Recent auto accident is riddled with problems. What should be cut and dry is not. The other driver was cited and a ticket written. Other driver isn't a US citizen but has D.L., car ownership and is insured. When the police officer said "make sure you call your insurance company", the other driver said, "do we have to", to which the P.O. of course said yes. Well I went home and immediately called my insurance company. Five days later and I hadn't heard from the other insurance so I called them. (Happy to be alive and I just wanted my car fixed.) They have so far not even spoke with him. He hasn't called them and they can't seem to get in contact with him. Tonight my windshield was smashed right in front of my house! I believe he was behind it, but no witnesses so I can't prove. No other cars on street damaged and I don't have problems with anyone else.
Should I get a lawyer now, push the issue with my insurance, or wait awhile to see what his insurance company says?
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Insurance & Registration