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[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Credit

2007-12-03 04:31:54 · 1 answers · asked by ? 4

I already picked up a second and third job, but getting a personal loan will help me consolidate these debts and make it easier to pay off. I have a motorcycle to put up for a secured loan but not sure of where to go even for that. My credit score is 510 and I need about a 5-7 k loan. Any help in where to go?????

2007-12-03 03:02:33 · 8 answers · asked by nick f 1

i just received a called from "chase bank" for reference for 2 girls trying to buy truck. they gave me the name of the girls but i dont know them.the bank told me that they know my name and phone number. i asked for the address they put down for me and its close to my house. is this a coincidence or should i start panicking. what should i do?

2007-12-03 02:29:55 · 3 answers · asked by the one 3

My federal student loan has recently gone into default. A collection agency has threated to garnish my wages, unless I make payments that I could not afford. I do however want to give them something. I have set up a payment program with them for a more reasonable amount and as soon as I started paying they immediatley garnished my wages. When I called them they said they have to do this for 9 months, in what they are calling a rehab program, in which they will garnish 15% of my wages even though I am making payments. When I calcualted my check it is like 24.5% being garnished( I live in MIchigan). I may not have the money to pay them what I agreed upon now. I have mortgage and other bills to worry about.

2007-12-02 23:13:40 · 4 answers · asked by nye20 2

i took out a loan a month ago and now want to settle it but the bank has put £500 fees on it, is this really allowed?

2007-12-02 23:05:26 · 18 answers · asked by kirstine a 2

2007-12-02 19:52:10 · 0 answers · asked by invizeable916 1

i had gotten a preloaded student greendot mastercard and went online and upgraded to a greendot premier so did i lose the student one or just upgraded to another version of a student one


2007-12-02 16:26:26 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My b/f owns the house & vehicles with me, but it was my credit card that they got a judgment on. We're both on SSDI and I know they can't take our checks, but once the money hits the bank, I know they can take my account. I'm wondering if it's safe to put my money in his account. Anyone with any experience in this matter? I appreciate your comments.

2007-12-02 11:53:55 · 4 answers · asked by MissKathleen 6

the dealer is offering to give you as the trade in value? Can the difference be tacked onto the loan for the new car?

2007-12-02 11:22:57 · 4 answers · asked by MeMyselfandI 1

I just payed of a 25000 dollar car. But there other things on my credit that make my credit score low.All the collection accounts happend this year. Is there any banks that will finance me so that I can buy a car of the lot of my choice and not one that the bank or the lender selects.

2007-12-02 11:17:22 · 5 answers · asked by dandj 1

I'm in FL and I have been a victim of identity theft. I was served a summons to answer or appear in court in 20 days. I did answer the lawyers office and mailed all the documents that I have proving that what they are trying to sue me for is not my debt. I have a fraud alert on my bank account and with all three credit bureaus. I also got another letter in the mail stating that they will accept half of what I allegedy owe them as a compromise. The debt isn't mine and I'm not paying it. I just don't want my salary garnished, I live paycheck to paycheck as it is.
I thought your salary could only be garnished for alimony, child support or IRS taxes.

2007-12-02 11:05:34 · 5 answers · asked by serialmom12 5

We live in NY state. We own a mobile home located in a mobile home park. We pay rent on the lot. We are a little behind, but nothing major. We had our home sold. The buyer asked the maintenance man about our payment history without our permission. The maintenance man told him we were behind $1900.!!! First of all, I feel the mainenance man should not have had access to these records and should have referred the buyer to the park manager. Second, this amount is way off. Third, how can the maintenance man release our personal credit/payment info without our permission. I feel that with him releasing the wrong amt, etc, it is slander. It also caused us to lose the sale. We were going to take money from the sale and catch up the lot rent. Any insight or info would be appreciated.

2007-12-02 09:29:23 · 2 answers · asked by P F 2

My debit card used to block me when it was empty, where I couldnt use it again. Now my bank got baught by another bank and now when I use it I never know when its empty because it doesnt stop me I constantly have a negative balance.

is there a way to put a block on this or do i have to change banks??? I go to chase now and there is no block it just keeps going even when I have no money

2007-12-02 07:39:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-02 07:20:35 · 3 answers · asked by GREGG B 1

OK. Here 's my story. My income last year was 106,500. The year bore that was 85,000 and before that, 58,000. I never went to college, so I have no student loans. I have 3 credit cards with 400.00 limits, (taken out before my current income) My total credit card debt is 1,000. My fiance' and I own a home with a mortgage payment of 1,800 a month. She makes 42,000 a year. I applied for a credit card the other day, and was only given a 300.00 limit. She applied for a credit card around the same time, and got a limit of 10,000. And has 2 other cards with 10K and 15K balances. My credit score is 655, her is 745. I know her score is better, but she also has 25K worth of debt. I had some late payments about 5 years ago (60 days) but thats it. No other debt. How could she get such better rates and limits on credit cards? Does your credit score count THAT much?

2007-12-02 06:53:15 · 4 answers · asked by ct_talent_scout 1

You just found out you are expecting a child. You went to Wal Mart and bought everything you think you may need to prepare for the arrival of your child. You spent $2000! You need to decide if you should put it on your credit card or use the store credit provided by Wal Mart. (For tax purposes, you live in Nova Scotia and the HST is back up to 15%). Wal Mart's deal is that you can pay the taxes on the purchase and a fee of $50 immediately, then not pay for one year. At the end of that year you must make 48 monthly payments of $60. If you put it on your credit card (remember to include the tax!) your credit card company charges you a monthly interest charge of 1% and you must make a monthly payment of 30% Which plan will you go with and why? (Show calculations for both options).

2007-12-02 04:47:16 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you agree to have a payment deducted from your bank account, say by the phone company, on a certain date, say the 10th of every month, it seems that the money is not immediately deducted but takes a few days to 'process'.

By that time, you may not have enough funds to cover that particular payment. The bank pays the bill anyway, but deducts a further $20 fee for its 'loan'.

Is there any way you can get the bill paid immediately on the agreed-upon date so that you don't risk having insufficient funds a few days later when the money is actually debited? Or is this an unavoidable scam so that the bank can collect these annoying (and expensive) fees? And are they in cahoots with the creditors?


2007-12-02 04:28:47 · 6 answers · asked by daibato 2

Lets say i went to the atm machine to get a account balance and on the lil paper the atm gives out has LEDGER -5.05$ and AVAILABLE 23229.32$ what those this mean?

2007-12-02 01:37:49 · 5 answers · asked by Loyc 3

where the hell can i get this? i went to annualecreditreport.com and i went to freecreditreports.com and a bunch of other useless sites and they all ask for credit cards. well, i need to rebuild my credit therefor i dont have a credit card. what can i do?? the credit union says they need my credit report so they can help me. but how can i find this information?? please help someone.

2007-12-01 23:32:10 · 6 answers · asked by melelisi 3

i would like to know here in omaha ne which banks dont used chexsystems.

2007-12-01 22:36:05 · 2 answers · asked by DIANA L 1

I have been making monthly payments to the creditors towards the balance that I owe which was about 300 dollars in the beginning. I recieved a letter awhile back saying that If I make my payments on time to the creditor that now deals with my Macy's account, I can have my account reinstated. I have been paying them on time, So I thought had about 80 dollars left to pay but i got a letter from the creditors saying " as per your request, we wish to advise you that your account with the above referenced client is now considered satisfied and has been closed in our office". So I don't know if I'm supposed to call Macy's to see if I can get my card reinstated???.Is it even possible to have a macy's card reinstated?...because that was part of the deal unless they were lying to me. Or should I just wait until I get another letter??. I don't know what to do??? Please Help.

2007-12-01 21:24:31 · 5 answers · asked by sofiesofie 2

If you gave out your name, bank account number, and routing number, can the person use this for identify theft or stealing money from your account?

Can they use it for anything bad?

2007-12-01 15:04:24 · 10 answers · asked by Dr. Jeff1616 2

Well. im an unverified paypal user that has money on paypal, but cant use it becuase they say its over your sending limit. i mean, i need to buy something off the internet soo badly, but they dont let me use my money. is there a way to use the money on there without getting verified?

verified = registered your credit card with paypal.
unverified = havent registered your credit card with paypal.

2007-12-01 14:51:21 · 14 answers · asked by Flick Trixz 2

I'm on disability and received a summons from the court from a law firm to collect a debt from a credit card company. There is no court date, just infromation on where it is from and the law firms address ect. What am I supposed to do now? I know that being on disability they can't garnish the money from social security but just need to know if I should contact anyone. Thanks for your answers

2007-12-01 12:16:28 · 7 answers · asked by helichomper 2

i bought something with my debit card and i accidentally overdrafted only by 6 cents though, so i now have negative 6 cents in my checking account are they going to charge me for this? and if so how much? and are they going to charge me everyday?

2007-12-01 12:13:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm in quite a lot of debt, but have been told if i go bankrupt, the creditors can't touch me is that right?

2007-12-01 12:06:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous