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Family & Relationships - 19 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I have been with my boyfriend for about 6 years we have been together since we were little I remember everything about how we meet and all the stuff in between. But lately for the past 10mnths we have been together we have argued so much. And now it seems like he doesn't even attract me anymore I'm starting to want other dudes but I don't holla at them because I'm with him. He is so jealous and silly its ridicolous we argue everyday. And I'm the type of person if we argue to many times a day I'm done he the type to argue today call you later and act like it didn't happen. Idk I'm tired what should I do. LOL

2007-01-19 13:06:32 · 3 answers · asked by Snoopy 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Before you think he is picking on me because I am a nerd, I am not. I have a lot of friends and I am decently popular, I am not ugly and I don't have a giant nose or a billion pimples

Every single day in usually 1 class, he bugs me. I am usually so talkative and bubbly, but because of him, I have learned the less I say, the less chance there is to argue.

For example:

He was bugging me all day with stupid insults. During Art, I was getting paint from the paint area in part of the room. He was blocking me from getting it, so I elbowed him in the ribs. It wasn't hard, I am not a wresteler or a super sporty person that could cause extreme harm, but now every single time I say one little word, he starts arguing about how I elbowed him for no reason. He twists the story so it appeal to him and makes me look like the devil. He insults my artwork, which isn't that mean because I know it sucks, but after I constantly explain it, he still calls it a christmas tree, I am jewish!

2007-01-19 13:06:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My parents are stopping me from having any life at all. I don't see my friends outside of school except for twice. It used to be because my mom didn't know the parents, but now it's because our house is really dirty and she doesn't have time to take me to their house. All i do is watch tv, listen to music after school. And the worst part is that she doesn't think it's a big problem. She says that other teenagers don't really do much either. I wanted to join a team sport but she says, that again she doesn't have time. Suggestions?

2007-01-19 13:05:44 · 16 answers · asked by omygosh 4 in Family

She is on a college team and I talk to her after most of her games. We have know each other for about three months. We have emailed each other twice. My real question is, in her eyes am I a fan or a friend. My parents say not to worry about it, and just play it by ear. I'm not a stalker or obsessed, it's just I can't tell when she talks to me that she's trying to do her job and get more fans at the games. Or she really wants to spend time with me. Anyone have advice for me?

2007-01-19 13:05:34 · 8 answers · asked by swimchick2012olympics 1 in Friends

OK, 3 months ago I split up with a girl whom I adored very much, I'd have willingly haime passed and eventually I got over her...or so I thought, this past week it has been plaguing my mind non-stop, I still feel I love her with all my heart, even though she probably thinks nothing of me now and has a new boyfriend etc etc. I tried giving her up cold turkey, we havent spoke in 2 months at least but for no reason I have started thinking about her again.

I have tried all the normal steps of getting over an ex. Self Assertion, not going to places we used to go together, blocking her out my life, I haven't dated since although, I can't, I don't know anyother girls who I am intrested in. Can you please give me some help or advice to stop this. It's ditressing and I think I am going mad :(

2007-01-19 13:04:29 · 12 answers · asked by Robert B 1 in Singles & Dating

ok...im short and am not....well....mature, and it seems all of my friends have got action...and were all around the same age ..14..and everyone seems 2 have got some action(like hj and bj's.....) y am i not included in any of this???...even the nerdy kids have got some ..BUT i still havent got anything......please give me advise on somthing 2 do differently...im comfused???

2007-01-19 13:02:42 · 8 answers · asked by yoyoyo 1 in Singles & Dating

i feel crappy because my girlfriend was playing me and i broke up with her. but i still like her. but she doesn't like me. never did. and i said stuff too her i shouldn't of said. and during a dance she asked my twin brother to dance with her. he said no, but for some reason i feel more crappy. i might ask her out but she might say no. i dont what to say. HELP!!!!!!!!! codymengstrom@verizon.net

2007-01-19 13:02:16 · 21 answers · asked by codymengstrom@verizon.net 1 in Singles & Dating

i saw this guy i used to date at a party recently. even though we hadn't talked in months, he was super flirty and ended up kissing me. the next day he didn't call and when we did talk, he apologized because he said he didn't mean to do that. he also said he didn't think we should date because he wasn't in the right mind space to seriously date someone. do you think he totally disrespected me and sees me just as a booty call? what do you make of this guy?

2007-01-19 13:01:06 · 15 answers · asked by yayaya 1 in Singles & Dating

I see girls hanging out with there females friends, my mans friends ask me to hook them up with my "so called friend", but in reality I have none. When I was in junior high I had a close friend but when we each went to different HS (we still live in the same city) we just stopped hanging out. Anyway since junior high she always spent more time with childhood friends, but then our frinedship just drift away even though she lives like 10 blocks away.

We call each other and she will always say I will call you back but she never do until a long time after. I just recently called her and she wasn't home and her friend, I mean "so called sister" said she wasn't there and she never called back.

I just feel so sad sometimes because I wish I had friends and I dont. I am real shy and its real hard for a person like me to make friends.

2007-01-19 13:00:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My dad left for Iraq last year and he was the one parent I felt closest to. I've been doing ok but whenever I talk to him I break down in tears. Is there any things I can do to reassure myself that everything is ok?
Thanks a bunch XOXOXOXOX

2007-01-19 13:00:42 · 5 answers · asked by um ok 2 in Marriage & Divorce

thiers this girl at my school who ive wanted to ask out for about 3 weeks know but havent had enough courage anyone have any clues off how i should ask her out

2007-01-19 12:59:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My friend and I where walking home when a man askedus if we want a good time. Should I tell my parents? we said no.

2007-01-19 12:58:42 · 10 answers · asked by Jimmy B 1 in Family

I ikow someone who been wearing an engagement ring for like five years and her boyfriend get mad if she takes it off, should there be a limit on how long to wear it if no wedding date is set

2007-01-19 12:58:30 · 19 answers · asked by speedy 2 in Weddings

I have been with this guy for 3 years, he's 47 I'm 31. He just can't seem to make up his mind and is such a control freak. He can't be wrong about anything(and I am never right). It's like he has this phobia of me have a thought before him or a better idea. No matter what we are talking about or what I say he always says, "well its more that that" or "not!, you need to think about what your saying". I can' t be that stupid, can I? Why is he like this? and What can I do to help him get over it? it drives me crazy. Anymore, I only say what I have too. I spend more time avoiding him these days. He never follows thru with anything and always has an excuse, and always wants to put EVERYTHING off or, "just leave it alone it will work itself out", New flash!! It doesn't fix itself. The only thing he doesn't criticize is my cooking, my book-keeping, my driving and sex. Other than that I cant do anything right. My head hurts just thinking about it.....

2007-01-19 12:58:23 · 10 answers · asked by KricketP 2 in Singles & Dating

i am haveing a 13th birthday party with boys and girls so i need some ideas for some cool games to play!!!????????????(not spin the bottle...my parents wouldnt like that lol)

2007-01-19 12:57:22 · 5 answers · asked by :) 1 in Singles & Dating

This girl and I have good chemistry. We have good conversations and go on good dates. We are just friends that sometimes kisses and make out when the mood presents itself.The thing is that I'm not that attracted to her. She never told me I was cute, but I do think I'm good-looking enough to look at and talk to. I know she is beautiful and I know she be looking at guys that may look better than me. One time she was telling me about this guy she was attracted to and so other things about him to me. I just sat calm, smile and let the conversation flow like it was nothin. My question is should I not worry about it? Do a good man overrides girl's attractiveness to other guys? What must I do to keep and maintain her so I can go in for the "kill" later on? Was she tryin to tell me somethin on the slide? Should I play "hide and seek" for a while so she can realize my value to her? I don't know, help me on this one. ASAP

2007-01-19 12:57:14 · 2 answers · asked by teryl2930308 1 in Singles & Dating

35 years ago i got into a fight at school with a girl we gave each other as good as we could i was expelled from school for 3 weeks but my dad God rest his soul kicked the living daylights out of me and ever since i cannot raise my hand to hit a woman is this in my mind or my dad hitting me

2007-01-19 12:56:27 · 13 answers · asked by colin050659 6 in Family

every time i talk to him why does he sound so abuse and lound.every time he thinks hes right what should i say or do/

2007-01-19 12:55:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i like this guy name blake and he is so cute my friends say that i should just go and ask him out me and him talk alot and stuff.But this guy name brian found out and told blake that i liked him so should i go head and ask him if he would like to go out with me give me some tips i need them.

2007-01-19 12:55:25 · 16 answers · asked by amzie783 1 in Singles & Dating

First I want to say I love my parents very much, but if you have read my other question you know I have had problems with them. I currently live with my parents and I am pregnant with my first child. The father and I have had our problems but have worked things out and are now planning on moving back in togather. My mom can not stand him and as long as I live in her house has told me that if I even talk to him I have to leave. So we have been talking and seeing each other in secret. We have only seen each other a few times considering I dont have a car and have been using my parents van. So how do I tell my mom that I am moving out, since as far as she knows I have not even been talking to him??

2007-01-19 12:55:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Me and my girlfriend are both 13 and we have been going out for about 6 months. The other day we went to the movies and we started making out. We were alone in the theater and I dont no what happened but I slid my hand down under her and slid my fingers in her. She didn't stop me and she didn't seem to care but I am still worried about what would happen in the future if we were to break up. What are the possible repercussions of this?

2007-01-19 12:55:06 · 39 answers · asked by james 1 in Singles & Dating

Theres this guy and everytime i go near him and his friends his friends r like dude there she is! and laughin and carring on! lol im pretty sure its 2 me......... so that wat u guys do or am i jus imagining it??
Also i hav this smae ? on my other acount.. Florida_chic331 u may hav already answered!

2007-01-19 12:54:46 · 2 answers · asked by total_coolness102 2 in Singles & Dating

i have been kinda dateing this chick, she is cool as hell and i like her alot but she has a couple kids witch is not a problem but when i told her i wanted one evenualy some day she said she did not want anymore kids what do i do am i waisting my time?

2007-01-19 12:54:36 · 3 answers · asked by mikeymike623 2 in Singles & Dating

there is this kid who always teases me
we go to school together
he doesn't ask people out, they ask him
he use to just tease me but now....
he has been nice to me but teasing me as well
i like him
he has always teased me prevertedly
my friend said that he was looking at me
i think he likes me, but why hasn't he done anything about it yet
i try and go along with his jokes
and laugh at him as well
i also talk to him
what do YOU think???!!!!!!!

2007-01-19 12:54:13 · 12 answers · asked by cjkdi l 1 in Singles & Dating

ok look a gurl my friend is goin out with we looked like we were goin out becuz we kissed but den my friend asked her out n sh said yes n she says dat she luvs me wants 2 be wit me but she dunt wanna break my friends heart n she being tellin diz stuff weneva i talk 2 her so wut should i do

2007-01-19 12:53:55 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How can you stil have fun wit them, but yet get them 2 respect you.

2007-01-19 12:53:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

he lives in the east coast, i live in the west coast, and we talk ove the phone once a year, this week he has helped me with guy problems that i've been having. she found out and now she told him to not talk to me anymore, i don't want him in any way other than someone that i can rely on for a guy opinion. i already told him that i would delete his number, i did, but i can't help it but to feel sad...... =0(

2007-01-19 12:53:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

This guy has been in a relationship with this girl for like 5 years. Her girlfriend is outside the country and he is talking with this other girl from his class, and he likes her. He doesnt do anything with her, like getting physical or going out with her.

Is he cheating if he likes two girls at the same time even though he doesnt really doing anything with the girl. He just looks for her and talks to her.

2007-01-19 12:51:49 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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