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Family & Relationships - 13 July 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

His wife passed away 2 months ago. He is only 34 years old, has been with her for 10 years. He's tried counseling and grief groups, but found them unhelpful. All of his other friends are avoiding him now. I talk to him daily, but I don't know how to help him. We live in different states, and I feel like he's been abandoned by everyone (even his cat died about 2 weeks ago). I don't know what to say or do to help him see that life is still worth living. He has so much sadness in him, not just the loss of his wife, but the loss of the future he had planned, the memories of the past they shared, the idea that he will spend the rest of his life alone. He has a 19 year old step-son that spends most of his time with his girlfriend. They don't seem to be sharing their grief together.
Can anyone tell me what I can do to help ease his suffering and reasons for him not to kill himself. I just don't know what to tell him anymore.

2007-07-13 16:13:06 · 12 answers · asked by jenntaker 2 in Family

Hello yahoo answer family. My fiance and I are going to include his children in our wedding. They will be included in the wedding invitation, unity candle ceremony and there will be a part where my fiance and I will say vows to the kids and they will get a special ring and they will be going on the honeymoon with us to Walt Disney World....So the problem comes, I need to find a wedding cake topper with the couple and three kids. We are getting married August 10, 2008, Serious answers only. We thought about how we want the ceremony and we feel we both want the kids to feel included and know that the wedding is about all of us united in a family.
Thank you in advanced.

2007-07-13 16:12:09 · 9 answers · asked by ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ 2 in Weddings

We will be putting some money behind the bar but can't afford all night - do people expect it? Esp as we aren't getting married locally so many people will be staying over in the hotel.

2007-07-13 16:08:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I found out my fiance cheated on me while we were dating. He slept with the girl once but emailed and talked to her the whole time we dated (1 yr and 8 months) and even after the engagement he still wanted to keep in touch with her even after she wanted to cut contact. I have one friend that says I over reacted by ending the engagement and relationship when I found out and she says I should have stuck it out. Did I jump the gun by dumping him????

He is 42 and this would be his second marriage.

2007-07-13 16:08:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well me and my husband are together for almost 3 yrs in a half and married for 1 yr and me and his sister and him live in the same house . but she has 1 kid and bf and he goes to work at 1pm and comes home late but anywaysz.........................i will admidt i am jealous of my sister in law.......because everyday she askes " wheres my brother"and she likes to see me get mad evryday and she always askes '' where you going'' and im thinking like dam why should she know every where i go because she knows where i always go and thats going with my grandmother

but also its like evry time i leave she and my husband are always happy & when i get home and when i dont go anywhere she gets mad and then when her baby cries she just doesn't care and its like dang am i missing something here.
and also when i was going to get grocieries he doesnt give me that much money and im like what am i going to buy with this....but he gives her$ 60 .its just stresses me out. please help me

2007-07-13 16:06:59 · 11 answers · asked by loca16_4u 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Let me just start off by saying I am a board certified OB/GYN (so no one thinks this is some in-home dangerous operation). My best friend has been trying to get pregnant with her husband for about 4 years, they are in their late 30s. She has had 3 miscarriages and she is about 5 weeks pregnant now. She has said she would just like to end this pregnancy before it ends in another miscarriage as it has really been taking a toll on her and her husbands marriage. She says she will get her tubes tied after/if I do the abortion as she is giving up on having children. I know this would devestate her husband, as he wants a baby desperately too. On one hand she is my best friend, but the guilt I would have...what should I do!?

2007-07-13 16:05:17 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My daughter is to be wed tomorrow. We have paid the pastor who is officiating our daughter's wedding $425.00 to officiate the wedding.

Is it appropriate to add a tip after the service, and if so, how much?

2007-07-13 16:03:11 · 21 answers · asked by nathan_strahl 1 in Weddings

I use to get alot of girls back then but now I'm starting to lose me thing. How can i get a girl to like me (when i like her back) any of adivise from girls?

2007-07-13 16:01:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Okay- whenever I meet a very attractive guy, I can help but smile as I introduce myself. They either just continue by stating their name etc. or kind of smile back in a shy way. This is a good thing right? or are you guys just thinking something different? Please send me your insight.

2007-07-13 16:00:21 · 10 answers · asked by breezy 3 in Singles & Dating

There's this guy....He's a year older than me, and I like him. My so called "best friend" said he was talking on mee. this is after i found out she was talking on me. Well...he texts me to leave me good morning beautiful...wake up sunshine...things like that. he's called me at 2AM just to hear my voice, He's said sorry for gettin me in all this Drama. Well my other veryy good friend since i was in like 4th grade and him were best friends. and now they hate each other and wanna fight so when my good friend finds out im hanging out with my crush he wants to chill to...to fight him...and he says to make sure we do things i wanna do and not move to fast....although I think its great he cares how do I get him to back off some??
my brother also doesnt like this guy...i asked why and he said because he doesnt like anyone that is close to his little sister...what should i do to make them all get along??

2007-07-13 15:57:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Whats up ladies. I want to know how you would feel in this situation. Lets say you are a waitress and you occasionally notice a guy who eats there once a week or so. One day, he slips you a letter saying how much of a cool person you seem to be and how he has noticed you for some time but he doesn't want your phone number or anything because he's happily married, but he says that you are very attractive. The letter just goes on about how confident you walk and carry yourself, how you seem like a leader and how he admires you in general. Would you be offended? flattered? spooked? And lets say that prior to recieving the letter, you didn't think much of him but he was your "type". I really want to know how you guys would honestly feel.

2007-07-13 15:54:21 · 20 answers · asked by Red 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-07-13 15:53:29 · 31 answers · asked by A Devils Eye 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I do not have children, however I am the child of negligent parent. Father left, never looked back. Mother was more concerned with partying with losers and ended up murdered. Why aren't children enough to make someone clean up and fly right? I believe that I would do anything for my children, when I have them. Why do so many people fail the best things in their lives?

2007-07-13 15:53:02 · 16 answers · asked by henna 2 in Family

My muslim boyfriend and I have been discussing the idea of marriage. I am Catholic so we've already taken the steps to discuss the option of marriage with a priest. He did say that it is ok to marry a muslim man, but that we should raise our kids Catholic. Now he must go to the mosque and ask if it is alright if I raise the kids Catholic. We've been waiting to hear an answer. Has someone ever been in this situation and do you have an answer to our question?

2007-07-13 15:53:00 · 12 answers · asked by pattyhillmck 1 in Marriage & Divorce

He's 12 going on 18. All the girls think he's "all that". He's our only child and a bit spoiled (we love him!). Now he's getting that "teen" attitude and it hurts. How can I let him know he can talk to us without being "the man" without losing him?


2007-07-13 15:52:19 · 21 answers · asked by floridacrain 4 in Singles & Dating

I'm going to be a freshmen in high school this upcoming school year. My family is having a vacation that I don't want to go on. Its not like I just want to sit at home or something. My boyfriend may be moving across the country and he finds out if he is or not when I would be gone. When my vacation is doesn't have cell phone reception so I wouldn't find out untill I get back. ( I've been dating him for a year) The vacation is pretty much being at the beach for 10 days and I won't be able to see my friends and talk to my friends... The reason why I have such a big problem with it is because I go to cheer camp right when I would get back (I can't give up camp b/c my parents already spent a ton of money on it).... Does anyone have any advice or ideas for what I could do to convince my parents to let me stay in my home town (not just in my own house)?

2007-07-13 15:51:07 · 2 answers · asked by Gabs2Much 2 in Family

I'm an uncle to 2 nephews and 1 niece. One of the nephews and my niece don't get along. My nephew is 10 and my niece is 9. I was just wondering if there are things to build their relationship because I hate the fact that they don't get along.

2007-07-13 15:50:09 · 14 answers · asked by M4VT4CUL4R [USAF] 3 in Family

I really love My Boyfriend and never want to leave him, like he says that i'm his everything and that i'm the best thing that has ever happened to him, but i just don't want to lose him in anyway. is there any tips like in controlling my jealousy and getting mad for stupid reasons? Please Help 10 Points to best answer!

And sorry if i didn't make any sence!

2007-07-13 15:47:02 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How did you get that nick name?

My middle name is Jean and my family calls me
C.J., Cin, Spin, Spinner and Cindi (Cynthia) I was called spin and spinner and spinly because I had a sit and spin when I was little. It stuck for all these years.

My friends call me, Pinky, Pokie, Cindi Lou from whoville.

Growing up my friends called me: Cheerio and Cinderella :)

2007-07-13 15:45:59 · 6 answers · asked by queenofsiberia 3 in Friends

im in college and i went up to this girl and asked her out. i've seen her around before but never really spoke to her. she told me she had a boyfriend (not sure if its true) but she still gave me signs she was interested...but i didnt wanna push it any further and i just left and it sorta seemed like she didnt want me to go....

do u think she regrets not giving me a chance?

2007-07-13 15:45:30 · 1 answers · asked by puaballa 1 in Singles & Dating

when i talk to my boyfriend. he usually ends up saying a few things that hurt me, without even realizing it and if someone does something unfair towards me, instead of telling me "i see where your coming from..." he just says "do what they say." . and when i compliment him or something he'll want to say something nice back and he'll end up saying something like YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL EVEN IF YOU'VE GAINED A FEW POUNDS. is it that hard to give me a compliment without making me cry!?! i don't expect him to be a poet. i just want him to be able to compliment me and MEAN IT. help!? does this mean he doesn't have anything nice to say about me? i've talked to him about it and he says he "just doesn't have a way with words" but if that was it, i wouldn't be so upset. because he wouldn't be insulting me.

2007-07-13 15:41:41 · 13 answers · asked by <3 3 in Singles & Dating

Or checks you out? Smile, look away, flirt? etc?

2007-07-13 15:40:03 · 14 answers · asked by Helga G. Pataki 6 in Singles & Dating

So I have been with my b/f for almost 5yrs and he still has not proposed. He says he wants to get married to me and have children, but wants to wait because he only began to work full time. Now as far as me, I only work part time (due to the economy and not being able to find a full time job) and I have financial expenses that are high (for example I own a horse which costs me $400 for board every month). My b/f says once my horse passes away (which could be soon because she is old) he will propose to me then, but I keep telling him that I will always have a horse in my life, because that is my passion. Can anyone help me as to what he is thinking and why he will not propose, but at the same time tell me all the time that he wants to marry me and have children with me?

2007-07-13 15:34:54 · 14 answers · asked by ridingis4life 3 in Singles & Dating

the venue of the church looks like in the middle of a garden/forest, like you're back to nature. wanted a souvenir that is both useful and cheap

2007-07-13 15:33:43 · 8 answers · asked by ms_ycrad 1 in Weddings

I've liked him since 2cnd grade and my friend is telling me I have to change for junior high and that includes who I like I know I will never tell him I like him but now I'm not sure if I should stop liking him and move on in my life.

2007-07-13 15:28:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We live in a small 2 bedroom apartment (I live in Chicago - the housing prices are very expensive!), and I wake up at 5:30 AM for work everyday, so I go to bed at 9:30. I also go to bed at that time during the weekends, so I can wake up early to clean the house & run errands. I make my daughter go to bed at that time, too, (she sleeps in the same bed as me, because she's too tall for her own in her room, and I never got around to buying her a new one). She promised me that if she could just crawl in bed an hour or two later (weekends) that she would be quiet and keep lights down. I am a very light sleeper, so no matter how hard I know she tries, I wake up. Am I being unreasonable? I don't like sleeping with my door shut or with earplugs. Amy (my daughter) is protesting to have a later bedtime.

She's asked to sleep in her bed (her feet stick out) & on the family room sofa, but I won't allow it. She dislikes it when I make her stop studying to go to bed. But she needs her sleep.

2007-07-13 15:26:30 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Benjamin: Hey Katie.
Katie:Hey Ben
Benjamin: How're you doin'?
Katie: Alright, you?
Benjamin: Good, I really regret what happend before.
Benjamin: I really do.
Katie: Yeah, but you can't take it back, I mean you just left and never called me.
Benjamin: Well, I wouldn't of done it, trust me,God only knows where we'd be now.
Katie:Yeah, we'd see each other more and talk every day instead of every 100s days.
Benjamin: You think otherwise?
Katie:I don't know where we'd be, I mean, we're 33898 miles away from each other now, it's
kinda hard to see something now. If you would of asked me that a year ago, I would
of stayed by your side through thick and thin.
Benjamin: I realized we are 100s if miles away, but regardless.
Katie: You couldn't answer that yourself, it's hard to.
Benjamin:Yeah, it is
Katie: I mean, I waited for you to call, stop by, write a letter but you never did
because I missed you so I gave up.
Benjamin: it was a rough time and I guess the fact I had so much **** brining me down,
I just shut yself down from anything, something like we had.
not just you, from everyone.
Benjamin: I never meant to hurt you Katie, I was just going through a lot, I'm sorry.
Benjamin: but call me, okay?ily.
Benjamin has signed off.

He left months without calling me and now I feel like my heart is broken?

2007-07-13 15:22:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

allso, do you like it when a guy gets gard while makin out? seriously

2007-07-13 15:20:46 · 24 answers · asked by naterluvsmte89 1 in Singles & Dating

tell me what it said like

2007-07-13 15:18:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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