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Careers & Employment - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Administrative and Office Support · Financial Services · Food Service · Government & Non-Profit · Health Care · Law & Legal · Marketing & Sales · Other - Careers & Employment · Technology

I work in a diner/restaurant and this older server has always called me betlittling names such as "dumbass", "dumbshit", "stupid", etc etc. I told the manager like a month ago, he talked to her, and she just started doing it again yesterday. I was working in the back alone and she comes back for a second to get something and just to be civil since we work together and to try to make it not awkward, I saw "hey how're you doing??" She ignores me so I say it again. She looks back behind her to me, gives me a strange look and says "WHY are you talking to me?" Then I hear her laughing to another server and pointing to me and says "he's soo stupid." This woman is like 55 and hardly anyone likes her. This one guy Juan told the manager he doesnt want any shifts with her.
Oh and if someone doesnt seat her whenever she wants she gets pissed. This couple came in and them nor Donna (the 55yo server) made any contact whatsoever and the couple didn't request Donna's section either. So I sit them

2006-10-15 10:48:09 · 10 answers · asked by Timothy 1

2006-10-15 10:34:42 · 7 answers · asked by Chris h 2

ok... what if I walk into a room where someone has been smoking pot and the scent is lingering. Like 2-3 days prior to the testing.

Will this show on a drug screening!?

2006-10-15 10:23:19 · 17 answers · asked by Jamie D 2

i want to be a lawyer because i'm verry good in fighting(with words)and almost always win( by doing that i feel good about myself)
but many people tell me i sould become an vetaniarian because i love animals( witch is tru) i'm in 8th grade and i must pick by the end of the year what subject i want to pick.:S i want to become a vetinairian too it sound very fun and i get to be with animalfriends....i'm not sure! please help!?!

2006-10-15 10:13:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been with this company for 5 years. I have seen some things happen like covering vehicle accidents from bosses, supervisors having flings and hiring the fling and so on. Should i keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. The only thing is i lost my license for 6 mos. and for my job i need to drive. OUCH!!!!

2006-10-15 10:00:42 · 8 answers · asked by Ranger Chick 2

2006-10-15 09:53:40 · 2 answers · asked by govtagent_2001 4

After working at the same place for several years I decided to quit. Things at work just kept getting worse and there was no way it was going to get better. Being there was just awful and not even worth the money. I finally quit and it was the best thing I ever did. Now I don't have a job but I'm confident I will find one and I'm not worried about money. Why are so many people putting me down for my decision?

2006-10-15 09:53:11 · 18 answers · asked by Angry 1

I'm 17 and I'm interested in the banking fields. I thought that the best way to get some experience as well as earn a few $$$ would be to start by working at a Bank during the Summer to learn the basics. What's the process for doing so? How should I start?

2006-10-15 09:43:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't want to work all hours of the day but want a good wage? Nothing stupid plz

2006-10-15 09:15:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-15 08:52:16 · 19 answers · asked by SIMON T 3

2006-10-15 08:16:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

disclose? Title, pay, days absent, duties? I am especially interested in duties/tasks. Also, do mose companies refer reference checks to the HR department, or to your former manager/supervisor?

2006-10-15 08:12:50 · 4 answers · asked by myrna 1

2006-10-15 08:09:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-15 08:09:05 · 4 answers · asked by fulgore38 1

I am currently signed off work by my doctor under stress. The reason is that my employer has changed my job description and will not change it back to what I was doing, infact they have brought in someone else to do the role that I was doing. Anyway, I want to hand in my notice. Is it possible to give my notice to my employer without working it but supplying them with a doctors certificate for stress to cover the remaining weeks? For example, I have already been absent for 2 weeks and will get another doctors line for the last 2 weeks to cover my notice period (I will actually be backdating it from 28/09/06). Can anyone please advice??? No smart a r s e answers please as this is very important to me!! My notice period is 4 weeks in total.

2006-10-15 08:03:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the new minimum wage fo a 16 year old school leaver?

2006-10-15 07:53:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone know if this Stuffing envelopes job is accurate?

2006-10-15 07:50:41 · 3 answers · asked by Kuniko G 1

2006-10-15 07:39:33 · 4 answers · asked by brettbrissaw 3

okay well im 16 and i want to get a job but i am way to shy about talking on the phone and calling them about it. what do i say? what if they dont let me get a job because i'm 16? should i ask them if they accept 16 year olds? what should i say when i call? should i wait until i get my call and my cellphone next month?

2006-10-15 07:25:59 · 11 answers · asked by angie c 1

II was considering qgoing to some, but I've heard that companies use job fairs for marketing for the most part. Has anyone on here been hired on the spot at a job fair?

2006-10-15 07:13:51 · 6 answers · asked by Nels 7

What are the current CFO job opportunities for college graduates? What are the entry levels and career ladders? How are they reached? What is the best training to be a CFO? Are advanced training “in-service,” special examinations, or membership in professional associations required or needed?

2006-10-15 07:04:15 · 2 answers · asked by Halima W 1

Hi all, I posted a question yesterday and recieved great feedback (thank you) though, I have one last question if I may. I have a felony on my record for sending a pedophile a "terroristic threat". Yes very stupid. This happened five years ago. I didn't serve any time, got 2 years of probation (with no strike on my record) and have had no negative contact with law enforcement since. This coming February, I get my chance to go before the judge and attempt having this all expunged so that I may pursue my Firefighting career. Question: When I apply for a job, will the employer see the full details as to what I did and who I did it to? Or, will they just see that I broke the law, had a felony and so on. Only asking because it would be nice if they could read facts of what this person was emailing out to people.
Please understand, not trying to make up exscuses, just wanting answers. Feel free to visit my "revised Myspace" page at: http://www.myspace.com/101545150
Thank you so much!

2006-10-15 07:00:57 · 1 answers · asked by Rescuelord 1

I have had problems with him not getting information from clients that is absolutely necessary. He has turned in applications without social security numbers, references, or even how much they were charged and if the premium was paid. I sat down with him last week and went over every single form that he had turned in. I told him to correct every mistake before he gave them back to me. He left them on my desk without many of the corrections that should have been made. What further upset me was the fact that the paperwork he turned in from the last few days was just as messed up as that which i had talked to him about. His job is very simple...basiclly fill in the blanks. The problem is that he misses half of the blanks. Should I fire him or give him another chance?

2006-10-15 07:00:07 · 9 answers · asked by Amanda in South Carolina 1

2006-10-15 06:17:43 · 20 answers · asked by Radcliffe C 1

I was invited to apply for an amazing job, my dream job actually, and am anxiously wondering if I'll hear word from them this week?

If you're intuitive or good with gut instincts, what do you think? Thanks.

2006-10-15 06:14:47 · 8 answers · asked by filmguy2678 1

Has anybody heard anything about that. Does management really treat their employees like crap?

2006-10-15 06:08:58 · 2 answers · asked by yellow 2

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