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Administrative and Office Support

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Careers & Employment Administrative and Office Support

I've only work here for two months and a women (in her 40's) has done everything and everything from telling the bosses wife I don't answer the phone correctly to with holding information I need about customers. It is savatoge. Well, my boss noticed it and agree that she is setting me up to fail. This women has been here for years, so they must have know for a long time because this is not the first time she has done this to someone. Now, my boss wants me to come up with a tangible list of things he can present her with. All of the things she has done are so petty and childish, I'm not sure I feel comfortable discussing them. Not to mention once they persent them to her it will just make things worse. How should I handle this situation?

2007-09-27 02:02:39 · 9 answers · asked by ginger0793 1

and if so, what would u say when the question of how much money you made in your previous job comes up. i hate this question and learned by reading a book "How To Say It At Work" that it is not mandatory that you answer this question. by answering the question you can either lowball or price yourself out of the job. so you're really at a disadvantage to answer this question.

employers already have a pay range in mind when interviewing you. of course they want to pay at the lowest in the range if possible. in the book it says it is a perfectly acceptable answer to say "what is the pay range for this job?" "i'd like to think my past experience and what i can offer at this job/company is what my pay should be based on, not what i made before".

i guess if the company liked you they would accept it. if they they didn't they might use that as an excuse. either way i don't think it would be a deal breaker if you chose not to answer their question. what are your thoughts on this?

2007-09-26 06:45:38 · 6 answers · asked by itsjustme 4

i received an email to tell him what salary range and what time is best for an interview .
but unfortunately i lost the job posting , i dnt' even remember when i applied for the position ( 2 or 3 days ago i think )

is the job posting advertisement important now ?

i just need to write him back when to schedule and interview rt ?

he asked me what salary i am looking for
i vaguely remember the ad said something like $40k to $50k.
what would i tell him , the salary i need during the interview if he asks?

2007-09-25 10:44:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am I the only person who has felt this way? I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb and every time I go to pass a message along to somebody (I'm the receptionist), they look at me with this annoyed exasperated look on their face - Is it me or are they having a bad day. I honestly can't tell and because the office department where I work is small (8 people including myself) and family run, I'm finding it hard to fit in and one wrong move then I might get fired. I also get a hunch that they may be talking about me on their private home time because one day they are nice to me and the next are totally snappy and stuck up to me. The husband and wife work there together (my boss') and the wife's cousin and his fiance work there together. So tell me, what would you do in my situation, how would you feel and how can i make myself fit in more? I am after all the outsider.
Please help - desperate to keep my job!!!

2007-09-24 14:01:52 · 8 answers · asked by Amanda 2

I have an interview next week and I was told that I would be given a data entry and excel test. I have never done either before, can someone please explain in detail what I should be expecting? Is there any way I can practice and prepare for such tests?

2007-09-24 10:40:50 · 7 answers · asked by Milton 1

i uploaded my resume into careerbuilder ,monster, hot jobs , now i been receiving some calls but only from careerbuilder .
they let me EDIT my resume so it looks good ., inside a text editor right inside the website itself.

But for monster and yahoo
they don't have that option . and my resume looks like it's all over the place there , how can i resolve this problem ?
even the call i received today was due to my resume in "careerbuilder".
is there any solution to this ?

2007-09-24 07:15:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or is there another reason? Because I lost my SS Card and start a new job later today. I have valid US Passport however, which is acceptable for the I-9. I just wanted to make sure that I won't be in a world of hurt if there's another reason that my employer will insist on seeing an SS card.

2007-09-24 06:44:39 · 6 answers · asked by Adam C 1

i hate siting behind a desk all day, doing everyone elses work for them. I hate answering phones. i hate all the childish bs gossip. I hate these ppl that call in. I hate these men that act all stupid just cuz they don't want to do a certain thing ( like copy stuff &fax- they've worked here 4 enough yrs to know how to press the start copy button!!) i hate these ppl that say' ' i'm gonna have you do this' etc..i hate working in an office period. i want to be outside, in the trees, in the sun. I want to become a park ranger. i've heard the chances are slim to getting the job cuz the waiting list is soo v. long. what else can i do? i'm never gonna b happy doing this meaningless bs. i feel like i'm going to explode doing this atm. i despize it. i've been writing a book for a few years..i feel i could get it done faster if i didn't have to waste my time at this place. is there a way i can paid to finish my book? i just need another life...i work 2 jobs, 1 here 1 @ a gasstation.

2007-09-24 03:03:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

There's a annoying loud mouth coworker that I have to deal with. She's very opinionated and she is not afraid to say what she wants. She has been spoken to by our supervisor many times about her attitude. Lately, I feel she's out to get me because she's has been complaining to many people about me even though I didn't do anything to her. I'm that kind of person who is very friendly and like to help other coworkers by making things easier around the office. When asked, one coworker doesn't see what I did wrong to annoy her.

2007-09-23 09:06:55 · 15 answers · asked by Rommie 7

I can't get any help from the college on this so don't say work study or something

anyway, I'm a sophmore, at the end of this year Ill have an associates in accounting.

I have a little over 1 year of experience as a data entry clerk. left beacuse I was laid off in a company downsizing.

I go from temp agencies all the time I take there aptitude test and say my scores are incredible (90 compared to average of 70) and they say they will find work fo rme as soon as possible and then I NEVER hear from them again, i say I'm up for anything in entry level accounting and data entry or any kind of office clerk position, I have my own car so I don't need public transportation, I act very professional always wearing a conservative suit and tie.



I live in NC. Its impossible for me to find an Office clerk job.


I send in my resume (which Is professional with spelling and punctuation, (not like this question.)

I see online ads from charlottehelpwanted.com and send my resume, then call back and NOTHING

I go to job fares pass out my resume and references the recruiters give me the bullshit we'll contact you then...NOTHING

AHHHHH What is wrong with me.

2007-09-22 06:17:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would it be concidered rude to fax a copy of my resume to the company's in my line of work in my area?

2007-09-21 12:37:08 · 26 answers · asked by gettingby101 1

I have a friend/coworker that got a new job. She is worried that giving notice will get her fired. so she's going to wait til the "last minute" to tell managment. This means the rest of the department gets screwed- especially me cause I have to cover until a replacement is found. The other girls that know want to say something also. We've asked her to tell so that they can get a replacement trained BEFORE she leaves but she refuses...... what can we do???? we don't want to get screwed!!!!

2007-09-21 12:32:37 · 11 answers · asked by fairy girl 1

we worked on brand new product for a very very well know company made sure the product was fit for purpose with no extra pay and after a year we were dumped and all the jobs that were created were handed to other members of staff who kissed but or slept their way there and to rub salt in the wounds we were also forced to train them now its falling apart and they trying to pin the blame on us!!!!!!!

2007-09-20 07:13:58 · 9 answers · asked by Agent Zero® 5

petty greed? Im the administrator and Im fed up with his meddling only in negative ways, I mean even other business man laugh at him and the only reason he's not in financial ruin right now is me. I get a nice salary but at the same time I cant take this bs anymore...any advice

2007-09-19 09:24:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for one with no start up costs just to earn some extra money on the side. Any ideas? thanks

2007-09-19 08:28:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you could include your name and the country you are from, it would be of great help. thanks

2007-09-18 12:29:49 · 5 answers · asked by cookiesweetie 1

I went for an interview yesterday. Originally i went in for a telemarketing position knowing they had a secretarial/administrative position available. At first he said the position was filled and by the end of the interview I had the job for secretarial/administrative. I was shocked - I have the experience for this job somewhat but am feeling abit lost - today was my first day. Do I write a thank you letter to the employer as it seems like a family run small business and everybody is tight nit with eachother. Is there any websites to study secretarial/office politics and what is expected ?? I am so lost and yet really like the people there..i feel like I don't deserve this job even though I know i can handle it. And another thing, I'm 26 yrs old and because I'm petite and look between 19 - 21 yrs...I feel really small and look like the youngest in the company. It's a really important position and my first time having my own desk...I want to keep this job - HELP! Any advice pls

2007-09-14 07:01:21 · 10 answers · asked by Amanda 2

I have tried several different things, which all turned out to be work at home businesses or opportunities. I am only looking for a work at home JOB so I can be home with my kids and still have an income. I have experience in the Data Entry field, so anything within that range that pays an hourly fee would be a good start for me. If anyone has any advice, referrals, please help. Thanks

2007-09-14 06:15:40 · 10 answers · asked by Sassy 1

I work at a small company. 3 people. Me-assistant. Other Owner and Manager. My boss, the Owner, has 75% more clients than the other manager in the office. My boss will tell me to do a task, such a send a package to a client or reschedule a meeting with a client. The Manager will question what I am doing and INSIST that I do it his way which is opposite than what the Owner told me to do. When I assert that I will do what I was told, the Manager sulks, slams his door, ignores me, or calls to tell his wife about the situation but speaks in Spanish, so I cannot understand him. I am not sure what to do. The Owner gets very upset with me when he finds out that I did not follow his instructions. Do I tattle on the Manager? They have worked together for 7 years and I have been here 3 months...

2007-09-13 14:35:14 · 11 answers · asked by Private 1

h resumes. I mean qualified people too. No wonder no one ever calls anyone back or let's each and every person know that they might have filled the position.

I am not trying to get info of course, I just wanted to see what type of qualified people would respond and OMG, I have received atleast 50 in less than 6 hours.

No wonder I cannot find a job. Sheesh. it is an employers market right now and they can hire the cheapest person with excellent skills.

I have decided to come down off my $40,000 and ask for $28,000 so I can pay the rent. LOL

Just thought I would share with all of you out there that are thinking of leaving your current hell hole or are currently wondering why you are not getting hired like me.

2007-09-13 07:11:56 · 12 answers · asked by KB 1

I got a call for an interview with AFLAC (Insurance company) for the position of "Accounts Manager." I usually wear black shoes, black dress shoes, and a nice long sleeve collared shirt with the sleeves slightly rolled up, tucked in with a nice black belt. I'm never sure if I'm underdressed or overdressed for all of the interviews I go to. In my opinion, I think my attire is probably right there in the middle. Can anyone suggest something better to wear?

On another note, my face, neck, and chest get red sporatic splotches on them when I talk to people that I don't know, or when I'm the center of attention. It's kind of like blushing, except its random on my face and neck. I can only imagine what employers are thinking when I'm turning red like this during an interview. I'm not sure how to mask this effect or even tell them for their understand.

Thanks for the help.

2007-09-13 05:47:03 · 10 answers · asked by Adam 1

they say it's the "kiss of death" job, everyone that has had it before has gotten fired, I want to move up in my company, but do I want to risk my job. The position I have now is pretty low key and with the promotion, I'm got to be out there dealing with customers, sales people, co-workers and the President and Vice President of the company. I have to give them an answer today and I just don't know what to do...HELP!!!

2007-09-13 02:48:40 · 11 answers · asked by Camille 2

Should I take the job and just deal, or should I pass?

2007-09-12 14:47:17 · 9 answers · asked by LozDots 2

is it really use by companies?

2007-09-11 09:14:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been out of the Full time job scene for a little over 5 years as I decided to stay home with my daughter after she was born. I recently decided it was time to go back to work full time and upgraded my computer skills by taking courses.
I went for an interview, was offered and accepted a well paying postion as a Adminisrative Assistant for two VIP's of a Large Property Management Company. I start on Tues. and am nervous as Heck. Any suggestions, tips? Thanks in advance!

2007-09-09 17:35:53 · 6 answers · asked by ♥sexy momma♥ ;-) 5

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