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Health - 7 October 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

2006-10-07 15:36:25 · 7 answers · asked by maddie r 2 in Other - Health

Within a year and a half i've gained about 30 lbs. About a year ago, i was diagnosed with high anxiety and depression. Could that have been a factor to weight gain? I have been working out as regular, but I will admit that I have not kept a steady-healthy diet. Why the quick weight gain?

2006-10-07 15:34:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I been thinking about plastic surgery maybe a liposupcion but I am scare because I think I may have a visible scar.

2006-10-07 15:27:57 · 9 answers · asked by Help 1 in Women's Health

if not then who are you talking to?

2006-10-07 15:27:55 · 18 answers · asked by KU 4 in Mental Health

All day long I have been itching like crazy everywhere and it won't go away and when I scratch I break out into welts/hives. I am not taking any medication and haven't had anything to eat, so I know its not from that. This has happened once before where I had to go to the emergency room and wound up getting 6 shots of epinephren. My lip is slightly swollen and my eyelids are slightly swollen, but other than that its mainly the itching thats driving me nuts and I know that I won't be able to sleep because of it.

2006-10-07 15:27:03 · 10 answers · asked by Cathy G 2 in Skin Conditions

1 Line on the test was a bit faint but still noticeable.How do I tell my husband so he dosn"t have a stroke?!

2006-10-07 15:23:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

my son got a tatoo from a friend and he is sick with chills and fever

2006-10-07 15:23:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

I dont want braces but i want my teeth to be straighter. I dont have terrible teeth but on the side i have wat looks like fangs. I've read things saying it works in about a year and it works for even tough cases but it seems too good to be true. Has anyone wore it and knows if it works?

2006-10-07 15:23:31 · 1 answers · asked by XoSexierDenYewXo 1 in Other - Health

I stopped going there after a month because it seemed like a bunch of pseudo religious cult-like BS. /they have this type of language they all talk in that I called.."taliking in bumber stickers" I think it is onlky good for people whom like to hear thier own voice when they complain. The studies have shown the program to be a failure...why do therapists and doctors still recommend it? click the link. No AA nazis or religion pushers please

2006-10-07 15:20:50 · 22 answers · asked by hittykkiod 1 in Mental Health

They aren't bruises and there are more coming by the week. Any suggestions???

2006-10-07 15:20:22 · 4 answers · asked by darsax 1 in Skin Conditions

i am at my uncles house 4 a cookout and i sarted my period. i don't know what to do. my momand aunt are both here but i am to shy to ask my aunt 4 anything. Also i have terrible cramps.

2006-10-07 15:20:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I go to the gym 5-6 days a week , who knows how to message???

2006-10-07 15:19:47 · 5 answers · asked by E.M. 4 in Diet & Fitness

For about the last week or so, my chest has been feeling tight, when I breathe i struggle to do it deeply, I am completely fit and healthy, have never had any real health problems and I am not allergic to anything. I have been feeling really tired recently and I am wondering if anyone knows what could be wrong? I am planning on visiting the doctor on Monday, but until then does anyone have any suggestions?

2006-10-07 15:17:33 · 9 answers · asked by something_more 1 in Other - Health

2006-10-07 15:17:25 · 4 answers · asked by :::Rae::: 2 in Men's Health

Joe u sounded like u needed help so bad, I have been praying hard for u son and do hope u have taken my advice and sought the help u needed so bad. I pray u have found ur self somewhat. I know feeling lonely and not wanting to live is the pits but with the proper help and belief in God we all get through the worse of the bad times, I know I have even though some days r tougher than others.

2006-10-07 15:17:13 · 1 answers · asked by papabeartex 4 in Mental Health

mostly because your lower jaw was/is "too big"

2006-10-07 15:16:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

where yahoo will donate $1 to Komen Foundation, if one changes their home page.

2006-10-07 15:16:04 · 4 answers · asked by Celina L 1 in Cancer

How long should i go on a mass building cycle....like the one bodybuilders do.......the 12 to 15 reps kind.....i wanna gain a bit of mass and is 4 weeks good enough or should i go for about 8 weeks.....or how but 12

2006-10-07 15:15:52 · 2 answers · asked by anonymous 27 4 in Diet & Fitness

my periods late this month. my boobs have been soar and ive had abdominal cramps. today, my stomach felt like a black hole; it didnt matter how much i ate, i was still hungry . . . but i also heard that you could have "ghost" pregnancies after you've lost a child. . . now im worried it may be just that . . .

2006-10-07 15:14:22 · 4 answers · asked by lil_bit . 1 in Women's Health

I'm 13 years old, 5'7" and about 150 pounds. I wanna lose my extra weight and fat, and I was thinking of trying medifast...
Will this damage my reproductive system.
Will it stunt my growth (even though I'm basically done)
I think it will work, but I would like advice...thanks

2006-10-07 15:14:05 · 5 answers · asked by HOll4907 2 in Diet & Fitness

I was brushing my teeth and I noticed that in the back of my mouth there is some gum tissue growing over my tooth....I was wondering if someone could tell me what this is? I am really confused about it......Its been like 4 days and now it kind of hurts here and there....Any feedback is good

2006-10-07 15:07:45 · 8 answers · asked by Jay D 1 in Dental

i just got my 2 teeth filled today but what like now the back of my tooth is bothering me, like if i drink water it hurts..! i think i got another cavitiy!what should i do tho, plese dont give me stupid answers.

extra stuff

i didnt do i had this feeling because the guy first gave me some novacaine and then said raise your hand if u feel any things thats sensitive...so i didnt raise my hand because my teeth is numb..so as he was cleaning my teeth with this needle thing..he must of made a hole in my teeth and i couldnt feel it because of the numbness of the novocaine....what should i do to make this feeling go away permanetly!!!!????? im not sure if its a cavity but if i drink water it kills... my other tooth was also filled but i havnt had any problems with that one yet

2006-10-07 15:06:27 · 12 answers · asked by aznkidd_978 1 in Dental

ok here the thing his may sound gross but it is a female thing my vagina and the flabby skin around it is very tender, swollen, and very uncomfortable..what is it, what can i do to make it better...any other suggestions

ALSO i DO not have any sort of stds or anything alike...

2006-10-07 15:05:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I have bad Pores on the side
of my nose.
how do i get rid of them??


2006-10-07 15:05:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

im 5 10" and weighed 111 pounds, when i first got with my bf 3 years ago he said he loved the way i look. but over the years i didint notice but my family did he would prefer me to keep losing weight and was always happy when he called me fat and i was starving myself. i became so skinny i had protruding bones sticking out everywere. he would bully me with food and if i ate would often call me a fat whore or a fat sack of ****. i believed i was fat and starved to keep him happy. im still with him but im still not eating. my family have said if i dont dump my bf they will have nothing to do with me. i honestly think about taking an overdose and ending it all . please someon guide me right.

2006-10-07 15:02:45 · 19 answers · asked by belle s 1 in Other - Health

2006-10-07 15:02:00 · 12 answers · asked by abbas_n_chantel 2 in Other - Health

During holiday, my girlfriend keeps asking me to make love, but for me, it is really tired if I do it three times a day. Sometimes, I cannot do it anymore for my dick gets impotence. So, my girl is very upset. Now, what should I do? Maybe, I think, I should:
1) eat something nutritive foods, but like what?
2) do more exicise and sports
3) learn more tricks on making love, but what are they?
Is it necessary to see doctor? I can do twice one day and each lasts 4 minutes. I am in twenties only.

2006-10-07 15:01:55 · 10 answers · asked by Mike 1 in Women's Health

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