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im 5 10" and weighed 111 pounds, when i first got with my bf 3 years ago he said he loved the way i look. but over the years i didint notice but my family did he would prefer me to keep losing weight and was always happy when he called me fat and i was starving myself. i became so skinny i had protruding bones sticking out everywere. he would bully me with food and if i ate would often call me a fat whore or a fat sack of ****. i believed i was fat and starved to keep him happy. im still with him but im still not eating. my family have said if i dont dump my bf they will have nothing to do with me. i honestly think about taking an overdose and ending it all . please someon guide me right.

2006-10-07 15:02:45 · 19 answers · asked by belle s 1 in Health Other - Health

19 answers

you made this up, and if you didn't, anorexia is not your only problem......

2006-10-07 15:07:23 · answer #1 · answered by laney45 4 · 2 1

Ok, I know how you feel b/c I had some things happen in my life that made me not want to eat, and even when those things stopped happening, I still did not want to eat. Or I still used the food to deal with the issues.

Here's the bottom line--a) Why are you still with him? b) He isn't making you not eat, but he can't be making you feel good about yourself, either, if you're still not eating.

And if he isn't bothering you, something is. The not eating is a mechanism that you are using to cope with something that is bothering you.

It's true that what he did was terrible. But that's not the real point. The point is you. B/c even if the situation changes and you are no longer with him, you could use that way to deal with other things that are bothering you in your life. So, try to change the way that you deal with things in your life, and try to get out of the situation that you're in with your boyfriend. Realize that you don't deserve to be treated that way. If you don't want to totally break it off with him, maybe you two can take a break for a while and see if you feel better after that. Have you thought of going to a treatment center, for example? That could get you out of the situation with your boyfriend and get you help at the same time.

About the overdose--if you want to break your parents' hearts and hurt yourself more than you already have...you know? You don't need to do that. Your parents are only saying what they are saying b/c they love you. And I don't know how you feel about this but Jesus loves you also.

It's time to take care of yourself now....the boyfriend may clean up his act...who knows? Else, there are many fish in the sea. It will be his loss, not yours.

God bless.

2006-10-07 15:16:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you were happy with the way you looked in the first place why did you change? Its not worth trying to please your boyfriend at the risk of your health. Your family sounds like they care about you so they will guide you right. Don't end your life because it's the easy way out, because that will destroy the lives of people you leave behind, and then you become a life destroyer just like your man. Best thing you can do is leave him and go to your mum's house for a big roast lamb dinner. And I want you to eat everything and lick the plate. If you want to stay healthy eat the right foods. Underweight is not healthy. Your family will make it all better. Mentally, emotionally and physically. Trust them and love yourself. There is so much to look forward to in the future.

2006-10-07 15:12:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't agree with your family's tactics of giving you an ultimatum, but I agree with their thinking that you need to leave him. It sounds like a very toxic and abusive relationship. He is emotionally battering and terrorizing you. If you were not constantly being hammered on, you wouldn't feel so close to the edge right now. This is a temporary problem and you will make it through this. You deserve better. The choice is up to you. Will you allow yourself to continue to be a victim, or will take back your life? I know it is not easy... I am sorry that you are in this situation, but you do have the power to do something about it.

2006-10-07 15:16:51 · answer #4 · answered by Mandy 3 · 0 0

look, if you are realy anorexic than DUMP YOUR BOYFRIEND hes not even be a boyfriend, he a bully and the first step u should do is dump him, then realise your problem (anorexcia), dont run from it, face it, eat healthy, put a little weight back on, confront your family or a close friend, ask for advice, dont just sit there, cry in a corner and listen to all his bullying. and whateva u do dont take an overdose of wateva. just sit down plan it over and start. honestly, wateva you do, just dump him and stop starving yourself.

2006-10-07 15:16:48 · answer #5 · answered by flee1906 5 · 0 0

No, your boyfriend didn't make you sick. That's like saying "my wife made me kill her." Bullcrap.

YOU are stronger than anyone's word out there. If you are mentally incapable of standing up to his abuse, please do all of us a favor and leave him.

Take an overdose of what? You know that ingesting pills will more likely than not make you throw up, have a long stay at an ER, where they will psychoanalyze you, maybe admit you to a Mental Institution, and make you eat normally anyway.

Personally, for someone your height, you are WAY too skinny. Dump the jerk. Move in with your family if you can't do it on your own.

Anyone who judges your outward appearance isn't in love with you anyway...they just want a trophy.

Good luck!

2006-10-07 15:13:39 · answer #6 · answered by rouschkateer 5 · 0 0

Honey the easiest thing for you to do is break up with him. no guy is worth it! First off for your height you were too thin at 111 pounds. Nobody is worth what he is putting you through. Before you got with him would you REALLY have even thought to end your life? THink about it the Emotional & verbal abuse your boyfriend is putting you through has caused you to go into a deep depression ask your family for help tell them you need to see a psychologist to bring you out of this rut. Good Luck!

2006-10-07 15:09:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

girl dont do this to yourself dump his *** sorry 4 my language but he does not deserve you, you are in danger of becoming dead in around 6 months tops you really need to dump him if he does not like you for who you are then why are you with him dont change for anyone stay the way you where before you met him and if he does not like it then he can go to hell again sorry 4 my language dont change 4 anyone and start eating better you know why he might pick on you it might be because he thinks that he is fat, he is self concious of something and he is taking it out on you DUMP HIM and tell him that he can take his problems elsewhere and that you are going to live a normal life because family is always first

2006-10-07 15:11:17 · answer #8 · answered by tiwn raro 2 · 1 0

HE didn't make you anorexic, YOU made you anorexic. It was your choice to stay with him. It is still your choice. You need to use the backbone (that is probably protruding from your skin right now) to tell this verbally abusive male to SHOVE OFF! Then you need to check yourself into a treatment facility and decide why it is you need an outsider's opinion. Your family has your best interests at heart. Listen to them.

2006-10-07 15:09:40 · answer #9 · answered by songbird 2 · 1 0

u sound to be a sprint underweight , which fits to bring about undesirable existence threatening wellbeing issues , u would desire to pass away your boyfriend on my own , he's not the superb a million for u if he's telling those issues , he isnt the a million making u anorexic , by potential of u listening to that nonsense u are doing it to your self , i comprehend women are gentle approximately their weight yet we would desire to even have uncomplicated experience , u your self comprehend there's a situation because of the fact if u didnt u wouldnt be asking this question , pass seem at your self , do u think of u are fat ... nope , do u comprehend u would desire to devour to stay whether with that scumbag or no longer , if u dont u comprehend what is going to take place yup u guessed proper .... death !! u sound youthful so i comprehend u have been given a existence earlier than u to stay , after u say those issues to your self wreck up with the loser who wont enable u be chuffed to devour , some thing which will save u alive if he enjoyed u he'd beg u to devour so u can stay alive , then u pass be with somebody with uncomplicated experience who makes u sense good approximately your self like u would desire to sense , and who u will sense gentle around . u can do it i've got faith in u !!! by no potential enable any1 ever deliver u down !!!!! good success sweety and pass devour !! yet healthful yet devour like u are meant to !! :)

2016-10-02 01:35:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honey, you do not need food help. You need a counselor because you are seriously co-dependent on this guy. The longer you stay with him the more he will make you feel bad about your self image and make you more dependent upon him. This is NOT LOVE, this is an abusive guy you are with and you need to LEAVE him right away and have your family help you out.

2006-10-07 15:10:00 · answer #11 · answered by beautyofthesea 5 · 1 0

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