I live with me and my mom, my dad died. Its hard for her to get me to listen sometimes, so she basically gave up. She isnt the greatest person in the world, she says some rude things. Ne way. According to evolution, we are animals, and the male is the alpha. In a way i represent the alpha male in the house hold. As much as i hate it i sometimes feel like i dominate in a scientific scence. My mom ask me for a opinion on almost everything. I notice a lot of kid who grow up with a single mother not father are the same way. We develope a certain attitude a large ego if you will. My brother was also raised by my mother and hes also the same way as me, hes cocky. Its not just me and my brother even eric cartman from southpark its funny. He lives with his mom and my friends joke around saying look theres matt, because hes a winy spoiled brat just like i was. Now im not spoiled im just a guy. I understand its hard for girls to be aggresive. The point is does this make sense?Girls dont flip.
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