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Family - August 2006

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My son is 12 bordering 13 we moved house just over 2 mths ago but he doesn't sleep well at different hrs during the night he stands in our bedroom doorway because he hears wind rain etc I often find him on the loungeroom floor or on the sofa my husband gets up at 5.00am for work and he walks in to get into my bed his room isn't much further than at the last house just a differnt design the last one was more noise as it was at the front now hes at the back so why wouldn't he feel more secure the dog is closer to him y would he wake to sounds of rain and wind and come in at 5.00am I told him hes not a baby and hes ok we painted and made his room to his likeing I don't want him to get used to this should I make him stay in bed is he going to grow out of this he is nearly 13 afterall he is an only child and I play with him when I can he has friends over but he hates being in his room by himself as he did at the last house but at least he slept

2006-08-16 13:43:09 · 8 answers · asked by Nicky 3

My granddaughter was going to go shopping today with her friend and her friend's mom. Her mom had to work some this morning that turned into all day. They ended up not going and my granddaugther was very depressed. I offered taking her shopping to the mall, but she said no. And her friend just turned around and went to church, without inviting her.

How can I help?

2006-08-16 13:37:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a filipino and is not much familiar about american expressions. can you tell me, or give more example about these expressions or idioms...thank you very much.

2006-08-16 13:33:41 · 17 answers · asked by sweetbaby 1

I am a mother of 3 kids. their dad and i have been together for 6 years now. we always fight he is controlling and he can be violent. am i doing the right thing staying with him for the sake of our kids. or should i get out.

2006-08-16 13:23:29 · 12 answers · asked by sandra b 1

2006-08-16 13:18:03 · 7 answers · asked by APRILDEB 2

2006-08-16 13:16:21 · 7 answers · asked by crazytown 2

2006-08-16 13:16:00 · 17 answers · asked by Clannad 2

Her question "how do I go about finding my son his birth date is november 18 1963 and he was adopted by chatholic charities. He was born in sacred heart hospital in manchester, new hampshire 11/18/63 the mothers name is sandra m williams. the grandparents names at the time is author frederick williams and mildred francis williams, 45 old falls rd. manchester, new hampshire

2006-08-16 13:14:40 · 4 answers · asked by bept9987 1

Lets say its in your hand to keep the ones you love alive, what would you do to keep'em alive? Juss wondering.Regards....

2006-08-16 13:02:59 · 11 answers · asked by AllsTar 4

Is it his place or authority to be telling me what to do? I'm a 22-yr. old college graduate, & I get yelled @ like a child. He's FOSTER brother IN-LAW. I'm living back with my old foster family since I lost my old home during Hurricane Katrina, & I have no place else to go. Him & his wife, who are my foster mom's biological daughter have their own house to go to, & they keep staying here for some strange reason, while nothing is wrong with their house after the hurricane.

This is my foster mom's house, & not his. Why does my foster mom demand that I obey my foster sister & her husband? & then, when my foster mom fusses @ me, they butt in; so it's like I'm getting fussed @ by 3 people.

What should I do about this? I'm stuck in a situation where I have no place else to live. I have no money, & I've been looking for jobs, but no one wants to hire me. 2 weeks ago he threatened 2 beat my a** so badly that I won't be able 2 sit down. I'm not a bad person, & I don't do wrong.

2006-08-16 12:52:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My teenage daughter is a loner and I wish she will get out more.. She is a only child and she don't get out much. She does have friends but she wont call them, they have to call her. A lot of them just gave up and they don't call her anymore. She does have one who will call her and I'm happy about that. She is very shy person. She stays at home a lot. I took her tv and playstation out of her room because I felt like she was in her room to much. School is about to begin and I'm trying to get her to join a club at school. Do you think I should push her to be more active or just let her be a loner?

2006-08-16 12:50:44 · 14 answers · asked by Apple 6

2006-08-16 12:48:09 · 1 answers · asked by Jeremiah K 1

I don't feel like she does.

2006-08-16 12:40:31 · 17 answers · asked by davisss81 1

I don't feel like she does.

2006-08-16 12:40:01 · 3 answers · asked by davisss81 1

2006-08-16 12:16:54 · 85 answers · asked by laughing_room 3

2006-08-16 12:11:53 · 11 answers · asked by mama2 1

My sister has two daughters. (14 & 17) The 14 year old is totally out of control. She has been hospitalized twice for self-mutilation and overdosage. She also beat her older sister to death (she is much larger than her older sister) leaving large gashes in her neck and arms. (There is photographic proof of this also) The younger one curses her mother on a regular basis and treats her with absolutely no respect. I strongly believe the girl needs to be sent off.

2006-08-16 12:01:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom and I had a little talk today.She got angry for no reason and then she said "You don't care about me". And I said "How could I not care about you?You're my mom".I'm angry at her for thinking I don't care about her,but my grandma just died and she meant a lot to my mom so I don't want to hurt her feelings.And I said "I've cared about you all my life and you think just now I wouldn't?"I couldn't believe she didn't know that all ready.So can some-one please help me?NOW????!!!

2006-08-16 11:50:39 · 19 answers · asked by ~SmileyFaceCrazy~ 3

i so much like to make love but the weak erection always disturbs me

2006-08-16 11:44:08 · 26 answers · asked by mafioso 1

Mostly whites have done these low things in life and I have very well noticed it. Yet, in life I haven't seen this much discrimination than a typical white. Just yesterday my mother was assaulted by three white girls (b i t c h e s). They had started deliberately dancing in front of my grandmother who can hardly walk. My mother questions her that why are you doing this, and she typically comes out with blows of curses and screaming. After her argument, they come back, and she tell's my mother the most horrible thing and she punches her back, as my mom pushes back in defense. And like a typical white, she says that my mom pushed her first and cursed at her, and she then pushed back in defense. I am only a 14 year and this happend to my mom. She says to my mother, "why are you in this country?" People can go this low is just amazing.

We are going to court, and we are not losing. This has happened to many of our friends before, but they were just too afraid to answer back. Why?

2006-08-16 11:35:42 · 9 answers · asked by tspyangel09 3

Mostly whites have done these low things in life and I have very well noticed it. Yet, in life I haven't seen this much discrimination than a typical white. Just yesterday my mother was assaulted by three white girls (b i t c h e s). They had started deliberately dancing in front of my grandmother who can hardly walk. My mother questions her that why are you doing this, and she typically comes out with blows of curses and screaming. After her argument, they come back, and she tell's my mother the most horrible thing and she punches her back, as my mom pushes back in defense. And like a typical white, she says that my mom pushed her first and cursed at her, and she then pushed back in defense. I am only a 14 year and this happend to my mom. She says to my mother, "why are you in this country?" People can go this low is just amazing.

2006-08-16 11:34:34 · 12 answers · asked by tspyangel09 3

hes my father

2006-08-16 11:34:11 · 1 answers · asked by josephj 1

I have a mother who can't speak English fluently.SHe is about 37. What is the fastest way she can learn?

2006-08-16 11:21:56 · 13 answers · asked by lifeluver 3

2006-08-16 11:20:49 · 54 answers · asked by emy 2

by the way they are adults....

2006-08-16 11:12:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What I can give to my Hubby in our 1 Anniversary!!!

2006-08-16 11:06:42 · 16 answers · asked by Cindy T 2

2006-08-16 11:01:31 · 24 answers · asked by Hima K 2

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