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Marriage & Divorce - 9 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

a freaky naughty spouse , or a spouse who's a lousy in bed ? open to all who dare to answer

2006-07-09 17:04:11 · 8 answers · asked by E.M. 4

We ran into her cousin in the mall, and she told us that ex-g/f has been bragging about how we all 3 get along, and we go out to dinner all the time, ... Then the other night when she called to tell my fiancee happy birthday, as they were getting off the phone she daid "i love you"..and he panicked , and said " i love you too"...like friends.... what is going on in her head??

2006-07-09 16:58:36 · 11 answers · asked by shasta 5

He has the house I worked to pay off
I moved out rather. Stay with him, I have not been happy with him in about 8/9 yrs now.

We have a son 23 yrs now
He has also moved out. He told me, He can't take it anymore also

He is loosing friends because of him being so moody, I am thinking about getting a divorce,

I am in touch w/ some old friends now, He didn't want to
talk with, He is a very controling person.
He is holding my car from me, I am handy capped right now because of a {Knee replacement} that went wrong.

I am talking 2 my X husband I have NOT talked 2 as good friends. after 25yrs.also, Good friends with his wife also.They have ask me 2 come and see them..with my knee like it is right now.
I can't.

I don't want to be alone the rest of my live.
I do love my husband, He has to fix him self from here on.
I've tryed everything can. if it goes to a divorce and he gets better, We can remarry.
What would you do in this marriage?
? Stay or Divoce ?

I want peace to heal

2006-07-09 16:55:15 · 6 answers · asked by Nancy D 2

I don't love my husband and told him that I was going to leave but he is trying really hard to change. I don't feel anything for him at all. I am trying to have an opened mind but I don't know how long I should let this go on. I think maybe that someone can hurt you for so long until your head and heart say no more. What do ya'll think?

2006-07-09 16:45:23 · 22 answers · asked by nm 3

my husband filed for divorice, he has a lawyer,i cant afford one and have been turned down even by legal action,is there anyone who can help me?I live in neenah wisconsin

2006-07-09 16:28:53 · 2 answers · asked by Teri u 1

need your help.. I will be needing deep explanations for my report on wednesday.. thanks

2006-07-09 16:26:27 · 4 answers · asked by cellajune 2

People says that I'm cute and hot. I really don't anjoy my marriage. I have no kids. but I can't get divorce. I want to have relationship with other girls. but I don't like to tell lie to people. I think If I tell them they will not be with me.Also I hate if the people think that I'm a pervert guy. What am I supose to do if I want to have a girlfriend?

2006-07-09 16:21:53 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yahooo family rockssssss...am now a separated woman have filed for divorce...thanx again...

2006-07-09 16:21:20 · 16 answers · asked by Concerned advisor 1

why would a man have a woman at home that he loves very much but cheat on her

2006-07-09 16:07:06 · 11 answers · asked by grey_eye@rogers.com 2

I understand that marriages are supposed to have ups and downs and such, but I think I would be more content with life if someone would tell me if marriage is supposed to be only so-so 98% of the time. I have a wonderful husband who is a great person. We fight on occasion, and that I can deal with. We also have these great moments in which I feel we connect on a level at which I connect with no other person. My main complaint is that so much of the time we spend together is boring. Nothing is happening. No anger, no passion, no laughter, no bonding, nothing - just blah. If I could get away from the idea that marriage is supposed to be more than what it seems to be for me, I think I could be happier with it. Like if I knew it was normal to feel "blah" for a good portion of the time, I'd be happier about being "blah." So please, people who have good marriages, let me know.

2006-07-09 16:04:44 · 11 answers · asked by emily 4

The story is long and weird...but it basically sums down to this: My husband's whole family tried to pay me to leave my husband, then tried to threaten me, then tried to convince my husband to leave me with my kids.

I do not drink, do drugs or anything illegal. I work, my husband is disabled. I am a patient woman. (One of the reasons it has taken 7 years to finally hurt me) My kids are well taken care of, and my husband too.

The reason they wanted him to leave me? I needed surgery and would be out of work for 6 weeks once the surgery took place. Money would be tight..which would make us uncomfortable financially for a few months.

Here it is a year after my surgery...we are still financiallly recovering. My in laws can't say they are sorry (they see no reason the should have to) and my heart still hurts at the thought my husband considered them over our family.

Am I wrong to still be angry?

2006-07-09 16:02:28 · 5 answers · asked by FairyGurl 3

Why or Why not?

2006-07-09 16:00:11 · 15 answers · asked by Cliffather 2

She was caught cheating is why we filed seperation papaers. I have had mixed answers about if i can and what i can do to get her out.

2006-07-09 15:59:15 · 6 answers · asked by jim g 1

I have been married since 2004 and my husband went to prison for 12 years. I filed for a Summary dissoultion in September of 2004 and he signed all the paperwork as well. The only catch is that during the 6 months of waiting, he filed a Revocation form in February of 2006. Now, I am not able to get a quick divorce and I wasted $350 of my money. How do I refile for a regular divorcenow? Will he still be able to dtop that one from going through? I can't start any other relationships right now until I get a divorce and I can't if he isn't willling to. I don't have much money for a lawyer, but I do have a friend that could help. But, at the end, I would have to pay for his services. I want to be able to do this on my own.

2006-07-09 15:58:35 · 4 answers · asked by princessbaby_gina21 1

ive benn with her for 10 years married for 3 im only 25 so most of my life ive been with her we have a 2 year old girl the problem is there is no spark or trust left from her part i cheated 2 years before we were married once and she never let it go ive tryed every thing she looks through my phone, truck wallet and never finds anything but is alway jumping to conclussions and there always wrong any ideas how to win back trust you should already have

2006-07-09 15:56:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well its been a month since my wife and i seperated. we have called eachother, she gets jealous if i talk about girls, friend dates with girls, and taking home girls from work to their house, cause they have no car. She looks on myspace all the time. we have met eachother twice since the seperation. She said friday when we met, that IF we get back together i may have to accept the fact that she has been seeing other guys. we laughed, had a good time, and she was nervous as hell while we were together. She was leaning towards me, playing with her bracelets like she was on crack, and smiled alot. Im not getting my hopes up cause thats an easy way to get hurt more. We both have been helping eachother out with finances and such. She said that her new favorite song is Unfaithful by Rihanna. Its a song about a girl who was not faithful to her boyfriend, and she decides she doesnt want to hurt him anymore by stopping seeing other people. Is that good, why would she tell me that, is thata test

2006-07-09 15:55:44 · 14 answers · asked by abyss5069 1

I plan on marrying soon and one of my best friends is an Indian national. I would like for him to be a witness when I'm married. Is this possible?

2006-07-09 15:49:54 · 3 answers · asked by misscatitude2002 3

We have been married for 7 years and together for 9. She was gone to Iraq for a year and that really changed her. There were some clues during her deployment that made me think she found someone new. She has been home for 7 months now and we just drift further apart.

2006-07-09 15:49:41 · 10 answers · asked by mixle_2 1

is there any person in your past besides the one you are with or your hubby that you will always love and can't ever completly get off your mind. i mean i love my hubby and know i am better of with him but i still wander what if. and how do you stop that what if? and it has been many years

2006-07-09 15:44:26 · 15 answers · asked by LOLO 3

2006-07-09 15:42:05 · 11 answers · asked by Gretchen H 1

2006-07-09 15:38:14 · 22 answers · asked by Gretchen H 1

do internet relationships really work out ?

2006-07-09 15:29:22 · 11 answers · asked by fishesunderthesea 1

I know some do for money, but if money is not involved why?

Why would a girl, who has alot going for her (looks, education, career, etc.), that is in her early to mid 20's want to hook up with a guy in his late 30's or older?

Why would she want to hook up with a man that has older kids, say 10 or older?

If you are the parents of a girl that did or has done this, what do you think?

If you are the parents of a son who hooked up with a young girl, what do you think about her?

Have any of you had a friend that did this? If so, are you all still in contact? friends? do you hang out with the old man and kids? It has been my experience that girls who do this really don't have close friends or seperate themselves from anyone who cares about them. I assume, because they know it is wierd, wrong or something? Right?

If you are a dude that has hooked up like this, I understand, but don't you question her motives or mental state? Do you have friends? What do they think?

2006-07-09 15:27:18 · 17 answers · asked by Cing 4

My husbands exwife is wanting to move their precious daughter 130 miles away.We have been getting her every other weekend and a day during the week. We watch her at dance class one night a week and take her to church when we have her. She is only 3 years old and loves her Daddy as much as he loves her. He is a great dad. A paramedic and a Fireman and one heck of a family man. Any advice that wont land us spendind a great deal of time and money in court?

2006-07-09 15:23:00 · 3 answers · asked by MOTHEROF3 1

2006-07-09 15:22:45 · 12 answers · asked by piolav 2

if a custodial parent has papers drawn up to change the visitation of the other noncustodial parent, whom he won't let the child see anyway, does the noncustodial parent have to agree to what he wants? if not, then what happens if the noncustodial parent does not sign?

2006-07-09 15:18:23 · 3 answers · asked by dneens911074 1

lately i've been depressed and not feeling happy with my marriage, but i want to make it work and last...

2006-07-09 15:17:44 · 7 answers · asked by ? 5

I'm engaged to be married. But, My fiancee has totally ignored me all week. He works swing shift and is on midnights. He came by Wednesday to show me his new 3quarter ton truck he bought. Bear in mind he traded a 2005 chevy crew cab in for this 2006. His mom passed in February suddenly of a massive heart attack. Its been placed upon me to take care of the family. Its 3men and me. My fiancee's dad isn't doing well with this loss of his wife at all. I feel pushed away. Not to mention my fiancee is passed out right now with a guy buddy at the river house because he's drunk. We broke up right before I finished nursing school b.c i felt he wasn't listening to me and got back together 3mo later. Only for his mom to pass. I don't know what to do?? I take marriage very strongly. I need to know are my doubts crazy or am I thinking normal like any other bride to be would??

2006-07-09 15:16:23 · 5 answers · asked by Lindsey B 1

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