I work at a dairy queen, and i just today found out that i fractured my femur and my doctor doesnt want me to be on my feet, he wants me to lay down and rest for the next week. I am schedualed to work this week and i gave my job the doctors note stating that i cant work for a week.....my job can be angry about stuff like that, and my doctors appointement was durning work today, so i had to leave and i was supposed to come right back after the appointment, but the doctor told me he diodnt want me to go to work, he wanted me to go rest, and my job was really busy today, so they needed me....and now i cant work for a week. And on top of that, before i found all of this out, my girlfriend had to have her toenail removed so she cant walk either, so she ALSO had a doctors note and left work early the night before, so this is a really REALLY big irony and we know it looks weird, but can my job fire me,......if i have a doctors note????
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asked by
Emo Kid :}
Other - Business & Finance