I have tried playing DVD's on my compter and the picture is just so static and jumpy and after a minute or too, it just freeze's and I have to close the programme (which then says its not responding)
I have windows media player 11 and media player classic and they both do exactly the same. I have tried to alter the screen resolution (which media player "help" suggested) and actually went onto microsofts mediaplayer help web-site and tried everything it suggessted to no avail. In the end it just said I should take my computer to a computer technician..
Can anybody please give me any other things to try
I have AMD Duron Processor, 807MHz with 640MB of RAM with XP Pro SP2.
My computer at work is a lower spec than mine and that is fine playing DVD's, I do not get it at all, Please help if you can
3 answers
asked by
Paul C