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Family & Relationships - 6 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

prince charming who will sweep me off my feet and slam me down HARD... I'm such a romantic!

2006-11-06 17:35:42 · 6 answers · asked by OLIVIA! 1 in Singles & Dating

im taking a girl i like to the cinema in the next few days. this is goin to be our first date. after a few months of meetng up on nights out with frieds etc... would appreciate any ideas on how to make it that little bit special and memorable. without being cheesey. just want to make it better than a standard plain sometimes awkward first date to the cinema ?? thanks

2006-11-06 17:34:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Me and my boyfriend were both virgins when we met and we didn't start having sex until 1 year into the relationship. I dated my boyfriend for 2 years when he broke up with me. He wanted me back within the next two weeks but I said no and made him wait for a whole month before I took him back. Then after the next year and a half I started to feel distant and broke up with him. In that next month I dated and had sex with one guy. Then I realized I made a huge mistake and got back together with him. He took me back right away, saying he missed me with tears in his eyes. I feel so bad and regret it more than anything!! He asked me couple times whether i did anything with another guy and I said no because I knew it would destroy him. I feel really guilty but I don't think I should tell him cuz I deserve to feel bad and if I tell him I will only make him feel bad when he doesnt deserve it. What do u think??

2006-11-06 17:33:37 · 29 answers · asked by Mari 2 in Singles & Dating

I've been working a lot and I just didn't seem to be able to do anything else, and I don't have many friends, how can I meet some nice people and make friends, I don't drink, (don't go to bars) and I guess I've been isolated and I'm not so easy to talk to, I don't know what to say, & get nervous, any suggestions?

2006-11-06 17:33:23 · 11 answers · asked by My King loves me 3 in Friends

I have friends but no best friend and it bothers me. I've always had one and now I don't. I'm married and in college and work and don't only talk to my friends usually on the weekends. I still don't have a friend that really close and I can talk to about everything. Has anyone else ever been in thi situation?

2006-11-06 17:32:57 · 9 answers · asked by Wonderious 3 in Friends

I was married several years ago by a Justice of the Peace, but the marriage lasted just under a year, at which time my spouse filed for divorce. At the time of marriage, my boyfriend and I were young and in love and entered into the union with intentions of getting married in a church later. However, the main reason we got married at the time was to take advantage of our work benefits (did I mention that I was young AND stupid?) Both my former spouse and I are confirmed Catholics.

Because we weren't married in the church, does our civil union still require us to obtain an annulment before marrying others in the eyes of the Catholic Church? I'd eventually like to get married in the Catholic Church.

Thanks in advance!

2006-11-06 17:31:51 · 6 answers · asked by lmcca22 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Give me all the characteristics you can think of.

2006-11-06 17:31:44 · 5 answers · asked by Trish 1 in Singles & Dating

She has been my girl friend for the past year now, and i really love her, and she loved me too. But 4 weeks ago we got into a fight. she was irritated by me studying and only doing my homework. and not taking her out enough(i used to take her out every week on Fridays and Saturdays). she continued to bug me for 2 hours and i had enough and i told her to mind her own business about that. and she started making a huge issue out of it. i was sick and tired of it and told her to keep her ******* mouth shut. as soon as i said that i realized my mistake. she walked away and started crying. she even didn't come to our next class. her friends almost the whole high school girls came to me and started to scold me and abuse me. i just didn't do anything and kept quiet while my friends took care of the other girls(i don't know how this became such a big issue). but during our school trip we patched up again. i told her i loved her and she said nothing, then the next moment we were kissing. but....

2006-11-06 17:31:30 · 11 answers · asked by ThE TiTaN 3 in Singles & Dating

ever just sat down and started to cry. there's no particular reason why u did but just fell apart cuz ur either stressed, tired, sick of the world,..ect? cuz this hurts like crazy. n im furious with school, mad at my ex-bf, broken hearted, my friends are mad at me, im fighting with my family. life sucks for me.

2006-11-06 17:31:13 · 6 answers · asked by CANDACE h 1 in Family

some of my friend have regular sex with their partner before marriage, they looks very happy and pasonate to each other, I am scared it will last or not after marriage, please comment.

2006-11-06 17:30:41 · 34 answers · asked by sampita001 1 in Weddings

She used to hate me, at least I thought, but These things show otherwise
1) She and I talk a lot
2) Se complements me a lot
3) In 6th grade she accedently said she loves me
4) Now, she got a schedule (her choice) change that she went from 2 classes with me to 4 classes with me

there is a school dance coming up, sould i ask her to it?

2006-11-06 17:30:22 · 6 answers · asked by steve 4 in Singles & Dating

what I mean... I like a guy who can smack me around and pull my hair and "other" things... I'm crazy right? How do I find the man of my dreams????????

2006-11-06 17:30:03 · 6 answers · asked by OLIVIA! 1 in Singles & Dating

I just don't know how to deal with a very dysfunctional mother any more, she is never happy and she is always taking everybody's side, causes a mess and takes sides with brothers and sisters, then turns around and always ends up being a two face, we never have happy times on Thanksgiving, etc. too much drama and conflict and our family is divided, no one is really in a cheerful mood and one of my brothers is not really allowed to come over unless a certain half brother isn't there (he is always bulling everyone) What a nightmare, I wish I could stay away, but I have no other place to go other than friends, and thanksgiving is a 4 day holiday, too long to spend alone, I'd like to see my nieces so much and the brother nobody loves.
Help, what do I do? My mother doesn't understand even if I talk to her, it all turns into a huge feud, I live 3 hrs away from them.

2006-11-06 17:29:43 · 8 answers · asked by My King loves me 3 in Friends

it is pure arrange marriege , but she is only doughter of her family and her parents will be alone after her marriege , i do understand her problem and try to make her understand that this is everyone has to do one day , but she is becomming more and more introvert and sad as our mariege day is comming near. i feel that she dont have now any craze for our marriege . it was not always like that . when our marriege was fixed it was good 5 month and we both were very happy and she use to talk everyday 4-5 houyr with me but now its only one month remainning of our w-day so she is now very disturbed and feel very sad about thinking of her parents and thinking of how they wil manage the things after marriege and at the same time she also think of her self. i know this is only problem of one month after marriege i will make all her worries gone , but what should i do for this time ,she dont even sometimes talk to me and want to be very close to her family , i love her v. m. and want to c hapy

2006-11-06 17:29:13 · 6 answers · asked by satya c 1 in Marriage & Divorce

what do u think he thinks about? i sent it through text message. he didn't reply at all... does he mean he doesn't miss me too? will he think that i like him?

2006-11-06 17:28:52 · 5 answers · asked by lovingyouforever 1 in Friends

2006-11-06 17:28:49 · 19 answers · asked by peoplehrd 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I just got hit on twice and it was nice what say YOU

2006-11-06 17:27:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

but the other guys either start to ignore me or its hard to maintain a plutonic relationship why? I think its not so complicated..

2006-11-06 17:27:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I work in an office all day where hosiery part o the dress code. As the whether is getting colder many times I will quickly slip on some jeans over my nylons, (pantyhose or stockings as I wear pantyhose more in winter and stockings more is summer.)

Since I often just slip on mules with casual wear, some guys notice that I am wearing nylons and seem to go crazy. I thought it was just when I wore stockings and a garterbelt, and somehow they saw the outline of the garterblet, but now I find even with pantyhose they notice and still go wild. Do guys check out every girl who dosen't wear socks on their feet, or stare on everyone's ankles to see if they are wearing nylons?

It's juat a comfort thing, and not a sexual come on. I don't like socks, and prefer nylons on under my jeans and pantws especially in the colder weather.

2006-11-06 17:27:13 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What is your deam bf or gf look like? And don't say stuff like personality matters more, just don't answer then.

2006-11-06 17:26:48 · 11 answers · asked by Wonderious 3 in Singles & Dating

I told a "friend" (I've been a great friend and listener the last few months as he recovers from getting his heart ripped out by a woman) who, when I said that on my 40th birthday I'd like swim with dolphins (and I've been through a lot the last decade and he knows it) said "Oh, yeah, that's a woman thing." He's said that several times before about other things and each time I feel like it's really condescending. Is that a sexist comment? Seems to me anyone with an open heart, a love of nature and animals and any sense of fun, would enjoy swimming with dolphins. So what's he really saying?! Thanks much...(and no replies from the abusive losers who just like to show the world how much pain they're in by posting abusive or flip responses. I will report you.)

2006-11-06 17:26:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Me and my sister in law were really close before the seperation. She is younger. Her mom had a lot of problems while she was growing up, so I helped raise her. My husband and I were seperated for a few months. Now back together. What can I do to get her to let it go? It didn't involve her and my husband is over it too.

2006-11-06 17:26:39 · 11 answers · asked by MomOfThreeBoys 3 in Family

I'm looking for a Richie Stano. He's 26 and is from Ohio. I used to call him Bama. His yahoo sn began with either wolverine or richardstano (the second one @ sbcglobal.net). I don't want to spend money on directories or anything. If you have any info, I greatly appreciate it.

2006-11-06 17:25:30 · 1 answers · asked by Curly Q Diva 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I want all ur opinions on what u think a girl should act like.
please please please.

2006-11-06 17:25:25 · 9 answers · asked by CANDACE h 1 in Singles & Dating

My very, very close friend has voluntarily hooked me up with a guy that I am not attracted to physically, but we get along real well and have great conversations(which is more important to me). But, I have 4 kids already and my oldest son is 7. Our relationship is already starting to crumble even though he's so young. I'm finding he has trouble trusting me and most men. Now, I have an ex who is the father of another son that all of my kids adore and he wants to get back together with me. But, I myself and not happy in a relationship with him. Should I get back with him, date the other guy, or just stay off the dating scene all together?

2006-11-06 17:24:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My x girlfriend had a bit of a tummy, which i didnt like and she didnt take care of her appearance. When we strted going out i spoke to her about it, she put a little more effort into her appearance and made it seem like she was trying to loose some weight. I really loved this girl and felt bad about having to speak about such a delicate issue. 6 months down the line the same problem popped up. I spoke to her about it again and she said we should seperate cause we want different things, should i have kept quiet and not tried to change her???

2006-11-06 17:24:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well me and my boyfriend live like 45 minuets away from each other and i am either at work are he is so this weekend he came and picked me up so we are chilling i went to the bathroom so i am sitting there and i looked at the garbarge and a condom wrapper was in there it was not hid it was sitting right there in eye veiw so i started to laugh and he asked me what was so funny so i told him what i had saw and he said that his homeboy had somebody over so i said whatever well atlease you used a condom and he still kept saying that it was his boys and did i want to call him so i said no becuase i did not want him to think that i did not trust him but i am still thinking about it do you think that i should have called and do you think that it was his

2006-11-06 17:23:22 · 12 answers · asked by NICOLE B 1 in Singles & Dating

I currently started talking to an acquaintance that I knew from the past. We both have the same views on marriage, children, ect. (we grew up in the same church together)...

Anyways...we live 100 miles from each other...and he wants me to move in with him in two months when his lease is up...(I am not sure if I am ready for that)...

But anyways...We talk every day for hours...but I am nervous about the whole long distance thing...I mean If I stay where Im at and he stays where he lives...what are the chances of us staying together???

I mean we have finally been given a chance to be together and I am scared that I will lose that chance because of the distance between us.

2006-11-06 17:23:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

We have been friends for years...and well he confessed to me that he liked me. Yeah it was weird at first but after time I began to kiss him back and actually like him....one thing led to another ....next thing I know he has a boyfriend.He is mainly dating the guy because he couldn't say no. But it hurts me so bad. He sings me love songs in front of his boyfriend. And he has tested himself and he can't stay away from me and I can not stay away from him. I am actually testing myself right now. And he just called and my heart skipped a beat. I am falling in love with a gay guy and it sucks. Plus I may be pregnet with his kid!!! Should we give a relationship a try?

2006-11-06 17:23:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He farts n then calls u to his office to tell u this or the other, problem is he doesnt think fast so he's like ah eh what i want u to do is.......... by the time you live his office your stomach is blorted.
because his fart smell really horible

2006-11-06 17:22:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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