Ive been at uni for a year and a bit and last year my course was rubbish- its tedius and really a waste of money- i only stayed for friends and the student life and i ended up failing some of my modules so im retaking some this year on top of 2nd year work. To be honest i have talked to my parents about quitting and about getting a job back home- which basically i think i should of done anyway.They said it was disappointing but if i wasnt happy then i should do what i want to do, which is good. I work in a shop and could go full time there until i get a better paid job, i like it there and im much happier at home.I have very good A levels with coming one of the highest in the uk in one of my subjects so there isnt a problem with cv's etc.I just feel so guilty about the time and money ive wasted, but im unhappy so i think thats the better option.
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