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Careers & Employment - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Administrative and Office Support · Financial Services · Food Service · Government & Non-Profit · Health Care · Law & Legal · Marketing & Sales · Other - Careers & Employment · Technology

Hello there,
I'll start applying to apprenticeships in a few days & really wanna get thru the interview, & I was wondering if you could please help by honestly telling me what you think about the answer to the given question.

Q. why did you choose say aerospace engineering as your course?

Answer -> I aim to become a manager in a technical field and this course is a stepping stone to reach my goal. Unlike other courses, aerospace engineering integrates many vast subjects in it such as mechanical eng, electrical eng, personal development, management and sustainability, which makes it even more fascinating and considering the ample scope for career growth & development, aerospace engineering is an ideal choice for me.

Its not that I'll be rehearsing it & spitting it out...wud say something on the lines, but I'm not sure if its good enuff.
Plz can you help.....it will be honestly appreciated .

Many thanks,

2006-10-16 04:47:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been asked some non work related (but I dont think illegal) questions at job interviews..such as:

If you were a dog what kind of dog would you be?
Is that your natural hair color?
What kind of car do you have?
Is your house messy, clean or in between?
How often do you go to the denist/doctor?
What is your favorite food?
How long have you known your closest friend?
I could go on but you get the idea...these questions are not work related, I wasnt sure how to answer them, so I kind of dodged them...

2006-10-16 04:46:47 · 7 answers · asked by MeRmAiD 2

anybody know how I would go about becoming a personal assistant to the masses?

2006-10-16 04:43:17 · 4 answers · asked by Goodmomma1 3

I live in illinois and i know the pay is crappy, but how crappy? It doesnt matter where you live im just wanting an average of peoples pay. Ive found national averages online but they date back to 2002. Just curious on current going rates.

2006-10-16 04:42:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-16 04:38:58 · 3 answers · asked by missy_grneyz 2

Bored and lonely at work. I think it must be because I'm in an office all by myself. I do get work done but I don't have enough work in the day to keep me busy.

If anyone is as bored as I am IM me, we will keep each other company. :o)

2006-10-16 04:37:25 · 5 answers · asked by Julie 3

My boss was giving my colleague a company jacket and I am absolutely astonished when he then proceed to tell her that she has to wear the company jacket instead of her own, which she has been wearing since she join the company. He is serious!

There is no company uniform for our company and he has no say in what we choose to wear. Right?

2006-10-16 04:15:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-16 04:12:10 · 16 answers · asked by . 1

every job i've ever had i've gotten bored with after a few months. that almost makes me scared to get a full-time job because that's something that i'll have to do for a matter of years! i dread having to do basically the same thing day in day out....i know if i get bored with my job, i generally get depressed, so i dont want to be depressed for a matter of years!!!

people with a full-time job who are out in the "real world" - what do you think of this?

2006-10-16 04:07:53 · 7 answers · asked by mighty_power7 7

The types of income are important for the cause that i am doing.

2006-10-16 04:02:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm considering changing my first name to 'Shadow'. Not just because of the video game character, but also because I like the idea of having a name that is unique. Question is, would employers refuse to hire me for a job if my name is very different to the norm?

2006-10-16 03:57:11 · 23 answers · asked by ashhedgie 2

its happening ......

2006-10-16 03:43:16 · 7 answers · asked by Suzy 1

I've been asked to become an associate for this program and I was wondering if anyone out there has had any experiences with this company. I don't want to get into something that has caused anyone any hardships. Thanks.

2006-10-16 03:35:40 · 5 answers · asked by Song 2

Where Did All The Farmers Go?

2006-10-16 03:18:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why It Is Impossible To Raise Your Standard Of Living Working A Job

2006-10-16 03:17:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

hes training to become a mechanic and works as an apprentice in a garage.

2006-10-16 03:05:31 · 5 answers · asked by debbie 1

I worked for a reputable home improvement company for almost three years. I was a cashier. Lastyear, my money kept coming up either over or short. For example, I was $9.99 over one day and then $5.00 short the next day. I voiced my complaints to my supervisor. I know how to count money, I was not taking it, but no one knew what was going on. I was just written up everytime it happened. At one point, the bookkeeper claimed I lost a check in the amount of $219. That was the last straw. I was fired the next day. After I was fired, later on that day, a co-worker found the missing check in the back of my register. The exact same place 3 other people looked before her. Even before I was fired, I was told that I had to move to another department so I would not be fired. Well, they would not move me, so I was fired anyway. Does this qualify as wrongful termination? And if so, what can I do?

P.S. Another cashier was fired for losing a check, but they found it in the same place mine was.

2006-10-16 03:02:14 · 6 answers · asked by ashyne 3

I do this every morning, because i see her every day.

2006-10-16 02:59:34 · 7 answers · asked by tlyle420 1

how would you go about reporting a manager of unethical behavior? explain simple steps please.

2006-10-16 02:55:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am in finance industry with about 10 years experience. Excluding accommodation which will be provided, what average % increase should I expect for remuneration package(salary+bonus+living allowances) for China-based job compared to remuneration package of a Singapore-based job ?

2006-10-16 02:31:00 · 1 answers · asked by letterman 1

I am a retired man. I only have one leg due to an auto accident and the little bit the government gives me just doesn't cut it.

2006-10-16 02:27:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 45 and have been a self-employed painter and decorator all my life, but now the bottom has fallen out of the building trade and want a change of career, and would to know if anyone else has been in this situation and any tips on how to go about it. i like the outside and driving, working with people, been searching the net and jobcenters, but still no luck. thanks.

2006-10-16 02:14:48 · 8 answers · asked by chickenfoot 1

I would like to earn a little extra cash to top up my monthly wages but can only do evenings or weekends and at home as I have children to look after, can anyone suggest anything that is genuine and not anything that I have to pay into to get started.

I really would appreciate it if anyone can help, thanks, Corinne.

2006-10-16 01:58:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to start typing from home a couple of hours on top of my full-time job. Does anyone know of any companies that employ people to type from home without having to pay to join something.

2006-10-16 01:54:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi this is one of the questions that i need to answer for my job application to a well known bank. Can anyone suggest some reasoable answers?

2006-10-16 01:32:21 · 5 answers · asked by alif20001200 1

Hi Rachel,
I replied to your question last week re: someone to go into partnership with you in your wedding shop. I asked you to email me but my mails wouldn't go through for some reason! I've now got a yahoo email address which seems to be working!!!! So you should be able to email me now if you want to try again!!! (I tried to email you but your address isn't verified either!)

2006-10-16 01:27:36 · 2 answers · asked by Caroline 1

Also Can't they stop trying to copy the American Culture.

2006-10-16 01:23:29 · 18 answers · asked by krop d 1

Does anyone know why it's so damn difficult to get a job? I completed my GCSE's (apart from the exams), and have been left in the neverending queue at the jobcentre for nigh on five years! This is aggravated by the fact that the longest of the six jobs I've had lasted only three months. I'm stuck with no qualifications and can't get any because courses in my preferred areas are quite costly. People who know me are surprised because they find me charming and multitalented. The government seem unwilling to help. I'm also looking for a bit more than an allusion to "possibly showing symptoms of an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)". Surely this is something I should actually be told about (I know what it is, but the NHS won't diagnose it)? Help... somebody please... If anybody else is having difficulty getting off Jobseeker's Allowance, I've set up a Yahoo group called jsahaven. Jobseekers can unite and communicate there. There's no one on it yet, but I can always hope...

2006-10-16 01:14:03 · 9 answers · asked by ? 5

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