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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

What did you do to deserve it? Do you still resent them for it?

2006-08-16 15:56:35 · 23 answers · asked by M N 5

My ex husband spends $200 to $300 per month on Tv porn and another couple hundred on phone sex. Should I worry about my daughters well being when she visits at his house. I don't want to believe he would touch her but his obsession with porn is worrisome

2006-08-16 15:54:42 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 25 years old. I was just granted permanent residency in the U.S.. I have 3 degrees and I speak 3 languages fluently, (one of which is spanish) and yet I cannot seem to find a job, since I don't have any job experience because I was in the U.S. as a student, no one will hire me.not even the simple job offers such as MC D's.
My wife works extra long hours and makes not more than $800 a month, we live in a small university town, so jobs do not pay much. She has one and 1/2 year left to graduate as a R.N. but she cannot afford to cut hours at her job or will starve.
I have been looking in other towns too but no one calls me back.
For the past few weeks I have been comtemplating suicide, I am running out of options with my life, I do not know whatto do anymore, my mother back home call me useless son of a ***** who is not ashamed of being supported by 2 women ( her and my wife). Why live?

2006-08-16 15:53:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My moms family was in the mafia and they were all murdered or in jail, so i have no connections so how can i get in?

2006-08-16 15:43:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it's something everyone does (even if they don't admit it) but it's so awkard. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?

2006-08-16 15:32:30 · 37 answers · asked by monday's. 1

my boyfriend is a firefighter and our one year is coming up. Are there any good online stores/websites where i can buy firefighter stuff. not actually gear but plaques or blankets...etc.

Please Help.

2006-08-16 15:29:54 · 4 answers · asked by lovinlover 2

2006-08-16 15:22:44 · 26 answers · asked by Dr. Mojo 3

2006-08-16 15:22:16 · 8 answers · asked by hi 1

They think I'm crazy, but I'm not. I don't need antidepressants.

2006-08-16 15:15:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Had her leave ten years ago but came back in a week

2006-08-16 15:14:26 · 17 answers · asked by moto 1

I'm sorry 2 bother all of u but.. i just need someone to talk to. 1st my boyfriend breaksup with me , Then my grandpa dies.I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE!!! HELLLLLLLLLLLP MEEEEE!!!!!!!

2006-08-16 15:12:15 · 22 answers · asked by Hott_Gurl 1

im tryna find out the signs to determine if shes a s1ut

2006-08-16 15:08:57 · 45 answers · asked by daddy101 1

I have a freind who's child is Very picky and she need some good ideas on what to send to school lunch with him

2006-08-16 14:54:43 · 14 answers · asked by kjorahe 2

2006-08-16 14:53:52 · 17 answers · asked by Jackie 1

2006-08-16 14:51:10 · 6 answers · asked by daddy101 1

because of that, i don't like god

2006-08-16 14:49:51 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

a boy i know said a very rude comment about my mom who is dead and i told him and he said ,"so" ,so i punched him in his lip and he said he was going to track me down and beat me up and now i know where he lives and i want to sock him in the face one last time for my mother. what should i do?

2006-08-16 14:49:01 · 11 answers · asked by Kagu-chan 5

I caught my 15 & 16 year olds sneaking my wine last weekend, after I went to sleep. I was super mad, but my husband said it was age appropriate and said I shouldn't overreact. What do you guys think? WHat is an appropriate consequence? Good kids, athletes and good grades! So any ideas?

2006-08-16 14:48:43 · 18 answers · asked by Jorsmom 2

I want something cool like a birthday dance.Just tell me what I should do.

2006-08-16 14:43:00 · 3 answers · asked by supergirljan 2

running through a sprinkler? fishing from a dock? hot leather seats? what screams "SUMMER" to you?

2006-08-16 14:37:48 · 36 answers · asked by patzky99 6

I live in a condo; I have a neighbor who lives above me. He is constantly making noise during the night whether if it is having friends over or having loud music or even walking loud. I confronted him once and he told me that he was sorry and didn’t know that we can hear it but weeks later he started to do it again. what should i do?. He is constantly making noise during the wee hours. Should i talk to him again and if i do what should i say?. i can't move cuz i signed a 4 year lease to this place. please help!!! And aso when do you think is the apporiate time for a person to keep it down

2006-08-16 14:30:44 · 13 answers · asked by john g 2

Some people tell me that my cousin is gay. I sort of believe but it hurts me to. Should I ask my cousin or what.

2006-08-16 14:24:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom and i used to be very close when i was younger. But now it seems like we can never get along, we cant even be in the same room for 5 minutes without starting an argument. It just seems like she does not like me, shes told me she dosent love me, and she dosent want to see my face. She complains constantly about her kids to other people, ive never heard her say anything nice about us to anyone. My parents are going through a divorce very recently and i know that takes alot out of her but it seems that she takes her bitterness out on us. My best friend, who recently went to the river with us even noticed how bitter and unhappy she is. shes always complaining how much she dosent like her life, and shes always avoiding us and now shes even taking antideppressent pills! helpp i cant stand being around my house anymore and she never lets me go anywhere because she dosent go anywhere. i dont know how to get along with her if i cant even stand to talk to her!

2006-08-16 14:07:21 · 10 answers · asked by kr 1

We are a still year from her cancer being in remission (and we are planning a huge celebration then), but I'm looking for something to get/make her on her 4th anniversary to let her know how proud I am of her for making it this far on her own... Any suggestions?
Thanks you!

2006-08-16 14:02:38 · 9 answers · asked by Always Underestimated 1


2006-08-16 14:02:12 · 4 answers · asked by annie 5

My brother and I had a big fight about 3 weeks ago and I basically told him to get out my house. I have been their for my brother in so many ways. I love him but his attitude is beyond mean. He smoke so much weed that I think it has changed him. Their are days when he is cool but say the wrong thing and he will bite your head off. He treats my mom and his girlfriend like crap. He uses both of them. He always stealing her money and borrowing money from my mom. He don't feel good about his life so he attack other people lives to make himself feel good. Well I will no longer put up with it but it is killing my mom. I told her that I wasn't going to let him disrespect me in my house. Its been going on for years but I finally said enough. My brother lives very close to me and it's odd walking by him not speaking. How can I help my mom understand what I am feeling?

2006-08-16 14:00:46 · 10 answers · asked by Apple 6

there is a baby a first grader second graders
fith graders andmiddle schoolers and high schoolers and colagers.we need something that would be fun for the whole family.but not disney or any themeparks a country or fun place to go plese help fast

2006-08-16 13:56:23 · 19 answers · asked by shoppergirl 2

What would you say when the kid reached adolescence, and it was time to have "the talk"?

2006-08-16 13:52:05 · 32 answers · asked by I Know Nuttin 5

2006-08-16 13:47:42 · 6 answers · asked by Sweetie1204 2

Under normal cirumstances I would not think this is a good idea. My step daughter(18) sees her mom and saw me once ( our bathroom door doesnt lock and she doesnt believe in knocking) as I was preparing to shower. She apologized and quickly shut the door as I cursed up a storm. After I calmed down she told me to relax and it wasnt the end of the world and that I wasnt the first naked man she saw. Her mom said i overreacted as well but admonished her daughter to knock in the future.

2006-08-16 13:47:25 · 22 answers · asked by tborelli 2

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