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Family & Relationships - 19 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-03-19 02:20:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

get pregnant and then give the children up because they weren't ready? I have been emailing this girl who said she cheated on her boyfriend, she got pregnant and they are twins. She said she wanted to tell him because she loves him. How can you cheat on someone you "love" get pregnant and then tell him they are not his? Then to top that off, she plans on giving the babies up because "she ain't ready to have 2 babies"........................she already has a child almost 2 and is only 18...............what kind of cr*p is that????? should have kept the legs closed! Should have used a condom! What do you think..................?

2007-03-19 02:20:04 · 20 answers · asked by live, love, laugh often! 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-19 02:19:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hey everyone, there is this girl I really like and I met her about a month ago. She is my roomates girlfriends sister. We all 4 have been hanging out for a while and we all have fun together. At first I was really shy and didnt talk much to her at all, but as time progressed I started talking to her more. About a week ago she left on vacation for a month, she has been sending me text messages and I have been sending her text messages since she left to see how both of us were doing. But to get to the point I have fallen in love with her, she is everything I want in a girl. There is this other guy that has been messaging her on her myspace calling her babe and telling her they need to hang when she gets back. Now this scares me because im a shy guy and this guy isnt at all. And im afraid of him getting her instead of me even having a chance. I have no clue what I should do to get her over this other guy. Ive been thinking of telling her how I feel but wanted to do that in person.

2007-03-19 02:19:35 · 3 answers · asked by Johnny 1 in Singles & Dating

Yesterday my friend help me to tell my admire, i like him alot!
And today morning my friend told me that my admire likes me, My admire told my friend, that i need change my looks & style. For him? He wants me dye & high light my hair blond colour. But i dun want to that it, feels not like me anymore. He told my friend, that his going to think about it? if he really whats to be my steady??

I knew admire,for 1year 2months soo i need tell truth. I can't kept it to myself for long?? I and admire were close friends. Will he take me too be his steady. Cuz tomorrow his coming to tell me truth, i hope my heart broken too pieces agian. I'm nervous nw.. and thinking too much! help me!!

2007-03-19 02:19:23 · 2 answers · asked by xDi0rAngelx 1 in Friends

2007-03-19 02:19:22 · 24 answers · asked by honeypot 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend and I both work, so we don't get to spend as much time together as we would like to. The problem is that lately I have been getting increasingly frustrated with his schedule at work. It seems like every time we make any kind of plans he is having to break them at the last minute because of his job asking him to work. I try not to say much about it because I don't want to seem demanding or pushy. He even asked me the other night if I was frustrated by his work situation, to which I responded yes. He then told me that I was "being awfully nonchalant" about it. I responded by telling him that I knew that he had to do what he had to do and I didn't expect him to quit his job for me or anything like that. But even in telling him that deep down I was still angry. How should I handle this without starting an argument? I feel like it's hurting our relationship at a time where it should be growing. I feel so bad for being resentful and angry at him, but not sure how else to feel.

2007-03-19 02:17:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I've liked her since October of 2006, toward January of this year I felt like I was really in love with her. Back in October we planned a date for January....... she didn't like me that way, never really did. I am fine with that. But now her and my ex are going out, with kind of bugs this one tiny whiny part of me, I'm trying my hardest to get over that. I'm just not sure how I am supposed to feel right now, should I be happy because she's happy? Sad because I know I will probably never have a chance with her? Mad because she lead me on? I just do not know.......=/

2007-03-19 02:17:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I got with a guy while i was with my ex, we get on really well and we spent loads of time together. He told me that he was falling for me and i was falling for him too. last monday he told me that he couldnt see me anymore cos he doesnt have enough time as he work unsociable hours and could give me what i need. we didnt speak all week then on saturday he told me he still likes me. He asked me if he could walk me home that night but later said he couldnt as he would want to kiss me and this was unfair on me. He said he'd call me and we'd meet up. Should i meet him? i still really like him. does he want me..? thanks for any help that you can give me :)

2007-03-19 02:17:31 · 14 answers · asked by sarahfifield87 1 in Singles & Dating

Well, I contacted my ex after 6 months - since we broke up...
I met this person last year, and we were in love, we broke up 6 months back - and today i decided to just say hi online -

1st he was very nice to me, and then after sometime, he started to act crazy - he started name calling - he said i was crazy - and then said he is in love with another women - I gave it back to him, however I just dont know why he behaved this way, or what i did to deserve this??

he was so rude, waht can i do?? what do i do abt it? why would he act this way when all i did was be nice and say hi?

are all Men like this??

facts - he broke up with me....

2007-03-19 02:17:25 · 11 answers · asked by Franky 1 in Marriage & Divorce

he has long hair. he is tall.

2007-03-19 02:16:52 · 11 answers · asked by Nikhil P 1 in Friends

Maybe I'm overreacting but right now I'm really really hurt and angry at my husband. Last night at 2am I woke up and found him chatting online (which I don't care because I chat with my friends all the tiime and he knows about it and who I'm talking to). So I ask him who he's talking to and he doesn't want to tell me. So I tried to lean in to see (I should be wearing glasses) and he minimizes the window. Well I find out it's some 18 year old college chick he's never met and he's been talking to her for some time. You know if he had just told me up front fine but he hid this and is being vague about it. And all defensive (on her). I asked to see her page...just curious and he refused. So I tried to check it out but it's set to private. He was on Yahoo messenger and you have to request to talk to the person and yet he's saying no you don't. God he's such an idiot! He's 40 years old! His oldest son is 19! That's just creepy!

2007-03-19 02:16:31 · 22 answers · asked by anonymous 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I love him very much, but he is a lot older than me, Im 26, our relationship has lasted for 2 years by now, and he is the only man I had sex with, maybe thats partially why Im crazyly in love with him... he says he loves me too, and from the very beginning he always wants to marry me...but I dont want to bcos of the age difference, and also I dont know if he just want to find a caretaker in his age...Im asian he is western, we met when I studied PhD in his country...I tried to break up with him, but I couldnt make it, Im emotionally not strong enough to do it...I dont know why I love him so much... now Im stuck in this situation... what should I do? Is age really that important? and does he, like some ppl told me, just want to find a caretaker? that really depresses me...

2007-03-19 02:16:19 · 13 answers · asked by jing j 1 in Marriage & Divorce

There's this guy who I see at school and he's recently (last few weeks) been asking me out. Now, that's not the problem. The problem is that he's a nice guy. He's smart, funny, has a great job, and is very sweet. He even has an alright face. Problem? He's fat and that's kind of a big turnoff with me. Not only that but he's short 6'2''. I wish I didn't feel this way because he really is a great guy, I'm just not physically attracted to him...is attraction really that important in a relationship? Boys seem to pick and choose, so why shouldn't I? Er-what would you guys do?

2007-03-19 02:15:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Like do they think about them and stuff? and whats attractive to a 17 yr old guy

2007-03-19 02:15:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Is anyone called Cleo or Clio? If so how old are you and where are you from?

2007-03-19 02:15:19 · 6 answers · asked by moopoppet 4 in Friends

my bf was invited to his cousins wedding and he invited me to come with! i was really excited to meet the family but then i realised my bf was spending s lot of time with this other girl he was always finding an excuse to sit next to her and to get close to her, i saw him and her a lot of times just looking at each other, they always kept eye contact!! i felt less worried when i found out that the girl is his mothers half sisters daughter meaning they cousins (right) but they are are muslim and they are allowed to date each other!! what do you think? should i just let it past or should i be worries??

2007-03-19 02:13:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

IV started dreaming about my EX lately, we have naw been split up over 6 momths (we were together for four years) whats going on..?
I am naw seeing a new gal, aswell..!!

2007-03-19 02:12:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

It seems like everyone around me has a gf, but me...sometimes it's kinda depressing. I don't ask for much, I just want to go to a movie or grab some dinner sometime, but girls seem like they don't want that kinda thing anymore, so I don't know what else to do....

2007-03-19 02:12:12 · 5 answers · asked by B Nyce 1 in Singles & Dating

I am in love with my boyfriend. We have been together for 6 months. (by the way I am 26 he is 27)We have been through some stuff together, and a few weeks backs we almost broke up because he told me he didn't ever want marrige, more children or even a long term relationship. (not that I ever pushed any of that on him, cause IF i decide to ever get married again it will be a long time from now. But after we decided to "take a little break" i saw more of him than ever. He just came around more. Then i hear from someone we both know that he told her he is just scared because he found the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Then we went on a vacation together to his dads house out of state and I met the rest of his family. When we got back I went to a concert with a friend of mine (and one of my b/f's best friends) and his girlfriend and they got drunk and spilled the beans, aparently my man told his friend he loves me and wants to marry me. I want to hear it from him SOOO bad, but he won't tell me. He will tell everyone else but not me! Why? I need to hear it from him to believe it. Shouldn't he want ME to know??? he knows I love him. I won't ever tell him that these people told me these things, but should I tell him i know how he feels about me? should I ask him if it is true?

2007-03-19 02:11:11 · 12 answers · asked by ladyjno7 4 in Singles & Dating

I am in a long term realationship, 5 years, My boyfreind never initaites sex, and he does not show affection very often. It has always been like this. He was like that in past relationships as well. I thought I was alright with it, and I was for a long time. Now I need more. I have tried to talk to him about it. I was very straiight forward but he does not seem to understnd what I want and need even when I spell it out. It seems like I have tried everything to get my guy to take some initaive and show me affcetion, but he still doesnt. He says he loves me and he eats it up when I initate sex and show him affection, he does return it, when I start it. How can I get him to start it? I am on the verge of cheating. Dont worry I dont have any prospects, but I have opened my mind to looking for one. I do love him and I want to stay in this relationship, but I need someone to make me feel wanted. Any new ideas, before it all fals apart?

2007-03-19 02:09:52 · 22 answers · asked by teyB's 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I just woke up, and I have a message on my phone from my work, they want to call me in today because someone is sick. I have plans with my mom. It is nothing special, just going out to lunch, then taking my dog to the park. But I have been looking forward to it. They call me in all the time, and I ususally go in. They are pretty busy today. And my manager didn't even call, she made someone else do it, I'm suspecting because she doesn't want to talk to me cause she is the one who always calls me in. If I go, then I have a sucky day. If I don't, then I have to face them tomarrow. What would you do???

2007-03-19 02:09:12 · 9 answers · asked by Stark 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

I've been married 6 years, we were BEST friends (no sex involved) for 5 years before deciding to date. We seperated 3 years ago for 4 months because of his accusing me of wanting other men. When we got back togather, he PROMISED not to accuse me of anything. Now 3 years later, for about the past 6 months, it's back AGAIN!!! I caught him, 2 months ago, trying to kiss a co-worker of ours @ a company party (I saw her push him away,too). Of course, he used the "I was drunk, I don't remember" line. I'm trying to keep our marriage togather, but it's getting harder as each day goes!!! My son was 6 when we started dating, and now we have a 2 year old daughtor togather, I promised myself I wouldn't raise them the way I was raised (a divided home). My marriage is starting to hold TOGATHER with just the children. The man that was once my BEST friend who knew everything about me, then became my husband, is now someone I don't even know!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!

2007-03-19 02:08:17 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I love my son
There is no way to describe my devotion to him his siblings and theres tome .
I am a single father if four .
What do I do when my 15 yr old son insults me as I turn my back
Then when confronted he denies the situation
As a result nothing is resolved
No one backs down
Other sibling dearly loves brother yet also knows he is wrong
For weeks now on many occasions my son has thrown sligh comments behind me, whilst I'm with in a meter or two away from him . When I confront him he claims to have said a totally different thing and lies compulsively with know remorse.
This is not my imagination , I need him to be honest before I can put this redicullouse situation behind us.

2007-03-19 02:07:23 · 21 answers · asked by kevin d 4 in Family

I have some really great friends, I mean they're just the best to me. But now we don't even talk anymore. We used to play Runescape together and that was how we communicated because they now live far away from me. I always used to go to there house and just hang out and have some fun, but we haven't done that in so long now. Is something wrong with me?
Is this just a part of growing up, or am I some kind of jerk?

Please help!

2007-03-19 02:07:15 · 3 answers · asked by Luke 3 in Friends

What did you do (apart from the obvious nocturnal behaviour)?
Did you enjoy it? (who knows...)

And if you recently married: congrats!

2007-03-19 02:06:42 · 18 answers · asked by JarJar Odd 2 in Weddings

O.K My girlfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago. She gave pretty feeble excuses, and we had been dating for a year. I had no contact whatsoever with her, until she asked the other day if i would mind going for a drink with her as friends. I went along...we just argued...and she spent the whole time telling me about some new guy she liked...i stupidly admitted i loved her, and said that this whole friends thing wasnt working, and i walked out of the room. So every day since, I get texts saying how hurtful she was,sorry,& could we be friends.i ignored her.she then asks my friends have they seen me today cos she's worried about me!Anyway,yest i had enough,& textd her back saying that she hurt me 2much & to leave me alone,i said u've moved on,so should i.anyway,she replied saying she still has feelings 4me,& misses parts of our relationship,but doesnt want to date again.i've agreed to meet her 4drink 2moro, but what do i say or do!!!!

2007-03-19 02:06:24 · 9 answers · asked by dafadf a 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

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