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Family - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

A mean, bosy,threatning,who eats everything you look at!!!!!

2007-01-21 09:02:26 · 4 answers · asked by Tyanna T 1

Because my parents favor both my older sisters. It's really upseting too. My mum and dad buys them everything, like clothes, shoes, jewelry, and they bought my sister a car. [but im not old enough to drive so it doesnt matter].

My one older sister is one year older than me [16], my other sister is [18]. And my parents dont make them do anything around the house, I mean, I do all the chores, I wash the dishes, I do the laundry, I feed my dog [milo], I clean the bathtub, my room, and take out the trash every night while my sisters talk on the phone w/ their boyfriends/ friends. They throw their dirty garbage around the house and I cant stand it and they tell me to pick it up to throw it away. The main thign they do around the house is,

- pass the dishes for dinner

- walk around the house talking on their cell phones

- ask for money from my parents and they do give them the money and I get zip. I'm 15, I think I derserve more allowence more than them and I know it.

2007-01-21 08:56:23 · 4 answers · asked by Vinnie R 1

ex. i fell down the stairs and twisted my ankel in stead of saying, oh are you okay honey? my dad said i was being carless and i should have watched where i was going. why is that?

2007-01-21 08:40:15 · 10 answers · asked by Chaaarlie! 2

I am really needing to get out of the house(no,school doesn't really count),but she's not letting me go anywhere without her being right there with me.
I'm fourteen,and I just want to go hang out with my friends and relax,but she's all of a sudden freaking out about me going anywhere where she is not present.
Parents,what can I as a kid do to help her settle down and let me have my space? She thinks I hate her.

2007-01-21 08:35:31 · 7 answers · asked by Myaloo 5

I currently live in FL I plan on moving to NY*where im originally from*but my mom keeps trying to persuade me to stay home,go to a community college for 2 years(I hate florida,its soooo boring)!Im a good kid,make decent grades,I dont give trouble(unlike my 2 older brothers) and never disobey her b/c shes scary,dominating,and controlling.I'm getting older and should be able to make my own decisions by the time I turn 18. My dad lives in NY and I can live with him if I want but I really want to be independent after high school.It would break my moms heart if I moved with him b/c he never was around for me when I was younger; she basically raised me but now shes becoming too much of a "pushover". I would like to live on my own during college,but that fact wont go through my moms head...how do I make it clear to her? I'm very fustrated and I dont want to take my anger out on her nor my dad.

2007-01-21 08:30:55 · 12 answers · asked by tiggaface 2


I know I asked this question on here before, but no one answered. I need some help. Those who know Cassandera, this is not her asking this question. I'm her little brother. Anyway, I need help, i'm scared and I need help. My name is Ashton Stevenson. My mum died, my dad went missing. We're trying to find him. They say he's , but we don't think he is. We're trying our ebst to find him and everything. We ran away from where we were. Now we're lost, we're getting hurt everytime we walk a corner. We need help. I don't know what to do. please, i'm crying. Can anyone help me? if you do then thanks you'll be helping out a whole lot.

2007-01-21 08:30:50 · 8 answers · asked by Cassandra g 1

My father passed away this week and I am trying to think of a song from me to him. He was a firefighter and my hero. I am 28 he was 56. I just can't think of one that I really like. Thanks.

2007-01-21 08:15:00 · 4 answers · asked by Stacey L 2

my daughter is 16 we have caught her in several lies about where she was suppose to be and did somethng different or did not tell the truth about stuff that happened all that we ask is for her to tell us where she is going what time she will be back and call if plans change. we were giving her a nother chance to prove herself and she would be driving a B.M.W. at the end of this month well she messed up last night she ask her father to borrow his car to go to a ballgame that was out of town he said yes she then leaves the ballgame and calls her father to tell him that her and her girlfriend was going to get something to eat but they ended up in another county saying that the food was better she did not call and tell her father she was going to another county but the car would not start where she was at and thats how we found out so now the car is put on hold untill she can figure out what her responsibility is is this fair

2007-01-21 08:11:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

my great,great grandma was a native american but i can't seem to find any records is there anyone the same. i would love to find this imformation for free please

2007-01-21 08:02:39 · 4 answers · asked by xblue-printx 2

Im 18 and so is my boyfriend. He has big blue eyes and blond hair and one of my girldriends ( a girl who is a friend) says that most guys with blond hair and blue eyes are gay. He is really charming, and gentleman he always opens the door for me, and offers to carry my stuff. So im little suspicous because st8 guys are usually jerks. And he also likes to watch passions with me, and loves going to the movies and last week he made a picnic on the beach for me. Is this gay behavior?? And something really get me suspicous like when rented I am Sam, and Step Mother he cried. So I don't know. IS HE GAY????

2007-01-21 08:01:40 · 25 answers · asked by goldwinner 1

knows that I have friends over. I told our parents the other night at dinner, but she still does it and they didn't say anything to her. She's going to get a rep as a slut if she's not careful. I'm trying to help her, but she says I'm butting in where my nose doesn't belong. What do I do to make her stop?

2007-01-21 08:01:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is an advice e-mail hotline for pre-teens and teens both boys and girls!!

She is EXTREMELY nice! Most people call her Ms. Advice. I use her alot! She is a expert on boyfriend and girlfriend troubles!! But she also does alot of other advice such as puberty and even pregnancy


She is NOT a scam! Just a heads up.. E-mail her tonight!

(I am 13)

2007-01-21 07:47:52 · 3 answers · asked by Brown-Eyed-Beauty 3

i am babysitting my lil cousins one is 6 and the other is4. i dont kno wut to play they like dressup , pretend, and being active. plz no plays!

2007-01-21 07:41:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My grandmother has always spent her timee runnung after others. The last person she cared for was her son (my uncle), who sadly passed away in Oct.. This is the 1st time in her life she has NO ONE to care for. She is going stir crazy. I try to spend as much time with her as I can, as do other family members, but her days still end up being so empty. She is in great health, still drives. She has some back and arm pain is all, so anything involving too much physical activity wouldn't be good. Please share your thoughts and thank you!

2007-01-21 07:38:38 · 19 answers · asked by MiniME 3

My mom thinks i'm too young to go to winter formal at my school but the group i'm going with are all really responsible and stuff. what are some ways to convince her to let me go?

2007-01-21 07:36:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-21 07:36:14 · 16 answers · asked by lorriellah 1

how do you convince someone to throw away stuff they dont need if they dont want to? i have someone in my family who has alot of stuff. i mean alot of stuff that goes to the ceiling seriously. i try to help throw stuff away everyday but she doesnt let me can anyone please help me???i would really appreciate it.

2007-01-21 07:32:17 · 5 answers · asked by boricua chick 2

I have a very sensitive cousin who goes to my school, which has grades 1-10, and only 40- something people, so its really small. Well, I have 5 friends there, and 2 of them also go to my church, well every time one of my friends aggrivates him (say, one friend said she was going to put her 10-year-old brother in the girls bathroom, and hes my cousins friend and that aggrivated him) he gets mad at ME because I'm their friends and it is starting to annoy me ALOT. He came over to the same friends house to hang out with her brother, and I came over that same day, and because she played her music loud, he started yelling and crying! What do I do.. I see him 6 days a week, and he holds some kind of a grudge against me.

2007-01-21 07:30:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 21 and I was told who my real Dad was when I was 15 so I searched around for him and found him... He had never seen me before for reasons that I am unsure of.... Well I met him shortly after I got in contact with him. Now it has been 6 years I have seen him twice (he lives out of state) and went to visit him for a few weeks... I talk to him about once a week.... But I don't have A Dad besides him and I wish we were closer any ideas???

2007-01-21 07:29:17 · 2 answers · asked by Sunshyne 2

My sister is an ungratfull sister she lived in my house for free she is 21 and has a job but never gave me money for rent groceries nothing! and to make matters worst she would bring her friends to drink and they would stay for days!
I had to kick her out my mom knows I did right, the problem is that now I miss her and I hate being mad at her, I been thinking about calling her but doing so is going to make her feel like she didn't do anything right and make me look like I am apologizing for kicking her out ( i am not guilty for kicking her out she deserved it) Anyways I can't be mad at her I want to see her but I don't think she does she hasn't even call me or nothing WTF!

2007-01-21 07:14:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have never met my father and no little about him but I would like to. Is there any way I can find him without paying anything? I am a broke college student.

2007-01-21 07:11:11 · 12 answers · asked by Candace 1

2007-01-21 07:09:26 · 5 answers · asked by tendertigress2003 2

I'm looking for some help on getting my parents to let me get a labret piercing for my 16th birthday. Every time I ask I get told I'm stupid/an idiot/insane and a bunch of other mean names, and when I ask why they wont let me get one, their reply is "I HATE THEM"
I try fighting back with two different things one, this is my body, not yours. and two, WELL GEESH. You hated the fact that I wanted black hair, but now that I've got it you don't want me to get rid of it, ever think you might change your mind?
But whenever I try to say those things, I get yelled at even more and they storm out of the room screaming at me.
I know some information about piercings, I want to be a piercer/tattoo artist when I get older[you have NO idea as to how much I get yelled at for that] so I've done a lot of research on the things, but whenever I try to speak it I get yelled at.
So, does anyone have any ideas as to ways that I could get them to listen to me? :/
I don't want to go behind their backs.

2007-01-21 06:31:52 · 10 answers · asked by Trocks 2

My BF of 3 years, never thinks he has a problem, it's always someone else who made him do whatever it is that he did. He is a very bad alcoholic, and he goes out to bars, and gets so wasted that he dosen't remember anything. Then when we get into arguments, he makes it like it was my fault that he went out, and got drunk in the first place. My family has get togethers, and they tell me I am invited, but my BF is not. Now my BF, says I should tell my family, if he isn't invited, I won't go either. I won't do this. My family has stood behind me all my life, and I won't turn my back, just to protect my BF's feelings. He got himself into this, and I think he should try to get himself straightened out, before he crams himself down my family's throats. He dosen't think he has a problem, and I am getting to the point of not caring about him anymore. I love him, but I am tired of dealing with this. Friday night he didn't come home until 11:00 a.m the next morning. I am just fed up.

2007-01-21 06:26:29 · 22 answers · asked by iluvangels64 1

i always want to get back at my brother. but i never know how to do it. he is always being mean. so i need to know any suggestions about how to get back at my brother.

2007-01-21 06:18:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can i earn my moms trust back. on friday my english teacher emailed my mom saying that i forged something for her class and that i am very disrespectful to her and all this other crap. now my mom says she dosn't trust me and that i have probaly forged everything else she didn't see. wat can i do so that my mom will trust me again.

2007-01-21 06:14:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm chinese and my parents think the harsher they treat me the better I will become.I go to chinese school every friday night and I have a ton of homework.Plus I have projects and other homework from school. My parents expect me to finish all my homework and get straight A's and go to collage early. When ever I accidentlly forget to do something my parents yell at me and threaten to send me outside.Also when I was like 4 or 5 my parents would hit me and I have a brother that age. My parents never do anything to my brother when he does something bad.They say it's because he's small. When ever they do those things to me it makes me mad and really sad like I'll never be a good enough person.

2007-01-21 06:02:44 · 8 answers · asked by monkey_girl 2

I am a 13 year old teen, I got my Bar-Mizvah so I am a man.
But I don't feel this way.
I got a problem with my parents, I feel like I don't get respect.
My parents aren't giving me respect!
What can I do when they don't even listen to me?
please help!!!!!!!

2007-01-21 05:59:51 · 8 answers · asked by Alex O 2

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