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Family & Relationships - 11 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Hi girls...

Would you like to punish him...? If so what sort of punishment you'd like.... would you like to humilate him...???

2006-11-11 18:50:09 · 14 answers · asked by deny s 1 in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend is being mean 2 me wan he is with hes friends hes friends do not like me and i love him but he dose not love me olny arond hes friends he loves my at hes moms and dads house but some thing a bout hes friend just get him mean not just 2 me 2 ever on like hes mom dad and me so what do u say help me plz

2006-11-11 18:49:59 · 5 answers · asked by jessica a 2 in Family

I am pretty confused on this, and being fairly shy myself, i just don't know.
I know this guy who stares at me. Not all the time. Everytime he walks by/i walk by him he looks up at me. He'll glance and look away. Or he will compelelty ignore me. I've noticed him messing with his hair around me. I don't know if that means anything. lol.
He has talked to me a little. We were both at a concert and we talked about that. He talked to me about a book I was reading. And then today about a comic. But when he does he doesn't really look at me, and acts kinda nervous.
I am curious because I think he is incredibly bright and funny. And I would love to get to know him better.

2006-11-11 18:47:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I need an emergency cure for lip hickies...

2006-11-11 18:45:45 · 10 answers · asked by isabella 2 in Singles & Dating

What do you think about this situation?

Maybe I might call myself as a breadwinner because I am sending finances to my parents, my sister and brother, even they have a family already. My big brother does not have work, and at his age, he tried different things to get a job, but until now nothing.. Last week Ive called my father to check how things going and just to find out that the allowance Ive sent to them is already finished. Reason...my father put the money for the fixing of the ceilings. Ive sent again money again for them and early in the morning Ive received a txt from my brother that he was borrowing money to me for his wife to make business. I told him many times that I am going on vacation and this will not be paid by the company, in short they need to mellow on expenses..

The dillema is this:

I think my brother is depending on me too much and I feel aggravated about not helping where in fact I still have money on my account but I am saving it for my family just in

2006-11-11 18:38:26 · 7 answers · asked by just me 3 in Family

my girlfriend cheated on me a few days ago i caught them. im gutted but i dont know what to do, i want to leave her and know its the right thing to do but i just want to know i it possible to get this feeling i have for her with someone else, can i ever love someone the same way again

2006-11-11 18:38:08 · 32 answers · asked by ziggy l 1 in Singles & Dating

how do i ask someone if she has an std? or should i expect her to tell me if she does?
is there anyway to ask your partner without making it seem offensive?

2006-11-11 18:37:23 · 12 answers · asked by freewonderingsoul 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-11 18:36:29 · 8 answers · asked by Ya7ya 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-11 18:36:18 · 11 answers · asked by BOOYAH 3 in Singles & Dating

Like, at what age do you start calling girls "WOMAN"

2006-11-11 18:36:18 · 17 answers · asked by Doctor Phil 1 in Singles & Dating

I work with this girl. She is a server and I am bartender. We only work 1 day week together. Recently I went to a party she was at and she was smokin pot which is something I don't do or like. Anyway, we said hello and she introduced her bf to me and all. All was fine. A couple of days later I come into work and she is all weird around. She told a fellow co-worker that she felt weird around me since that night. I approached her and asked her why she feels this way. She smiled and put her head down and said I dunno. I told her it's all good no biggie. She went on to defend herself that she doesn't do it alot. Like all nervous. Later that day she was telling me about how she doesn't think her and bf are going to work ou t for whatever reason. She was talking to me more and asking me questions about myself. I am humble person and don't think every women is after me but does this women seem like she is interested? Why would she care about what I think. Yes, I am attracted her and like her.

2006-11-11 18:33:02 · 17 answers · asked by Chef 2 in Singles & Dating

Isn't this sort of weird???????

2006-11-11 18:32:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I want to be nice, but feel nothing towards this man who is coming on strong and is 18 years older.

2006-11-11 18:31:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am about to be married in 1 month. its an aranged marriage. my would be is the only son of his parents. his mother is overly protective of him; she does not allow him to even drive to office. he seems to be either ok with his mothers overbearing nature or has resigned himself to her nature--- i dont know. 2 times my would be proposed to go out with me (sponteniously, not with the permission of his mother) and both times he did not. he did not bother to inform me whether he is coming or not and when i called him the the evening (5.30) he said he would come surely but cannot given me precise time of his arrival.To save him embarrasement i said he maynot come if he is busy and i will attend to some other work in the market meanwhile.he agrees. next day early in morning his mother calls and asks me to go out with him to attend some mutual work in the market. this happened twice. he indirectly blaims me to have massacred his plans of going out. the message of his mother clear.

2006-11-11 18:31:22 · 6 answers · asked by xyz4 1 in Marriage & Divorce

people often tells evreyone to be good guy, help everyone, listen to your heart and all that stuff regarding nice things...
but then you face the real world..
everything is changed..
people who told you that do this kind of good stuff.. they only force us to hange yourself..
it really hurts to cahgnge yourself from good to bad!!!
true love, true frndship.. really exists???

2006-11-11 18:30:06 · 5 answers · asked by krish k 1 in Singles & Dating

ok, my boyfriend entered rehab 2 days ago. not because he feels like he has a problem, but because its that or go to jail/probation. today was family day and group therapy and i got really involved in the disscussion... i cried and said excatly how i feel. everone was really supporting because alot of them had been there with their loved one. well i asked him how he thought he meeting went and he said "its all crap.'" he doesnt think he has a problem, so i'm scared he isnt gonna get anything out of it. has anyone been in this situation? i need to know if there is hope. will he come around in the next 26 days hes in there or remain uninterested. i told him i tought it was good, and he said well mabey i'm the one who needs to be there. i dont use drugs, he does, hes the one with the problem... i really just need someone who has been there that i can talk to. please help!!! any online discussion groups you know of could be helpful, but i can only chat at night. thanks

2006-11-11 18:29:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

okay, i just finished my date with one of my friends which was my first date ever. I asked him what we were considered to be while we were cuddling. At first, he said he did not know. Then he said we were just friends. He likes me and i like him, but i just don't know. And please respond with serious answers. (Note: no sexual activities occured on date)

2006-11-11 18:29:28 · 11 answers · asked by shakespearestalker87 1 in Singles & Dating

my ex bf of 8 yrs & i have been making a go of it again for the past 10 mnths (shortly after his ex gf left him) yet nothing is set in stone as far as where we stand. he left friday to go to camp to hunt & i haven't heard from him nor i have been able to reach him. the ex gf lives 2 doors away. should i be worried that he is w/ her? she has been contacting him by phone & sending him letters although nothing for the past 2 mnths ( that i am aware of) pls set my mind at ease. he didn't even tell him he was leaving (our son called to ask me if he could stay the weekend w/ me) nor did he answer his phone prior to leaving for camp.

2006-11-11 18:27:59 · 10 answers · asked by momatendofrope 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

Guys have it easy! Romance is simple for a girl. Give us flowers, take us somewhere gorgeous, tell us sweet things, take us to any private place... etc. I dont have a single clue what a guy would think of as romantic. I would buy him flowers, fix him a candlelit dinner, and to a private spa before spending the night together but I dont think guys would appreciate it soo much. Especially the flower part. I would really like to do something over the top romantic for my man and I just cant think of a good idea. Help!!!
Also, I'm a poor college student so I dont have much money to work with :(

2006-11-11 18:27:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Met him at a bar and says he travels alot to Chicago, S.American, Vegas. Very good looking but

2006-11-11 18:26:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He is an African American male and he is really crazy about them but he does not know how to approach them he still has this plan ttaion mentality. What would you advise him?

2006-11-11 18:25:11 · 8 answers · asked by Trinity 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-11 18:23:24 · 42 answers · asked by injesu 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm sure my husband (we are separated now and have been for a week.. his want, not mine) is cheating on me and has been for a little over a month. I'm not sure how to go about catching him. I've found things like a comb and hair tie that aren't mine. Those aren't the only reasons I think he's cheating but I'm also wondering if women sometimes leave things like this behind on purpose?Any suggestions?

2006-11-11 18:23:16 · 14 answers · asked by ckp1234567 1 in Marriage & Divorce

If my partner does not fulfill my sexual desires, can I go ahead and use toys, would this be hurtful to my spouse even though they know that there is a problem and I don't want to get involved outside our marriage?

2006-11-11 18:22:32 · 13 answers · asked by Trinity 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Is it ok to chose to be single and wait for the right person while your ex choses to get over you through a casual relationship? Should I be getting out there more or is it ok to take time to be single?

2006-11-11 18:20:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

sometimes I pass people on the street and they look so sad especially the homeless I got to talking this evening with a lady who always ask for money around town she calls me her angel as for some reason 2-3 times a month I seem to run in to her . I stop and talk with her when I can and give her a couple dollars this has been going on about a year and this time I talked with her about trying to turn her life around and get off the streets living from place to place she has been through alot and can't find her light at the end of the tunnel. We never know what anyone is going through or has been through and with the holidays coming it is especially hard for many. reach out to someone if you can even to just go out of your way to say hi volunteer to feed the homeless or buy a toy for a child in need it will make you feel better as well as the person be aware of con artist though they are also out during holidays

2006-11-11 18:20:32 · 8 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Family

2006-11-11 18:20:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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