does anyone know,how you can know for sure,that you've found your one true love?I've heard people say before,''you just know.''what does that mean,exactly?is it a feeling you get,is it some kind of cosmic sign you receive from God?or is it just a choice you make,a choice you want to make,to be with one certain person,for the rest of your life?does a good,warm feeling in your heart tell you,that he/she is the one?but how do you know,if your heart isn't just misleading you,making you think that you've found the one?when really,you're just living in a fantasy world?i don't think that dreams are rooted in reality half the time,anyway.i think dreams are mostly,the subconscious trying to express itself.because,after all,that's why they're called dreams,right?you're sleeping at the time,you're not awake,you're off in some other place,that your subconscious wants to take you.
for those who have found their soulmate,how DID you know,that he/she was the one?what was different,UNIQUE,about them?
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Miss yavatar girl