Given the following;
"Dividends of 7,000 were declared & paid during the year. New plant assets were purchased for 195,000. Also, land was purchased for cash. Plant assets were sold for 25,000 cash. Additional stock was issued for cash, and a porition of the bank loan was repaid."
Now I understand the concept, i'm just in the grey as far as adjusting each under the right business activity.
My question is would the following be the appropriate way of placing these adjustments? Thanks.
Dividends of 7,000 = -7000 cash under Financing
New Plant Assets purch. 195,000 = -195,000 cash Investing
Land purchased ( look at Balance sheet, find difference between year 06-07 which = 80,000) = -80,000 cash investment
Plant assests sold for 25,000 cash = +25,000 cash investing or is this just operating/cash?
Addtl stock (B/S sheet) Common stock, +150,000 Financing
Bank loan repaid (B/S Sheet) -30,000 Financing
2 answers
asked by
A. Browning
Personal Finance