Hi all, I posted a question yesterday and recieved great feedback (thank you) though, I have one last question if I may. I have a felony on my record for sending a pedophile a "terroristic threat". Yes very stupid. This happened five years ago. I didn't serve any time, got 2 years of probation (with no strike on my record) and have had no negative contact with law enforcement since. This coming February, I get my chance to go before the judge and attempt having this all expunged so that I may pursue my Firefighting career. Question: When I apply for a job, will the employer see the full details as to what I did and who I did it to? Or, will they just see that I broke the law, had a felony and so on. Only asking because it would be nice if they could read facts of what this person was emailing out to people.
Please understand, not trying to make up exscuses, just wanting answers. Feel free to visit my "revised Myspace" page at: http://www.myspace.com/101545150
Thank you so much!
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