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Family & Relationships - 31 August 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

well i like this total nerd but my friends laugh at me then is it me or is it my friends but i have like 4 classes with him and he sits rite next to me and always looks at me what to do??

2007-08-31 13:26:06 · 16 answers · asked by me!!!! 1 in Singles & Dating

My friend always gets the credit for everything! I love her but still, I created a dance move and taught it to her but she got the credit i did something but she got the crdit for it. Please help me. I love her but she has got to stop.

2007-08-31 13:15:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My girlfriend and I decided to go to a fancy restaurant as a date. We both suggested it; no one asked the other out. It was expensive and I offered to pay because I figured she would pay me back soon. I didn't think I'd have to tell her to pay me back because I figured it was proper etiquette. It's been three weeks and she hasn't even mentioned paying me back. How long am I supposed to wait?

2007-08-31 13:10:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend and i have a good thing goin, but me and his best friend r getting really close.i see his bf more tha ni see him, and every1 says we should go out and that we flirt.i am starting to have feelings for him, but i still have feelings for my boyfriend.what should i do????

2007-08-31 13:04:12 · 21 answers · asked by HarleyQuinn2011 1 in Singles & Dating

How do I respond (in a sensitive way) to someone being untruthful?

The person's intent is not to get out of trouble or avoid conflict. They just talk as though what they wish, was true.

It's hard to describe (as I don't want to violate anyone's privacy) but some generic examples:

1. in "streetcar named desire" where the lead character talks about all the rich men interested in her, when the truth is she is alone and broke.

2. Or the kid whose parent doesn't turn up at Christmas making up a story to his friends about all the expensive presents and all the fun things he and his dad did together in the holidays. That type of thing.

It makes me feel quite sad.

Right now I am just ignoring it but I feel like there must be a better response.

Thank you in advance.

2007-08-31 13:03:15 · 4 answers · asked by gt250r_rider 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I Don't like women who have more money i just go on what person they are but i feel that some women only like guys if they are rich what do you think?what is more important money or love?

2007-08-31 13:02:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

To every guy:
to every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait"
to every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
to every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her.
to every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick.
to every guy who has given her flowers just because.
to every guy that said he would die for her.
to every guy that really would.
to every guy that took time to do what she wanted to do.
to every guy that she cried in front of.
to every guy that holds hands with her.
to every guy that kisses her with meaning.
to every guy that hugs her when she's sad.
to every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.
to every guy who would give their jacket up for her.
to every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.
to every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes.
to every guy that would give his seat up.
to every guy that just wants to cuddle.

2007-08-31 13:00:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My daughter (age 15) and I are living with my parents for now. I live in a different state than her father and he just sent her to
live with me.

My parents can be very pushy. They try to take charge of her life.

I don't know how to tell them that its my child and I will make decisions regarding her life.

My mother keeps making weird comments about how its a big day for my daughter to be going to school here.

They also keep pressuring me about the admissions process and keep asking about what classes she is taking.

My daughter thinks that its because my mother is lonely and wants a friend in my child?

It really irritates me because I thought I could get my ex-husband to change and could put the family back together again.

Yet, my parents keep pressuring me to get my daughter situated here where she is not comfortable.

How should I react to their statements?

2007-08-31 12:59:33 · 8 answers · asked by Stareyes 5 in Family

I've met my wife's mother a few times and she is STRIKINGLY similar to John Adams. She has the same hair color and baldness, she's old, she's a bit fat just like him, she also knows a lot about history, and their faces just look the same.

I'm having dinner with her tomorrow and do you think it'd be funny if I told my wife and her mother that she looks like John Adams?

2007-08-31 12:58:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


2007-08-31 12:57:49 · 29 answers · asked by leer 2 in Singles & Dating

whats a way how

2007-08-31 12:57:19 · 19 answers · asked by leer 2 in Singles & Dating

i met this guy on line keep saying he'll coming here to see me but never show up yet always promise....

2007-08-31 12:52:44 · 2 answers · asked by lynch63 1 in Singles & Dating

I love my man very much, but he has a hard time express his feelings to me. I think he is a manly man and love to keep all his feelings inside.

He love to write poems for me though. He wrote over 30 poems during our separation (distance and circumstance). We are still separated and keep in touch as friends.

I think he love to read stuffs on my website. Last week, I wrote to my girlfriend that it hurt and kill me inside that my man and I are separated and not sure that we will able to be together.

Next day I saw he wrote two sad poetries about moving on (I guess he does not want us to feel more hurt and linger). I try to ask him why he wrote the moving on and sad poems. But he does not want to tell me. why did he write the poems? Do you think he still love me? What should I do

2007-08-31 12:47:08 · 17 answers · asked by Hope 4 in Singles & Dating

I need general advice, so I'm going to be general about the details.

My heart is begging me to do one thing, but my mind is giving me holy hell with logical thought and various other things.

It seems the stronger I develop a heartfelt passion, the more my mind throws into the equation, balancing the scales and keeping me still.

The problem is, it is depressing me, because I feel as though I am having to deny myself no matter which way I choose.

I have tried throwing away logic and following my heart. So my mind gave me more to think about. I'm tired of thinking. I just want to get on and do.

But what my heart begs involves a huge lifestyle change. Something I can certainly do in time, yet my mind tells me I'm not prepared. I have been prepared for at least 4 years, so why do I suddenly become unprepared when I want to follow my heart?

My mind calls my heart silly and careless. My heart calls my mind dispassionate and overbearing.

Trouble is, which one do I follow?

2007-08-31 12:39:25 · 12 answers · asked by ? 5 in Singles & Dating

He was appointed executor of the estate. I traveled to California with him to help settle affairs and arrange the estate sale. This took over one month. In the following months, I assisted with phone calls and correspondence. We reside in the state of Illinois. My husband deposited the entire inheritance funds into his personal checking account. Am I entitled to a portion of these funds immediately, or do I have to wait until he decides to compensate me for my time and effort? I assume that if anything were to happen to him, the money would automatically go to me (if there is any left after he is finished blowing it). Just in case any serious marital problems arise, what are my rights to this money?

2007-08-31 12:37:16 · 70 answers · asked by flashforcash1 2 in Marriage & Divorce

me and my fiance would rather have the cash in order to get our house together.we already have all the material items that you ask for in a wedding registry.

2007-08-31 12:33:55 · 23 answers · asked by trinigyal 2 in Weddings

Hello everyone. Can you help me in finding some Bible verses where I can give some comfort and support for a dear family of a friend. One son is not happy, no job, no self esteem, just proposed to a girlfriend. Mother having a hard time as girlfriend stayed with them, and bought her own house, but is not moving into it because it "stinks". That son won't talk to his mother, also is always angry and or depressed. He quit a job as he wasn't working well for that job. My friend, who lives out of the state, is having a hard time dealing with how the family members are reacting to these things. The Dad works out of the country. They are all grown. Youngest is 23. I would like some Bible verses to give them to help them through this rough patch. Prayers are welcome for my friend and his family. Thank you for your kindness.

2007-08-31 12:33:39 · 12 answers · asked by Stephanie F 7 in Family

I think I found someone that I can live my life for.
What do ya think?

2007-08-31 12:32:49 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My Husband and I live in a beautiful apartment but really want a house...we live in Cali so it is really expensive to buy or even rent a home....My Husbands Grandparents moved out of their house into another house and their first house is open for us to rent..However the rent is so high that my Husbands cousin lives there and we would have to share the four bedroom house. My husband and I want to start a family this next year and I dont know if Im gonna feel comfortable living with some guy...plus I heard that he drinks....yikes...what to do? Stay in our apt...or move? help!

2007-08-31 12:29:39 · 3 answers · asked by bLeSsEd 4 in Family

we've been together for 2 years..we really love each other,he does everything for me... but i think im going crazy.. at some point at our relationship he started talking about threesome really seriously,he even mentioned my girlfriends and what he would do to them if i agreed for a threesome... every time he goes away for a business trip,he comes back and tells me imaginary stories of him cheating...i know he would not cheat cause he has very high morals,very mature..and...i just know,believe me..in addition he always looks at other women...so all this adds up,and i cant think of anything else...i think this kills my love to him slowly....i talked to him about it,but he says im just crazy....we are planning to be together forever,but its so hard for me to get over this...he doesn't do it anymore,cause i told him not to....but still looks at every chick...i have so many girlfriends,whose boyfriends and husbands dont ever do things like this and never look at other women...HELP!!

2007-08-31 12:29:34 · 1 answers · asked by Woman 2 in Singles & Dating

My wife is always against me ! no matter what the discussion is, she always wants to have the last word, she always wants to be right... extending this to some obvious nonsenses !
She even views things that work well being the fruit of here work, and when it doesn't she attributes it to me !!!

Funnily she is very shy in public and is almost always silent, here degree of affirmation in public has nothing to do with the one she has with me !
On the other hand I tend to be rather talkative and convincing ... publicly.

She tells me that she feels well with me, this is why ...
I accept this to a certain extent ... but i still wish here to develop a bit more aggressivity in public and to be a bit more submissive with me !!

What should i understand in here attitude ?
How can I change this ?
Is soemething wrong in the relation ?


2007-08-31 12:29:03 · 12 answers · asked by tomcat 4 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a friend who is getting married and I think the person is being somewhat inconsiderate of their guests because they are registering for the most expensive things in 2 expensive stores for example $100 just for a flat bed sheet, not even a set, $50 for 1 wine glass and $300 for a blanket. Literally every item had to be the most expensive for them to put it on the registry. Is this something I should address my friend, I would hate others to think my friend was being greedy and only wanted the best.

2007-08-31 12:19:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

Why do grown women really believe that all men want to be their friend. This woman I'm talking to has many guy friends, and I told her one in particular would start to have feelings for her. Guess what happened? Now she said she's confused and doesn't know how to deal with it. I'm to the point were I'm losing patience with this woman, and I'm about ready to cut my losses. If she doesn't know how to feel about this guy, why would I waste my time trying to take her out to eat, and trying to win her heart if some other little cock blocker is messing up my game. What do you think? Am I giving up too soon? Why am I the one that looks like I have trust issues, if she just told me she might have feelings for someone that's supposed to just be her friend? WTF!!

2007-08-31 12:18:25 · 1 answers · asked by TXboy 2 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend is very affectionate, always holding hands or putting his arm around me, etc. As my one friend put it, "He can't keep his hands off of you!" Is this a good sign that he's pretty into me, or is it likely that he's just an affectionate person?

2007-08-31 12:17:01 · 2 answers · asked by Kona Cutie 33 3 in Singles & Dating

This is in CALIFORNIA. I have all the details such as CASE# and everything about the divorce case. My friend does not want to call the lawyer because he is lazy and charges a lot for each call she makes. Can we check the status of her divorce caseonline? Or what is the number to call? This is in California, Solano COUNTY. Pls advise.

2007-08-31 12:12:49 · 4 answers · asked by pinaytechie 2 in Marriage & Divorce

my ex of 9 months and i are talking again. he says he still likes me but one of his friends told me different. he likes another girl 2 tho. shes wayy prettier then me but she also has a b/f. and so he says he doesn't know what he wants right now. so should i wait for him to make up his mind or should i just move on cuz i still like him a lot..

2007-08-31 12:12:48 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

need a friend

2007-08-31 12:12:25 · 17 answers · asked by tj 1 in Friends

I dated a guy for 2 yrs.He broke-up with me b/c his dad said I was too young for him (4 yrs younger). I was so heart broken. He wanted to get back together the same week.I always hated when couples would break-up and get back together several times so, I made a "rule" that I would never go back w/ someone who broke up w/ me.For the next 4 years I received letters, pictures, and visits from him while he was in the army.I think about him often.I feel like he's my one true love.What's the problem you may ask?I'm married with 4 children.My husband and I have to work hard to make our realtionship work.I know that it's not all a bed of roses but I also know that we don't have chemistry like I had with 1st love.I saw him today & cried afterwards.I have so many questions.I think I believe that everything happens for a reason.Like we didn't get back together. We both married other people. I think he feels the same way. I know I would never act on it, just wanted some opinions.

2007-08-31 12:12:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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