your wife left you or you're in debt or dealing with an episode of major depression, maybe, but for some people isn't saying that just a little bit niave?

Like the terminally ill? The severely and treatment resistant mentally ill? The brain dead?

Without knowing what the situation is, how can one simply blanket over suicide as 'wrong'.

2007-04-08 19:57:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

i have been having crazy bad cramps every ware but not the "womanly" kind. i get hand cramps and leg cramps and in my sides and neck all the time lately and my mom has been having me take potassium pills and eating bananas to help with it and drink a lot more water than i normally do but its not helping much what could be wrong with me and how can i get it to stop?

2007-04-08 19:47:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

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