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Cars & Transportation - 29 November 2006

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I have a 1981 Trans AM Turbo in need of a new engine.Is a Chevy 350 or a 400?
Someone has been telling me that the 400 has heating up issues. And is a 350 with a roller cam going to out perform a 400?
and which is the more reliable and easier to mantain of the two?

2006-11-29 09:09:33 · 8 answers · asked by Blueice 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

my son drove his sisters scooter without insurance or licence he got fine and 6 points. As he had no licence when do the points start from is it when he gets licence or when he was in court? also how long do they stay on licence. I do not condone what he has done but he has started work got a baby and settled down wants to start afresh. Thanks for the help

2006-11-29 09:08:05 · 6 answers · asked by poolzmaiden2002 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

the radiator was flushed out

2006-11-29 09:04:33 · 7 answers · asked by crystal l 1 in Volkswagen

My 1991 Honda Accord recently starting flashing the seatbelt alert light on the dashboard, and making a beeping alert noise, even when my seatbelts are fastened. My seatbelts are fully functional, and it seems to be a problem with just the seatbelt alert wiring. I would like to disarm the alert by disconnecting wires going to the seatbelt alert box, however, I cannot seem to find a wiring schematic that would tell me which wires to disconnect. Does anyone know which wires I need to cut? Or is there another simple solution to my problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated, as the beeping noise is really starting to get annoying!!! Thank you very much!

2006-11-29 09:00:40 · 2 answers · asked by nursemarie 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

Or can leaks be fixed by replacing individual parts? It runs just fine when it has transmission fluid in it. But it is rapidly leaking. I do not have the money for a whole new transmission - plus it's ten years old and not worth the $ or effort.

2006-11-29 09:00:37 · 6 answers · asked by Devoted 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

My 1991 Honda Accord recently starting flashing the seatbelt alert light on the dashboard, and making a beeping alert noise, even when my seatbelts are fastened. My seatbelts are fully functional, and it seems to be a problem with just the seatbelt alert wiring. I would like to disarm the alert by disconnecting wires going to the seatbelt alert box, however, I cannot seem to find a wiring schematic that would tell me which wires to disconnect. Does anyone know which wires I need to cut? Or is there another simple solution to my problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated, as the beeping noise is really starting to get annoying!!! Thank you very much!

2006-11-29 09:00:10 · 8 answers · asked by nursemarie 3 in Honda

2006-11-29 08:56:29 · 3 answers · asked by Matthew W 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

i want to get my windows tented silver the kind that reflects and get lighter as it goes to the top.

2006-11-29 08:41:59 · 1 answers · asked by U can't B like me 5 in Other - Cars & Transportation

2006-11-29 08:39:01 · 10 answers · asked by paul04009 1 in Motorcycles

2006-11-29 08:34:38 · 13 answers · asked by frank_mnts 1 in Aircraft

I have to know to pass a drivers lincense test!

2006-11-29 08:33:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance & Registration

if not then where do I get one?

2006-11-29 08:33:11 · 10 answers · asked by KU 4 in Motorcycles

Exactly as the question states. My parents are handling the situation becuase i'm overseas right now. But I guess because the check engine light doesn't come on it can't pass the state inspection. Is there any type of fuse or something that might be blown? I've been told it could just be a light bulb too but changing the bulb requires paying for the work to tear out and put back in the dash board. Anyone have some help?

2006-11-29 08:31:55 · 8 answers · asked by Josh M 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Dealer offering following lease deal. $400 mnth. 0 down 1st mth payment taken care of. new 2007 crv ex. cloth 6 cd sunroof...
not worried about residual (64%), as I will trade in for new one in 3 yrs/36,000 miles.
is this a DEAL or NO DEAL.. ?

2006-11-29 08:31:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

....and still hit another car, who is responsible? Me? Lexus?

2006-11-29 08:24:56 · 5 answers · asked by Genaro M 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have tried giggling the wheel. It is my sisters car it is a 2002 ford focus.

2006-11-29 08:24:54 · 9 answers · asked by Gyro 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 1999 Ford Taurus and my radiator cap is nowhere in sight. It may not even be present. In that case, is it safe to assume that my radiator has sufficient liquid levels if I still have plenty of fluid in my holding tank?

2006-11-29 08:23:57 · 8 answers · asked by mattkent22 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Hi, My warranty just expired and wouldn't you know that the front defrost just quit working. The heater and the rear defrost work just fine. I thought it may be a fuse? but I looked in the manual and there is no fuse for the front defrost... Any ideas on how to fix it :) or what I can do to defrost the windows in the mean time? Thanks

2006-11-29 08:23:41 · 2 answers · asked by K & D A 1 in Chevrolet

I'm looking at a Peugeot 307 estate, top spec and it's an ex-mobility motor. It's 3 years old with 24'000 miles and it's £5474. When I look at other 307's with similar spec, they are about £1000-£1500 more. Why is this, it's the first time Ive ever thought a car was too cheap.

2006-11-29 08:21:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

My 98 Caravan Sport headlights are messed. the right headlight is facing downwards and left one is facing upwards same with the fog lights.

please help!

2006-11-29 08:18:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

i have a project to do on what cars are "made in the USA". The cars must be assembled in the USA with 75% USA parts. If they do they will have a sticker on it that says Made in USA. I am just asking about Toyotas but any other brand would be very helpful as well. Thank you

2006-11-29 08:18:37 · 9 answers · asked by flyguys123 2 in Toyota

Biodiesel all the way to ethonal...what do you think?

2006-11-29 08:13:34 · 3 answers · asked by peter s 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

Let's take the semi-sucessful Pontiac Aztek for example. I think I know how the whole SUV started. The GM designers were all talking, and brainstorming, when one said, "Hey, how about we make some junky SUV with a back end that looks like a deformed rhombus, and for the front end, we'll just smash two cars together and go home!" The double grille created a new benchmark for incredibly ugly, dumb grille. (A Title Previously Held By The Ford Edsel) Also, Pontiac spelled it with a k, bekause spelling words inkorrectly is kool, I guess. In conclusion, Pontiac started where Cortez finished by taking the Aztec's last remaining treasure: their name.

2006-11-29 08:12:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pontiac

My beloved Alfa, which is in immaculate condition, needs a new engine. Can anyone help? I've seen very similar cars for sale @ £2500. Thing is, the car's been off the road for 4 months, & I had to phone the guy at the garage where the car was towed to obtain the mileage to declare it off the road, [Sorn Certificate]. Now, here's the classic, he was supposed to be sourcing a new engine during this time, now he's saying "Don't scrap the car, I'll take it off you for £50, as I might be able to to put an Engine in it". I suspect he's found an engine, and he's been waiting for me to come back to him about this. What do you think I should do????

2006-11-29 08:12:23 · 7 answers · asked by lizzyloulou123 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

2001 cad catera started leaking but holds pressure under test

2006-11-29 08:04:33 · 8 answers · asked by les r 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I don't speak english, but friends are especial in world?!?
yes i doo!
By MARCIO, Cleiton... speak me my em@il

2006-11-29 07:59:46 · 2 answers · asked by GARFIELD crazy for JESUS & ... 6 in Mercury

I have a 2001 Honda Accord LX.

2006-11-29 07:57:50 · 8 answers · asked by dukefan86 4 in Honda

I can drive in neighborhood. I am comfortable as long as i am driving below 40 but as soon as i have to speed i am scared. I can’t change lanes and can not go at all on freeways. This is really a big problem for me, I have to ask rides or take bus to work which is time consuming and embarrassing. I am really ashamed of myself. This is really taking toll on my life and also on my marriage. My husband doesn’t like to drive me around and he thinks i am too dependent on him . I need to change this . Please help

2006-11-29 07:56:05 · 7 answers · asked by jeni 1 in Commuting

It has been in the twenties for the last few days here in Oregon. My car has been outside, and I have not started it since Sunday. I tried to start it today. It attempted to start at first but immediately died. I tried starting it again and it just cranks and cranks but never turns over. I have decent mechanical abilities, so I just want to know if anyone has had the same exact problem. Please don't suggest I check the gas level, etc...preliminary issues have already been checked. Thanks in advance.

2006-11-29 07:55:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Honda

i have a 98 Contour and some days while i'm driving it seems like its skipping in and out of gear and then when its out of gear its straining but then engine is till spinning and goin up and then it suddenly jumps back into gear it w/ a loud knock and everthing is normal driving. i believe its stall in and out of gear. it seems like the only time it does it is when the car has run for a while. i know it has to do something w/ my transmission but i'm not sure what part of it.

2006-11-29 07:49:27 · 5 answers · asked by PJ 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

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