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Marriage & Divorce - 12 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-08-12 18:40:17 · 29 answers · asked by chloeshotspot 2

she has son from her previous,but relationship has been ended

2006-08-12 18:39:35 · 6 answers · asked by rajan 1

I think my husband is bi-polar and on top of that he is always drinking and doing drugs.His attitude,and outbursts are getting worse!What to do?

2006-08-12 18:20:45 · 23 answers · asked by L.T. 2

2006-08-12 18:19:36 · 9 answers · asked by soc40173 1

We have ben married for 8 years and dating for 2 years before that.I was skinny and cute size 5.we have had 2 kids since then and I have gained weight (size 12)Would you be angry or discusted?

2006-08-12 18:04:40 · 16 answers · asked by L.T. 2

I've been praying and praying for it to go one way or the other but it just stays the same. Neither good or bad. Not too bad anyways. We've gone to counseling over his anger issues. He's on medication. He doesn't yell as much anymore but I still am not happy. I can feel a yearning to just be noticed and appreciated by somebody/anybody. What's your take?
Too good to leave...too bad to stay..

2006-08-12 18:00:26 · 37 answers · asked by Ponderpink 3

I have been having a lot of stress. Will the stress go away and will i find happiness in the future. Will I stay married to the same man as i have been married to him for 13 years.

2006-08-12 17:59:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my boyfriend have been dating for 5 almost 6 years.. he was gone for 21/2 years in jail. our relationship seems okay most of the time but lately all we do is fight. we broke up and he was very confussed why. he said he thought we were great we never fight and he tells people we are great. when people ask him when we are gettin married he says its like we are already married he calls me his wife tells people we are married..
i am like what the hell..i have been telling him the past 2months i am not happy in the relationship. we are far from getting or being married. he acts like everything is great.why is he not in the same relationship i am? how is it we are in 2 different places in our relationship and he doesn't see that whats up with that????
ooh ya we got back together he said he would listen and try to change yet to see it but i have hope

2006-08-12 17:58:33 · 12 answers · asked by crack_rock_84 1

Here is the thing my boyfriend and I are together for 4 maybe 5 years. He recently got put in jail. He is not the father to my kids but he acts like one to my oldest which his father does not want him around. I don't know if it because i miss him and want to be with him or s the fact that i might not see him for months that i want to marrie. We also live together but with my parents and we are both are going back to school. Pleas help

2006-08-12 17:54:04 · 41 answers · asked by Colleen O 1

I've been with my husband for 17 yrs. During this time we've been dealing with his drug addiction. He has been to rehab a couple of time. He's in rehab now for a week. We also have 2 children now. When he's not using he is a very loving man and a great father to our children. I've dealt with the lying, stealing and distrust. But somehow we still enjoy being with each. And have a lot of fun together. My family hates him for the things that he has put me and them through over the years. They are even upset with me about it. (I don't use drugs) I find myself caught in the middle of my husband and my family. My family does a lot for us. Shoud I honor my vows and go the good and the bad and no man put assunder or should I just give up and let him go. He is everything to our children they see no bad in him. I love him dearly. He really tries hard even in his active addiction. What should I do. Do i give up on my marriage?

2006-08-12 17:42:24 · 22 answers · asked by stumped 1

I haven't seen my husband, Charles Neville in 3 years. We were married in Floyd County, Kentucky in 2002, separated in 2003. Since then, I have been with a wonderful man who wants to marry me and I feel that I am ready to try again. However, I don't want to file for divorce if Charles has already done so. How can I find out if he has already divorced me? I have already tried to do an online records search, but I only get as far as his name in a database and then they want me to pay for anything else. I am looking for a definate answer so I know whether or not I have to file for one before I marry again. Any help is welcome.

2006-08-12 17:35:34 · 20 answers · asked by Timberwolf 3

2006-08-12 17:28:39 · 13 answers · asked by bishal c 1

I know a few people that kept the last name of the ex. Isn't that crazy?

2006-08-12 17:19:00 · 23 answers · asked by itsme 3

im in Pa Philly area my 4 year wedding anniversary is coming up what should I do?? Where should I go any advice?

2006-08-12 17:11:55 · 10 answers · asked by takkeasha 2

2006-08-12 17:03:02 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

should i live my life with out sex or should i do it before merrige?

2006-08-12 17:02:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband was never home, always out with his friends getting drunk and with the one he was cheating with. now hes in jail, might go to prison over domestic violence, and whines because he hasnt seen me or the kids in three weeks and his sentencing is next week. i felt guilty for a while about putting hin in jail, but now i realized im better off without him. and didnt go back to visit him.i feel that hes never gonna change and that its going to happen all over again. plus he will never be faithful. he thinks im with someone else and thats why im like this with him. but im not, im just getting over him. and i dont need him in my life. i felt at one time that he was going to be the one to end my life, and this time he almost did. how can i tell him , look im done with you leave me alone, and for his family to let me be. i stood by him because i was afraid of his family talking **** saying i was a s.l.u.t they never liked me, they always said i be acting like if im too good

2006-08-12 17:02:30 · 11 answers · asked by super girl 3

Married for 15 years and completely bored out of my skull!!!!

2006-08-12 16:59:06 · 20 answers · asked by angelchelle72 1

2006-08-12 16:58:37 · 6 answers · asked by charro0295340 1

He is very sensitive and gets hurt easily but he seldom washes after pee and poo. it makes my skin crawl. I sanitize the door knobs. Male work associates have complained to me about this

Maybe a funny note in the bathroom might do the trick? Help!

2006-08-12 16:46:12 · 15 answers · asked by MotherNature 4

I am 4 months pregnant with our second child and i think its over. He makes me so mad and half the time i cant stand to be in the same house as him. i dont know what to do i feel we have just grown apart and we keep getting more distant. I am away from my family and friends be cause he is in the military so i have no one to turn to. He is a good father but i really dont like being around him latley any sugestions?

2006-08-12 16:42:27 · 15 answers · asked by Jamie S 1

Immigration advised us that we should stayed married for a minimum of two years. However, my ex-wife turned into the typical "Dr Jekyl and Mrs. Hyde" when she received her conditional green card. She filed for the divorce and I just wondered if the INS or "Homeland security" will continue to process her permanent green card status since we failed to stayed married for two years. However, we are still officially married in the Catholic Church. Any feedback on this matter or has someone experienced what I went through?

2006-08-12 16:37:24 · 6 answers · asked by COGITO ERGO SUM 1

2006-08-12 16:35:36 · 11 answers · asked by chocolatesandbreakfast 1

Hot off the press, Y'all! There is a growing undercurrent in response to our civilizations preoccupation with all things sexual. Asexual people are coming forward in their quest to gain recongition as a respected sexual oreintation...like gays have established.

People who consider themselves "asexual", are people who lack sexual desire. However, these people still seek out mates for companionship but not sex. This growing movement will try to gain recognition and respect for their chosen way of life by convincing others that they are ok with it and they deserve freedom to choose.

Like all other sexual orientations, I think that these folks do have a point but it may not be in keeping with standard society. Is sex really so important to a marriage or have we been sold a bill of goods by marketeers who use sex as a selling point? Anyway, answer my question with some forethought..thank you in advance!

2006-08-12 16:32:26 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wife and I were out dining tonite. Sure, I had a couple too many drinks maybe, but she was wearing this very ugly shirt, and I couldn't stand looking at it any longer. THEN, she drank her wine too fast and got the hiccups. Like any normal man, I reached across the table and slapped her with a firm backhand. The people at the table next to us made a big scene about it, and I told her if she wanted a taste of this to step right up I brought more. What is wrong with some discipline in todays world???

2006-08-12 16:29:58 · 88 answers · asked by donatellos_green_turtle_ass 1

my husband used to work at a stripper club as security until he finally stopped after i asked him about 3 or 4 times,....but anywayz we already have two kids and decided really thats all we want. so we buy condoms from time to time on the side of me taking pills to be extra cautious...anyway he brought home some condoms saying he took some out of a strippers bag.....what the hell am i supposed to think about that and he says it like its all good....tell me if im over reacting please cause the **** had me pissed

2006-08-12 16:29:29 · 7 answers · asked by anita m 1

Last night I told my husband that I was really overwhelmed with a lot of uncertainties and strain in my life. I was able to talk to him about some of the stuff on my mind, but there are some things I need to clear up in my head before I talk to him. He is too close to me and would want to "solve" the problems when I'm not even sure what they are. We agreed that maybe I should talk to a therapist a few times to help me work through some things.

Later, we got in a heated discussion about politics that went way too far and it ended with him, very snidely, saying "Yeah, you really do need to see a shrink!"

It really hurt my feelings that he took something that I confided in him about and threw it back in my face when he was angry in such a cruel way.

Today I have been avoiding him because I'm so angry. How could he have been so mean and thoughtless about such a sensitive issue for me? How can I approach him about it without causing even more tension?

2006-08-12 16:27:36 · 14 answers · asked by soblue2day 1

my husband told me he really loved this lady but there was always something he was doing wrong. She also didn't like to go out with him to dance or just hang out with his friends. she was 8 years older and always reminded him of it. so when we met he confessed to having sex with a girl from the local bar and on other occasions kissing and fondling stuff but anyway they broke up for other reasons and she never knew about these things. well i really love him and trust him but sometimes in the back of my mind i think why didn't he just break up and get it over with than live in a lie.

2006-08-12 16:21:56 · 19 answers · asked by chocolatesandbreakfast 1

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