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Marriage & Divorce - 12 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-12 23:54:25 · 19 answers · asked by parr 1

2006-07-12 23:49:56 · 2 answers · asked by Just Ask 2

Divinitydesires going out with married men. Where does she work? How to contact her without going on a paid website.

2006-07-12 23:47:00 · 1 answers · asked by kelticsaint 1

2006-07-12 23:39:55 · 15 answers · asked by master 1

2006-07-12 22:48:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you really know when you've found the One you are going to marry? How many of you knew it and were right..? I have that same feeling about someone...

2006-07-12 22:30:25 · 21 answers · asked by msachtungbaby 5

My husbands birthday is coming up and Ive already gotten him everything from the last holidays, he already has clothes, electric shaver, perfume, ect. ect. now i dont know what to get him.

2006-07-12 22:30:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-12 21:50:59 · 10 answers · asked by Blueicycle 2

My soon to be ex-wife of 6yrs has neglected me. For info. we have 2 beautiful young kids and i love them very much. i am handling almost everything on the housing and family finance and she is a working executive. Things that she has failed to deliver as a wife: 1. she refuse or reluctant to get intimate with me..sex is only once a mth that if i'm lucky. 2. i forced myself to take muscle relaxant pills to ease my desire.3. she ignores me when i'm sick. 4. she prefers to read her books than to be close to me in bed. i tried to explain my needs and unhappiness indirectly to her so as not to hurt her feelings..but she just didnt get it.

And when recently i confided my depressing feeling to another woman and when my ex found out about my new relationship with the new woman, she starts to throw blames at me for being unfair and ...is that fair?

2006-07-12 21:22:56 · 9 answers · asked by aimesms 1

We've only been married 2 years now and he tells me he doesn't find me attractive anymore. I still love him and he says he loves me, but he gets annoyed if I disagree with him or ask him to pick up his mess. Before we were married, we talked a lot and had sex 2-3 times a day. Now that we're married, he with holds his emotions and then blows up at me for little things like when I ask him to take out the trash or call me if he's going to be late. I try to be patient with him and asked that we do counseling together, but he won't. I feel unloved and I don't think he finds me attractive anymore. All my friends live out of state and my family doesn't want to hear about our problems. I'm only in my 20s and I think I made a huge mistake. Lately, I find myself attracted to this Latino guy who's a construction worker. He always stops and notices me. It's crazy, but I'm fantasizing about having sex with him. I tell my husband he says that I should "do it" with him. Now he's crazy!

2006-07-12 21:19:26 · 7 answers · asked by Jonelle C 1

2006-07-12 21:09:48 · 20 answers · asked by Fed_up_by_u 2

I heard several friends refer to their husbands as their "other kids". It seemed disrespectful (although I figured it was just a joke). But the more I thought about it...

2006-07-12 20:55:01 · 15 answers · asked by philosopheria 2

(Ladies only)

2006-07-12 20:43:54 · 7 answers · asked by Filix 1

2006-07-12 20:41:33 · 5 answers · asked by sbacharya_61@yahoo.com 2

I know I can't be the ony one in this situation. My husband and I married 3 yrs ago, we are both in our early 50's. My previous marriage was for 18 yrs, and I remained singel for 9 yrs. I spent more time alone than my current husband ever has. His last wife was nearly 19 yrs younger than me, and I am very intimidated by this. My ex husband was a pedophile .....need I say more. So now I have married this very nice gentleman, but he has no desire for intimacy, at least with me. This makes me feel very ugly and unattractive. For some reason I am just sure it's because his ex was so young, and now he is with someone his own age, and ...well...he must not see me as exciting. He's got viagra, and he's been tested for his testosterone...it's normal...so it's got to be me , right? I have never had a "normal" intimate relationship, and I wanted that so badly with this last "big" decision in my life. But it's like he's lost all interest.

2006-07-12 20:34:58 · 5 answers · asked by iamjaycee 2

My boyfriend and I have been living together for over 2 years in a loving and committed relationship. Technically we have been "cohabiting" which is like being married without the papers. We just never felt the need to get married -- we are both financially independent, and we love and trust one another. We viewed marriage as a kind of archiac social custom that just serves to trap women or align wealthy families.

Well, now that our daugher is due (first child for both of us) all that has changed. I want to get married, mainly because I do not want to have a child out of wedlock, but also because I am looking to the future. He doesn't see any reason to change the status quo.

What do you think? Is marriage unnecessary if both people are truly committed to one another, and are on equal financial footing, even if they have a child together? Or will "cohabiting" not stand the test of time (or a child) like marriage will?

2006-07-12 20:28:11 · 8 answers · asked by sara 1

1. your spouse thinks of you while making love to someone else ?
2. your spouse thinks of someone else while making love to you ?

2006-07-12 20:27:10 · 8 answers · asked by magpie 1

2006-07-12 20:24:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My hubby just went to the restroom and then he yelled out (and I quote!) "Hey honey, were are the tweezers?" What should I say? Please help!! Can you die of laughter?

2006-07-12 20:18:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-12 20:05:31 · 16 answers · asked by Raymond OConnor 2

Why do stupid single women think that they can get away with falling in love with a married man , do they actually think that the men will leave a good thing at home ? yes I know that it is possible , but don't they know that I will drag there naked *** into the street going door to door showing my neighbors what I caught my husband doing ,and slapping the crap out of her , as for my husband well lets just say my aunt Lorena Bobbette taught my a great trick with a pair or scissors , I think I have made my point clear don't you think??????????

2006-07-12 20:04:28 · 4 answers · asked by E.M. 4

How many of them do you think leave their wife for the other woman? I am talking ongoing affairs, not flings. And do you think that they love both women?

2006-07-12 19:52:00 · 8 answers · asked by julielove327 5

well i know you adults out there will say yes, but if you know you are ready...then what? just get engaged is that ok? to do..just for a long time until a proper age?

2006-07-12 19:28:43 · 29 answers · asked by yummy_20032001 3

Here is my situation. My husband has been at his job for 5 months now. Last month I had this really weird feeling that he was cheating on me, but I had no evidence of it or didn't even know why I would think such a thing.
Well a few weeks ago there were two numbers that showed up on my caller id. One was a cell number and the other was a business. The same girl had answered on both occassions when I had called. She insisted she had the wrong number. Something told me to write those numbers down.
Later found out that my nephew had seen my husband hide a phone number in a place that he knew I would never look. Got the number and a girls name. Called the two numbers from previously and found out that was the girl my husband was talking with.
Furious when I found out I asked my husband what when on....He won't tell me anything. He keeps saying he didn't do anything wrong.
What would you think? What would you do? Do you think they had sex? Help.....Please only serious answers.

2006-07-12 19:25:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know when i was in high school all the girls were with older married men and i read in here how many of these girls are pregnant from married men.. Even girls in there 20's think it is so awesome to be with someone that got a family at home..

My best friend right now is with a married man and i tried everything to tell her it is wrong.. i am afraid to have her around my husband!

Has anyone lost there husband to one of these girls?
What would you do to Ur husband if you found out he was with a young girl ?

2006-07-12 19:23:30 · 8 answers · asked by ~Mrs.C 4

why my husband doesn't want to share his feelings with me or anything to the matter, his excuse is "you as my wife don't understand" anything, just leave me alone, should I worry ? or is he cheating? or maybe I dont' want to understand? HELP.

2006-07-12 19:09:12 · 3 answers · asked by E.M. 4

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