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Credit - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Credit

Nobody in my life so i have nobody close to ask.
No parents and my credit is 520 so loans are a nope.
Need a hundred dollars to pay a credit card bill and use the rest (50) for transpertation and a hotel stay for a night.
Will be moving for college.
I didnt get any financial aid this yr so:(
I'll give you any info you want

2007-07-31 20:25:56 · 4 answers · asked by AnswerMeThis 1

if i payed for mbs sex world thing program the 3 monthe is nearly finished am i going to have another bill or if i m not going to pay for it are they take my money from my credit card?

2007-07-31 19:55:52 · 3 answers · asked by les T 1

i have a credit card and i used it to the extent of my credit limt. and now i find it hard to pay the card issuer, this time i am very difficult and financial problem i am suffering now. i have no intention to run my obligation. what is the best thing that i cud do?

2007-07-31 17:37:14 · 13 answers · asked by MaRneLLi 2

Hello, I just got approved for a credit card that has an annual fee. I applied for a Discover card and they said this is a sister company of Discover and that the Discover logo will still be on the credit card, HSVC bank or something like that, has anyone heard of this?

Anyway, there is a $59 annual fee that she said can be split up and paid on monthly and that if for the first year keep good repor with them they can always take the annual fee off. Is this worth it? Has anyone else had a credit card that has an annual fee? What is your opinion of these credit cards?

I have one credit card already, but we wanted to get another one to use just for emergencies.

2007-07-31 15:34:49 · 5 answers · asked by mom2abigsis 2

I have a capital one credit card which has 14.45% APR and I wish to withdraw 500$ from the card as cash from Bank of America ATM ....How much transaction fee will i be levied?

2007-07-31 15:04:36 · 4 answers · asked by vikramkone 1

We just got a call today threatning my husband with a warrant for jail time for a payday loan taken out in California 4 years ago! We now live in AZ. We are just now getting over having serious health problem and were considering bankruptcy. Can they do this? We offered a payment arrangement and they hung up on us saying we have 2 hours to pay otherwise they will seek to obtain a warrant for his arrest. Neither of us has had any legal problems and other than having a serious problem with debt that we were already planning on paying we have been good citizens. Can anyone please tell me what can be done or if anyone out there has had this type of experience? The company making threats is Bloomberg Soloman & Associates based out of GA. Please let me know if anyone out there has had this type of experience. Thank you. Also can you put a payday loan on a bankruptcy?

2007-07-31 14:58:34 · 12 answers · asked by moopie 1

I got 2 credit cards when I was 18. I had them both for about a year and was very good with payments, never one late, then I had some tough times at my job and missed some payments and then all the fees just racked up, and I couldnt pay it anymore so I just stopped paying the cards.

I owe them a combined 1,700 dollars. My credit limit isnt that much, most of what I owe now is fees,etc. One is a charge off with the credit limit of 400 bucks, but I owe them 1k because of the fees. Another is a 200 dollar credit limit which I owe 700, because of fees. I have a very good job now and looking to get a car and want to pay off my debts and help improve my credit score. Whats the best way to handle these fees? specially since the big bill is a charge off.

Also I have a medical bill for 300 dollars for some xrays I had done when I broke my hand, and also a 500 dollar phone bill I couldnt pay cause my sister had so much in roaming charges.
Whats my best way to improve my credit?

2007-07-31 14:39:35 · 14 answers · asked by Justin 1

I am hooked on eBay and I am finding lots of bargins and the bargins added up. I ordered so much that I received 6 packages from the mail carrier this past Thursday. My credit card bill is going out of control. I don't really have no friends and I consider my mom as my best friend. Any suggestions on how to not get hooked on eBay?

2007-07-31 13:58:45 · 5 answers · asked by initmador 3

Also, one creditor is saying that, but would it include my others if they made me?

Please no stupid answers like pay your bills or i'll have answers withdrawn.

2007-07-31 13:01:12 · 8 answers · asked by L*D 2

please provide links to websites where I can get a credit card for myself and my girlfriend as the second card holder.

2007-07-31 11:06:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-31 11:00:31 · 5 answers · asked by Amiyah Mom born 7/12/09 2

I'm 1 year out of Chapter 7. NO established credit since then, BUT have a stable income and a 75,000 down payment on a $150,000 house. What terms do you think I'll find?

2007-07-31 10:41:07 · 4 answers · asked by Affy 2

My sister signed up for a debt management plan and she received her bill from one of her creditors telling her that she owes them late charges and fees because the payment was made late by the debt management plan company. Will she be sent to the bill collector if she don't pay the late charges or should she just pay the late charges anyway?

2007-07-31 10:29:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Unfortunately I have allowed a number of small (under $1,500 total) creditor accounts I've had in the last two years to be charged off. I am trying to clean up my credit and am currently on a two year plan. I have current debt also that I'm paying on time. My credit score is low...524. Should I pay current debt first? And how do I handle the charge offs?

2007-07-31 10:21:41 · 2 answers · asked by karind58 2

I'm 21 + a single mom. I got a Chase credit card 2 years ago with a limit of $300. I used it up, but never went over my limit. I was enrolled in a payment protection plan with the card, I lost my job+called Chase right away, they said everything would be ok. I asked them to cancel it and I'd pay the balance asap. The next month, I get a bill for $380, not $300. I called them+ they clamied that interest, late fees+overdrawn fees would still be added. One thing happened, then another.

They sent it to collections, now claiming the balance is $1,085.04. I get a call today telling me that I frauded Chase+ it's a felony charge. He said if I don't call back by 6pm with $408, he will call district attorney's office + they will issue a warrant for my arrest. I know debt collectors try to scare ppl all the time, but I am worried. I can't find any info online. He said if I had made at least 1 pymnt, this wouldn't have happened. I have 45 mins, no check, no debit or credit, no money at all!

2007-07-31 10:20:55 · 11 answers · asked by kjesmommy 1

I have a trust deed signed last friday. unsecured creditor agreed 200 payment so that no action be taken cant pay them as in trust deed. their letters state they might take bankruptcy proceedings they will know about trust deed next week. debt was 2698.00. worried as want trust deed to get protected.

2007-07-31 10:14:23 · 1 answers · asked by cackle01 1

I have one car loan that has only been late more than thirty days about 5 times in two years and the only other item I have on my credit is a Car loan that I had and totaled the car and the company took it to collections Help I desperately want to have good credit and maintain it.

2007-07-31 09:59:07 · 8 answers · asked by Amiyah Mom born 7/12/09 2

I know that having a higher % of card ballance, even paid in time can harm your credit. On the other hand, high credit limit itself can do the same. So, let's say you owe 6000$ and your credit limit is $10 000 (so you owe 60% of your credit limit), In this case what would be better, to INCREASE or to DECREASE your credit limit. (In the first option the % will obviously decrease)

2007-07-31 09:36:20 · 4 answers · asked by Dimiter T 1

i have lost my job due to illness and am medically prohibited from working for awhile. I am upside down on car payments and need to get out from under them.

2007-07-31 09:23:06 · 6 answers · asked by Ken 1

i have lost my job due to illness and am medically prohibited from working for awhile. I am upside down on car payments and need to get out from under them.

2007-07-31 09:21:46 · 13 answers · asked by Ken 1

the other day i went to Canadian tire and there was a lady there giving out cards that said you get $10 off gas and i blindly signed up. but as it turns out it was for a credit card!!!!
what should i do??
they already mailed me the card.
will this lower my credit rating?

2007-07-31 09:08:42 · 18 answers · asked by zzzzzz 2

A Club I'm in is thinking of taking a trip, during winter break. I would love to go on a trip, but the price is the only thing for me. The one most are interested in is the land down under, Austrial(spelling) around 3000.

I would love to go on it, 2 weeks viewing animals, snorkleing(spelling) and hiking. That basically once in a life time for me. A chance to go there. We still haven't come to a major agreement. But that one sounds the best, its just the price tag.

What do you think, is it worth taking a loan out for? I plan on saving as much of my work study as I can, and possibly even get a 2nd job on weds, fridays, sat and sun, since I have those days off?

What Do You Think?

2007-07-31 08:45:23 · 6 answers · asked by ArchAngel Raziel 2

I need a us- cosigner with good credit I will even pay

2007-07-31 08:09:09 · 9 answers · asked by Tenese G 1

I live in new jersey and have sent proof to the collection agency that it's incorrect and should be removed. But every time a follow up with collection agency they keep saying "another 10 business days"

2007-07-31 07:15:12 · 1 answers · asked by Paul R 1

2007-07-31 06:33:06 · 8 answers · asked by Fruitful1 3

I would find it easier to check my balance online rather than wait for statement to arrive in post....can I do it online - or at cash machine? First card,so genuine help please-no wisecracks!

2007-07-31 06:12:16 · 8 answers · asked by olivo 4