i read today from one website. It is about "what man want" I am now know why my ex b/f broke up with me after 1.5 years of relationship. Here are :
the 10th is charm
9th is statuegue body
8th is beautiful.
7 th is honesty
6 th is respect
5 sense of humor
4 intelligence
3 ambition-drive
2 heart of gold
1 st is love.
I think 9 (and from his saying) I have only No.10,9,7, 5,4,3 and 1. for No 6 he alway say that i am not respect or insulting to him. I said No, not at all. Our culture is different.I am asia , he is Canadian. He live in my country. I try to help him understand my culture.But it became that he felt I insulted.He told me R-e-s-p-e-c-t is big things. Now we broke up. Love, ambition, intelligence, honesty is not enough for this guy. i sad and happy when i think about him now. My english is not great. forgive me ? i try so hard to explain my feeling now in english. what about your comment "what man want from his gf.list" Can you be whole of this list?
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